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A New Wave of Popular Fury Could Hit Europe in 2017


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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PARIS — For Europe, 2016 has brought a series of political shocks: near-record numbers of immigrants arriving from the Middle East and Africa; a vote by Britain to leave the European Union and renewed threats by Russia to meddle on the continent.

But 2017 could be even bumpier. There will be at least three elections in Europe next year: in Germany, France and the Netherlands for sure, and now perhaps in Italy, too. Just about everywhere, political establishments are being blamed for tepid growth, for too few jobs and for favoring global financial markets over the common citizen.




‘Give us more money or we will kill you’ Migrants kidnap refugee centre workers in Italy


THREE African migrants ended up in jail after threatening to kill refugee centre workers unless they handed over more cash and improved the quality of food they served.

The men, one from Nigera and two from Gambia, sparked outage when they turned against the voluntary helpers.



Migrant who raped teen now faces ATTEMPTED MURDER charge after 'trying to DROWN victim'

The horrifying incident happened when the teenage girl was reportedly pulled from her bicycle and sexually assaulted by the 33--year-old Sudanese migrant in Kampen, the Netherlands.

The public prosecutor said the migrant, who lived in a nearby asylum centre, raped his victim multiple times before trying to drown the girl in a river, which ultimately failed.



Europe: Illegal to Criticize Islam

While Geert Wilders was being prosecuted in the Netherlands for talking about "fewer Moroccans" during an election campaign, a state-funded watchdog group says that threatening homosexuals with burning, decapitation and slaughter is just fine, so long as it is Muslims who are making those threats, as the Quran tells them that such behavior is mandated.

Several European governments have made it clear to their citizens that criticizing European migrant policies or migrants is criminally off-limits and may lead to arrest, prosecution and even convictions. Although these practices constitute police state behavior, European governments do not stop there. They go still farther, by ensuring that Islam in general is not criticized either.



Not winning
Europe is getting a lot of extremist immigrants. The joys of liberalism
The people have had enough of governments keeping them poor and figured it out.

Although Italians voted down the referendum to streamline their government, I think they would have been better off to pass it.
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Islam is love man. These European countries need to get with it and be more accommodating for these sweet loving people who walk hand in hand with god .
If any of these start getting too close to WY, it won't go well. You yinzers have to stop it soon in your area or it will get to be like that mess in Europe.

God (not he mussie god) have mercy on that day.