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A Man Saw Dwayne Haskins Walking on I-595 and Called Police 6 Minutes Prior to the Accident

Steeler Nation

Staff member
Apr 7, 2014
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This morning a few new details were revealed about Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Dwayne Haskins. An eye witness told NBC6 out of South Florida that he saw a man that he believes was Haskins walking on I-595 just minutes before he was tragically struck and killed by a dump truck.

Chris Stanley said he had just dropped off his daughter at Fort Lauderdale International Airport and was on his way home via I-595 westbound. As he was approaching the exit for I-95 he said he noticed cars veering from one lane to another as if they were trying to avoid something.

“I was dropping off my daughter to an airline at the Fort Lauderdale Airport in the morning,” said Chris Stanley. “And what I noticed was a Mack truck, or a big tractor-trailer, with also another vehicle that started moving a little bit to the left. I was in the left lane and then there was the right lane. And then I noticed an individual there starting to make their way onto the road.”

Stanley says the he noticed as he passed that a man was walking down the side of the road and then began to drift into the road with his arm slightly raised. He said that he dialed 911, because he was concerned for that persons well-being. A call log shows that Stanley dialed 911 6 minutes before the crash was reported at 6:37am.

When asked about whether he noticed if there was a broke down car on the side of the road.

“I did not see any vehicle nearby,” said Stanley. “I was more concerned with him because he was already making his way onto the road system.”

According to reports the investigation is still on-going according to the Fort Lauderdale police department.

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Of course the gentleman calling it in wouldn't notice a car or not. Hell I'll bet he was focused on talking on his phone as well as driving and missing other traffic.

I'm waiting until the official report comes out.

Salute the nation
Of course the gentleman calling it in wouldn't notice a car or not. Hell I'll bet he was focused on talking on his phone as well as driving and missing other traffic.

I'm waiting until the official report comes out.

Salute the nation
I think Haskins car was on the other side of the freeway, behind the median? Good chance he wouldn’t have seen it especially if it was still dark.
I highly doubt he was in a right state of mind. Why? Who knows? None of my damn business. It the same tragedy and loss for his family and friends no matter the details.
He might have simply been tired. Dark out it's early and you want to make it to practice. You make a bad decision. Could very well be just this. Not necessarily a mental health thing.
I thought I heard from some report that his vehicle may have been out of gas. My opinion it was a rental and he had a flight to catch. Maybe he did attempt to flag someone down in an attempt to get to the airport or if unsuccessful decided to hurry on foot down off the interstate which could include crossing it to get to the terminal. Call the rental company to come pick up the car and incur the extra charges. The only thing wrong with this theroy is where was his luggage. Just my opinion on a possible explanation although I'm know there are many. Who knows what other factors could be at play.
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I highly doubt he was in a right state of mind. Why? Who knows? None of my damn business. It the same tragedy and loss for his family and friends no matter the details.

Yeah something's not right here. I don't care how tired you are, you don't veer into an expressway while cars are moving to avoid you honking their horns etc. if you're simply tired. That first 4,000+ lb piece of metal flying by you honking like crazy is going to wake your azz up no matter how tired you are IMO. But to me it makes this tragedy even more sad as it sounds like it could have been completely avoided. I don't know, like someone said, wait until the official report comes out but none of this adds up to me.
Yeah something's not right here. I don't care how tired you are, you don't veer into an expressway while cars are moving to avoid you honking their horns etc. if you're simply tired. That first 4,000+ lb piece of metal flying by you honking like crazy is going to wake your azz up no matter how tired you are IMO. But to me it makes this tragedy even more sad as it sounds like it could have been completely avoided. I don't know, like someone said, wait until the official report comes out but none of this adds up to me.
The tired part was meant to be just an initial feeling. Like half asleep. Car runs out of gas. You are limited on time. You react thinking you can beat the traffic. So you jump out into it misjudging the approaching traffic. Traffic can make you wake up more sure. It can also make you freeze up. Or you could even trip trying to cross quickly. Just offering scenerios. It could have been a mental lapse too. To me it just seems like by the reports that he had his head together.
The tired part was meant to be just an initial feeling. Like half asleep. Car runs out of gas. You are limited on time. You react thinking you can beat the traffic. So you jump out into it misjudging the approaching traffic. Traffic can make you wake up more sure. It can also make you freeze up. Or you could even trip trying to cross quickly. Just offering scenerios. It could have been a mental lapse too. To me it just seems like by the reports that he had his head together.

If he was just videotaping his teammates the day before and sounding lucid and happy, I completely agree with you that he should have had his head together. You just don't fall into a complete mental fog like that unless he got insanely drunk the night before & that morning for whatever reason (which still seems far-fetched to me). But multiple cars having to swerve out of the way and a guy calling 911 several minutes prior to the accident? Does the guy have a history of any weird disorders or anything? Just doesn't add up to me.

But like DIC said, hard to say and all anybody here can do speculate until the official report comes out. Just extremely sad. Have no idea how he didn't think he was endangering his life.
If he was just videotaping his teammates the day before and sounding lucid and happy, I completely agree with you that he should have had his head together. You just don't fall into a complete mental fog like that unless he got insanely drunk the night before & that morning for whatever reason (which still seems far-fetched to me). But multiple cars having to swerve out of the way and a guy calling 911 several minutes prior to the accident? Does the guy have a history of any weird disorders or anything? Just doesn't add up to me.

