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The Enemy of the People Thread

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
I think we should make this thread a sticky.

One of the greatest threats to our longevity will be the honesty and integrity of our media, or lack thereof. Yet, daily, our media lies to us. They spin stores, distorting truths. They omit information intentionally. Or they simply chooses not to cover stories that should be covered.

Whether it is CBS using Kentucky gun range footage and passing it off as a Syrian battle, or it's a publication of other falsehoods, drop it here. Personally, I'd love to reference an ever-growing list.


Example 1: 1/16/21 - CNN reports Capitol Police arrest a suspect with Fake Inauguration credentials, a weapon and 500 rounds of ammunition - clearly trying to convince America that the Government is under attack by evil Conservatives.

The truth? Dude arrested had a Park Police pass and was 100% cleared of any wrong doing.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Hi <a href="https://twitter.com/jaketapper?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@jaketapper</a>, is this an example of the dangerous disinformation you tweeted about today? <a href="https://t.co/PMvPFuv41R">pic.twitter.com/PMvPFuv41R</a></p>— Cerno (@Cernovich) <a href="https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1350635110240980993?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Example 2: 1/6/21 - CNN and Anderson Cooper Interview John Sullivan, Leftits Terrorist, and prop him up as a "reporter only", not involved in the storming of Capitol Hill.

The truth? He was charged in federal court in Washington after being arrested by the FBI. Sullivan was previously videotaped urging a crowd if supporters to attempt a violent coup against President Trump.

The FBI affidavit charging Sullivan: https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1354781/download

I respectfully submit that this Affidavit establishes probable cause to believe that SULLIVAN
(1) committed or attempted to commit, any act to obstruct, impede, or interfere with any fireman or law enforcement officer lawfully engaged in the lawful performance of his official duties incident to and during the commission of a civil disorder which in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or adversely affects the performance of any federally protected function;
(2) did knowingly enter or remain in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, or did knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, and
(3) did willfully and knowingly engage in disorderly or disruptive conduct, at any place in the Grounds or in any of the Capitol Buildings with the intent to impede, disrupt, or disturb the orderly conduct of a session of Congress or either House of Congress, or the orderly conduct in that building of any deliberations of either House of Congress. Specifically, on or about January 6, 2021, SULLIVAN knowingly and willfully joined a crowd of individuals who forcibly entered the U.S. Capitol and impeded, disrupted, and disturbed the orderly conduct of business by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate.


Remember, over the last 4 years, CNN has been at the heart of many hoaxes:

- The disgraceful Covington kids racism hoax
- Their false coverage of Jessie Smollett hate crime hoax
- Russian Collusion over and over and over
What goes hand in hand with this is their efforts to ignore and silence opinions and news stories that differ from their communist beliefs. The Fake News Media enemy of the people is working side by side with big commie tech to suppress freedom of speech.
CNN wants to shutdown OAN and Newsmax. They are beating them in the ratings, so the Lying Left Media wants to silence all Conservative media. Only watch their news and lies, kids.
This used to be Seventh grade Civics

Fact – can be proven right or wrong

Opinion – one’s feelings about a topic

Then we progressed to differentiating between a news article and an editorial.

News article –presents both sides of an issue without bias

Editorial – presents one side of an issue and tries to convince the readers to agree with the writer (author’s bias)
One of the greatest threats to our longevity will be the honesty and integrity of our media, or lack thereof.

This is why it was very easy to see that this nation is over, many years ago. This is not a recent thing in the US media. It has been going on for many decades. It is just over the top of late.
Don’t forget Tucker Carlson’s false claims of voter fraud for which he had to apologize.
Don’t forget Tucker Carlson’s false claims of voter fraud for which he had to apologize.

yeah, you're correct. saying ONE guy who was dead (when he wasn't) is the exact same thing that Tim is referencing. Yet, unlike most media (99%), Tucker at the very least apologized for his **** up, on-air.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson apologized Friday for a report earlier in the week that falsely claimed a man who had been dead for 14 years voted in the 2020 election, when in actuality it was his 96-year-old widow who cast her ballot.

"We've got some good news tonight, and an apology. One of the people who voted in last week's election isn't dead,” Carlson told viewers. “A whole bunch of dead people did vote ... but James Blalock was not among them. ... So apologies for that and of course we’re always going to correct when we're wrong. And we were."

James Blalock's widow, Agnes Blalock, voted under the name Mrs. James Blalock, Carlson noted after Newton County officials on Thursday debunked reports that a ballot for the late James Blalock had been submitted. Atlanta station WXIA-TV confirmed with the Jackson County Board of Elections that Linda Kesler, who was also called out by Carlson, died in 2003 and did not vote in 2020.

The secretary of state's voting database does not show the "Mrs." prefix, though Agnes Blalock's profile shows she is female and signed the ballot as "Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr.," according to a statement from Newton County officials.

Fox News directed USA TODAY to Carlson's on-air apology when reached for further comment.
Going old school Fake News here, but my dad was in Vietnam from 3/68-3/69 and after the Tet Offensive/crushing US counteroffensive. In one of his letters he writes, "I don't see how they can hold out much longer, we are really beating the socks of them."

Historians tell us that the Viet Cong were effectively destroyed as a fighting force for the remainder of the War. Their losses were enormous.

What did Walter Cronkite do? He went on CBS and told the American people he saw no path to US victory in Vietnam and effectively enabled the antifa rabble of the day by fomenting falsehood and further social disintegration in giving aid and comfort to the Communists and Fifth Column in the US.
Don’t forget Tucker Carlson’s false claims of voter fraud for which he had to apologize.

Because Tucker Carlson is a legitimate journalist.

When was the last time CNN, CBS, PBS, NBC, WaPa, NYT apologized over lying repeatedly about the blatantly fraudulent "Russian collusion"?

The real problem with your ilk is that you are the most vile, contemptible liars the planet has seen, yet insist you are in the right. You are Solzhenitsyn's jailers and interrogators, wagging your finger at him as you lecture him on morality.
Historians tell us that the Viet Cong were effectively destroyed as a fighting force for the remainder of the War. Their losses were enormous.

That is absolutely true. The VC were a massive part of Tet and an estimated 20,000 to 40,000 wound up dead, wounded or missing during the three months that constituted the offensive. The VC were no longer a functioning army after the offensive as they could not enlist enough troops to replace those lost in the battle. "It is a major irony of the Vietnam War that our propaganda transformed this debacle into a brilliant victory. The truth was that Tet cost us half our forces. Our losses were so immense that we were unable to replace them with new recruits," said PRG Justice Minister Trương Như Tảng.
This is a great article I just came across that fits right in by Wayne Allyn Root.

GOP Leaders in D.C. Don't Represent 74 Million Trump Voters

The media lie. All the time. They lied about former President Barack Obama's economy; they tried to make us believe the worst economy since the Great Depression was a great economy. Then they lied about President Donald Trump's soaring economy. They tried to make us believe the best economy in 50 years, maybe the best economy ever for middle-class Americans, was a bad economy.

They lied about the Black Lives Matter riots. For months, we saw radical communists, Marxists and violent thugs riot, loot, burn, mug and murder while attacking police officers with bricks, pipes and Molotov cocktails. They burned entire downtown business districts to the ground, such as those in Minneapolis and Kenosha, Wisconsin. They burned police stations to the ground. They took over cities such as Portland and Seattle. They destroyed famous shopping districts such as Fifth Avenue in New York City and the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. They killed over 30 people. They caused over $2 billion in damage.

Yet liberal politicians and the liberal media ignored it all, or made believe it never happened, or made believe it was "peaceful," or encouraged it, or supported it. In many cases, they did all of the above.

Yet none of them were ever banned, censored, vilified or impeached. Heck, we rewarded Kamala Harris, who encouraged and celebrated that violence, with the vice presidency of the United States.

Then came the Washington, D.C., unrest involving President Trump's crowd. The liberal media blew that out of proportion into "the darkest day in American history," even though it was a small case of unrest compared with "the BLM summer of hate, rioting and murder," even though it may have involved antifa instigators, even though Capitol Police were captured on camera letting protestors into the building, even though it involved a few hundred people out of a crowd of a million or more, even though no one burned down or looted the Capitol. The media made believe it was Pearl Harbor.

Here's the thing. Trump has had hundreds of rallies for six years now. Millions have attended, maybe 20 million-plus. And there's never been one window broken, one property damaged, one person shot, one police officer attacked. Yet after one incident in D.C., it's used as a trigger to ban and censor mention of the fact that the election was clearly stolen; to ban, censor and impeach President Trump; to ban and censor conservatives; and to label all 74 million Trump voters as "domestic terrorists."

There's the scam: Cover up hundreds of violent antifa and Black Lives Matter incidents, and blow out of proportion this one incident of violence at a conservative event involving around 170 people out of 74 million who made a bad decision in the heat of the moment. That's assuming it wasn't antifa causing the small amount of violence.

The key to this witch hunt was to use RINO ("Republican in name only"), Trump-hating leaders in D.C. as the cover to convince the world that even the GOP has abandoned and turned against Trump.

But it didn't work. Because those famous GOP leaders don't represent the people. They don't represent 74 million Trump voters. They only represent the dirty, corrupt D.C. swamp.