But like DIC said, hard to say and all anybody here can do speculate until the official report comes out. Just extremely sad. Have no idea how he didn't think he was endangering his life.
I had a lapse of judgement crossing a highway once. Was early and the sun just came up. Me and this dancer were beaching it all night. Traffic was heavy and we crossed quickly. We had sunlight and adrenaline helping us. Neither of us was hit but still a lapse in judgement.

**** does happen out of the normal as you said we are just speculating. I have been on his highway as well as the one I was crossing (A1A) His has some long stretches and a grassy medium. Perhaps there was an exit on the opposite side of the road. In the dark you aren't hitchhiking or trying to flag down someone.

Did the phone go dead? Or reception bad? Or simply impatient.

Far as I know he didn't have any disorders.
I would imagine there is video for investigation. Glad I don't have to be a part of that. Public may never know full story nor do we need to.
I would imagine there is video for investigation. Glad I don't have to be a part of that. Public may never know full story nor do we need to.
Of course there is no need. Just the normal curiousity of why the tragic event happened. Nothing changes that a young man lost his life and the sadness surrounding the event. Regardless something will become more than likely public record eventually. Just the normal process of events that a certain amount gets released.
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This whole thing brings back some rough memories, and unfortunately that is what I think of. I was working construction during the simmers back in college and the job we were up was up a grade, and the dump trucks would go down the grade to leave with a load. One day a lady stepped out in front of one of the trucks. She left a suicide note, evidently, at least that was the word. The poor guy that hit her was devastated. It was awful. Many years later a guy I used to work with did a similar thing. It's all I can think about with this. I hope it isn't suicide, but I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter. A young man is dead.
This whole thing brings back some rough memories, and unfortunately that is what I think of. I was working construction during the simmers back in college and the job we were up was up a grade, and the dump trucks would go down the grade to leave with a load. One day a lady stepped out in front of one of the trucks. She left a suicide note, evidently, at least that was the word. The poor guy that hit her was devastated. It was awful. Many years later a guy I used to work with did a similar thing. It's all I can think about with this. I hope it isn't suicide, but I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter. A young man is dead.
And some poor soul who was just working his job will probably have wretched memories. Well said.
Which you also have to feel for the dump truck driver. For someone who went to truck school I know you are taught not to slam on the breaks or swerve. So you have little choice but to run through what is in front of you. So that has to be devastating knowing you took a life albeit by accident. I would probably need therapy as I have always been about saving lives. Part of the reason I joined the military. So I don't know too many people that wouldn't be shaken with such a tragic event.
Of course the gentleman calling it in wouldn't notice a car or not. Hell I'll bet he was focused on talking on his phone as well as driving and missing other traffic.

I'm waiting until the official report comes out.

Salute the nation
It’s all the witnesses coming out he said she said reporting.

If all these reports share a common denominator then we can put together feasible facts.
Which you also have to feel for the dump truck driver. For someone who went to truck school I know you are taught not to slam on the breaks or swerve. So you have little choice but to run through what is in front of you. So that has to be devastating knowing you took a life albeit by accident. I would probably need therapy as I have always been about saving lives. Part of the reason I joined the military. So I don't know too many people that wouldn't be shaken with such a tragic event.
I used to drive macks/volvos just last year and controlling those really is a skill. Mind you I was driving those without a trailer or any type of load in the back.
Of course there is no need. Just the normal curiousity of why the tragic event happened. Nothing changes that a young man lost his life and the sadness surrounding the event. Regardless something will become more than likely public record eventually. Just the normal process of events that a certain amount gets released.
I thought I heard from some report that his vehicle may have been out of gas. My opinion it was a rental and he had a flight to catch. Maybe he did attempt to flag someone down in an attempt to get to the airport or if unsuccessful decided to hurry on foot down off the interstate which could include crossing it to get to the terminal. Call the rental company to come pick up the car and incur the extra charges. The only thing wrong with this theroy is where was his luggage. Just my opinion on a possible explanation although I'm know there are many. Who knows what other factors could be at play.
Cell phones, anyone??? Who walks for help in this day and age, really?
Two things… first of all as a guy who once crossed an interstate on foot, i can say that cars going 70mph pluss are moving far faster than youd think. Also lanes aren’t that big. A larger truck might be nearly on the line with cars or trucks on either side of the dump truck, its very likely that there wasn’t enough room to get past Haskins even if he was stopped between lanes.

Its all supposition at this point… we will have to wait for tge report or more facts to come put before we have any sort of clue what happened
No matter what happened to Haskins it was a terrible tragedy. Alot of things about the story do not add up and will have to wait for the details . I walked to work once (about 4.5 miles) in like 10" of snow. Granted there wasn't alot of traffic, but it wasn't the smartest thing to do and it was pretty scary when cars / slow plows went by.
Cell phones, anyone??? Who walks for help in this day and age, really?
He could have obviously stayed put and called for help. It doesn't appear he did, one thing the investigators will be looking at is his time of departure and did it influence his actions. If time was of the essence, maybe he was under the impression that waiting for assistance would cause him to miss his flight. I know it's not a decision that most of us would make. The coroner's office will eventually release whether he was impaired which will shed light on his decisions. In the end, it's a shame regardless of why it happened.