The results are in. The support for President Trump is so overwhelming even liberal media and pollsters can't hide the truth.

Trump-hating pollster Frank Luntz had to admit 91% of Trump voters would vote for him again and 78% of Trump voters believe the election was rigged and stolen.

A poll by the liberal Axios and Ipsos shows that 62% of Republicans support Trump's belief that the election was stolen, while 69% don't blame Trump for the Capitol violence.

But a much higher 91% of Trump voters support Trump's contesting the election results. Ninety-six percent believe Trump makes the GOP a stronger party. Ninety-two percent want Trump to run again in 2024.

And guess who loses badly in the Trump-McConnell battle? Sixty-four percent of Republicans approve of Trump's behavior over that of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Trump's "America First" agenda is also still popular. Eighty-seven percent of Republicans and 63% of independent voters want companies to hire Americans before foreigners.

Democrats and the media keep trying to bury Trump and demoralize his supporters. I have to admit this plan was pretty remarkable. Their propaganda was intense. They came close. But in the end, they failed again.

Because they underestimated the hatred 74 million Trump voters have toward D.C. politicians -- even Republican ones. We don't trust them. We don't like them. We don't care what they say. The more they hate Trump, the more we like him.

GOP leaders only represent the D.C. swamp. They don't represent 74 million Trump voters.
what i want to know is - why does the media lie? i know some good people who are still in the media - good, honest people - and they get offended when the people in their professions are called liars. I can understand that, as I also see that this paintbrush isnt to encompass all media - just the political sphere of the media.
The fake network news and newspapers are easy to avoid.

The scary thing is most stuff is digital now and almost all digital content is basically controlled by three or 4 unelected CEOs.

I don't know how we combat that. Antitrust suits I guess, we'll see. Until the Dims pack the Supreme Court of course.
Don Jr., Lin Wood, Matt Gaetz and The Washington Times (later retracted) reporting AntiFa was responsible for the Capitol breach...
Why is there not one mainstream media outlet investigating the Hunter Biden story? The bias is so obvious it's ridiculous. If that had been a Trump kid it would be splashed across every front page and headline news on CNN 24/7 every day of the week. Now if it's mentioned at all they talk about it like it was all made up, even though his own texts and emails confirm it. They aren't even looking into it. They don't want to know.
Don Jr., Lin Wood, Matt Gaetz and The Washington Times (later retracted) reporting AntiFa was responsible for the Capitol breach...

Yeah, save for the John Sullivan story, which shows the AltLeft absolutely was involved. See my prior posts that no only talk about his arrest, but the lengthy article I posted in another thread shows the coordinated communications between he and others who were there, helping to shatter windows and cause portions of the break in.


Discord communications between them shown, pictures of Sullivan in Trump clothing where he labels himself "counter intel," and following the riots, other Discord users revealed they disguised themselves as Trump supporters by wearing hats and shirts with the president’s insignia


Other users, such as “deaththreat,” admitted that a “large sum of anti Trumpers” composed those storming the Capitol before appearing to identify themselves in the crowd:


You can read the rest of it there, there's more...how he advised on how to make chemical weapons wipes, how they were planning to be involved in more violent protests posing as Trump supporters, etc.

Let's not go altering the truth Flogged. The AltLeft absolutely had a hand in January 6. It's on tape, it's in their chats and their posts. To say otherwise is to be obtuse.
Let's not go altering the truth Flogged. The AltLeft absolutely had a hand in January 6. It's on tape, it's in their chats and their posts. To say otherwise is to be obtuse.

thing is - these idiots were originally believed to be Antifa. So when it is stated that this **** was started by/initiated/helped along by antifa, the Left will shut down the conversation immediately and you'll be scoffed at. circling back around and saying that this guy was/is a Never Trumper then gets eye rolls and they Left acts as if you're grasping for straws.

while completely ignoring that this guy IS/was part of the Trump resistance for four years. and was arrested for precisely what the left is saying the conservatives did.
thing is - these idiots were originally believed to be Antifa. So when it is stated that this **** was started by/initiated/helped along by antifa, the Left will shut down the conversation immediately and you'll be scoffed at. circling back around and saying that this guy was/is a Never Trumper then gets eye rolls and they Left acts as if you're grasping for straws.

while completely ignoring that this guy IS/was part of the Trump resistance for four years. and was arrested for precisely what the left is saying the conservatives did.

Yep, patiently waiting for Flogged to say "but he wasn't AntiFa."

He was from the AltLeft, just like AntiFa, BLM and others. Insurgence USA is just another off-shoot of their violent groups.

Fact remains, the Left was centrally involved in the January 6 break in and violence.
That is absolutely true. The VC were a massive part of Tet and an estimated 20,000 to 40,000 wound up dead, wounded or missing during the three months that constituted the offensive. The VC were no longer a functioning army after the offensive as they could not enlist enough troops to replace those lost in the battle. "It is a major irony of the Vietnam War that our propaganda transformed this debacle into a brilliant victory. The truth was that Tet cost us half our forces. Our losses were so immense that we were unable to replace them with new recruits," said PRG Justice Minister Trương Như Tảng.

Thank you for sharing that. Must have been "news" to returning GI's that "were were losing in Vietnam."

The media are the enemy of We the People and the truth.

I had already figured out as a 7th grader that Alex P. Keaton > his hippie parents/useful idiots.
I would argue that the years-long constant drumbeat of biased, negative press coverage and the failure to investigate and debunk blatant lies re: Russia and other issues is at least as responsible for the rage among Trump supporters as the election fraud narrative was.

The media and the left destroyed their own credibility and are now aghast that people don't believe what they say.
This was a favorite of mine from last year, previously mentioned. Notice how the article headline is written to say "mistakenly." Yeah...LOL

ABC News mistakenly airs video from Kentucky gun show as Syria bombing footage

ABC News apologized Monday after airing a video that it originally purported to be a depiction of a Turkish attack in northern Syria against Kurdish civilians after some raised concerns about its similarity to a 2017 video of a Kentucky military gun show.

The video first aired on "World News Tonight" on Sunday evening. As the video played, anchor Tom Llamas said it appeared "to show Turkey's military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town."

Foreign correspondent Ian Pannell also discussed the footage, saying, "this video, obtained by ABC News, appears to show the fury of the Turkish attack on the border town of Tal Abyad two nights ago."

However, some quickly questioned the authenticity of the video. Wojciech Pawelczyk, who describes himself as a video researcher and Trump supporter, pointed out on Twitter the similarity between the video that aired on ABC News and a video titled "Knob Creek night shoot 2017," which was filmed at Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky.

"Wow! ABC News is trying to pass gun range videos as combat footage from Syria," Pawelczyk wrote in a tweet on Monday.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wow! ABC News is trying to pass gun range videos as combat footage from Syria <a href="https://t.co/zfTWtwwSfZ">pic.twitter.com/zfTWtwwSfZ</a></p>— Woj Pawelczyk (@Woj_Pawelczyk) <a href="https://twitter.com/Woj_Pawelczyk/status/1183695628288827392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 14, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Original footage in tweet above
And the Atlantic's completely phony, lying, bullshit, false story about Trump canceling a trip because of the rain and calling troops "losers." Every single element of the story was false.


Soon after the article hit, named sources with undisputed firsthand knowledge of the visit cancellation refuted the charges. Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, calling the story “BS,” countered, “I was actually there and one of the people part of the discussion — this never happened.” Outspoken Trump critic John Bolton told Bloomberg he hadn’t heard the president say any of those things.

The Atlantic’s story also conflicted with Bolton’s recounting of what he called in his anti-Trump book a “straightforward decision to cancel the visit.” In it, he also confirmed that the “Marine One’s crew was saying that bad visibility could make it imprudent to chopper to the cemetery.” Likewise, Bolton’s memoir restated the rationale for not taking a motorcade, noting it posed “an unacceptable risk.” And then there were the government documents obtained in open-records requests that eviscerated The Atlantic’s tale.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">On that Atlantic Story - <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffreyGoldberg?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@JeffreyGoldberg</a> and his "four sources" claim Trump's helicopter flight to the US/French cemetery wasn't cancelled due to weather.<br><br>FOIA docs prove this to be false.<br><br>Their "sources" are failing basic fact checks - making them essentially worthless. <a href="https://t.co/wAa7FrSxoW">pic.twitter.com/wAa7FrSxoW</a></p>— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) <a href="https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1301741080577298437?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The New York Times. This goes to the history of the media choosing what they cover and what they don't. And who they work with - the Times worked with the Biden campaign on what they should and shouldn't write.

Editor Admits Biden Campaign Edited Their Sex-Assault Allegation Story

In a measure of some internal accountability, New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet submitted to a few questions from new Times media columnist Ben Smith about why the paper took 19 days to report Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations, in contrast to how the newspaper quickly reporting the rape charges made against Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation.

Baquet admitted they deferred to the Biden campaign’s wishes, including their complaints about the “phrasing” of the article:

BEN SMITH: I want to ask about some edits that were made after publication, the deletion of the second half of the sentence: “The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.” Why did you do that?

DEAN BAQUET: Even though a lot of us, including me, had looked at it before the story went into the paper, I think that the [Biden] campaign thought that the phrasing was awkward and made it look like there were other instances in which he had been accused of sexual misconduct. And that’s not what the sentence was intended to say.