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Abolishing ICE Looks Likely To Become 2020 Campaign Issue For Democrats

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Abolishing ICE Looks Likely To Become 2020 Campaign Issue For Democrats

Left-wing pundits and activists are increasing pressure on Democratic politicians to embrace the fringe position of abolishing ICE.

Once a fringe idea on the far-left, abolishing the nation’s immigration enforcement agency now looks likely to become a campaign issue in the Democrats’ 2020 presidential primary.

Former Hillary Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon came out for abolishing the agency in January. “ICE operates as an unaccountable deportation force,” Fallon argued. “Dems running in 2020 should campaign on ending the agency in its current form.”


“Should ICE exist?” MSNBC host Chris Hayes asked Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris on Thursday. Harris’s answer — “certainly” ICE should exist — sparked a backlash among some liberals.

Liberal writer Jack Mirkinson on Friday slammed Harris for her answer in an article titled, “Not Good Enough, Kamala Harris.”

“Any serious defender of undocumented people in this country would look at ICE and know that it is a cancer that needs to be excised from the U.S. Pretending that the most diseased levers of state power can be molded into something better is a useless fantasy. ICE must be abolished. Anything less is not good enough,” Mirkinson wrote on Splinter, a left-wing website.

“Kamala Harris is very likely running for president in 2020. It should be a political problem for her that she is not willing to take her criticisms of ICE to their logical conclusion and call for its abolition. She should be asked, over and over again, why exactly she is willing to uphold the legitimacy of such a racist, corrupt, and thuggish organization,” Markinson concluded.

“Anyone else who decides to run—Bernie Sanders, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren, Eric Garcetti, you name it—should be asked the same question.”

Left-wing publication The Nation on Friday pushed out a similar piece, entitled “It’s Time to Abolish ICE.”

“The idea of defunding ICE has gained traction among immigrant-rights groups horrified by the speed at which, under President Donald Trump, the agency has ramped up an already brutal deportation process,” The Nation’s Sean McElwee claimed.

Major donor-funded groups on the Left, including Indivisible Project, the Center for Popular Democracy and Brand New Congress, now support abolishing the ICE, McElwee noted.

“ICE​ is terrorizing American communities right now,” Angel Padilla, policy director of the Indivisible Project, told The Nation. “They’re going into schools, entering hospitals, conducting massive raids, and separating children from parents every day. We are funding those activities, and we need to use all the leverage we have to stop it.”

“This is a growing position on the left, and I imagine 2020 Democratic presidential aspirants will have to grapple with it,” Hayes, the MSNBC host, wrote on Twitter. He linked to McElwee’s article.

Acting ICE Director Tom Homan said Thursday that Democrats are being misleading about the illegal immigrants that his agency is deporting.

“Nine out of every 10 aliens we arrested [in the last fiscal year] did have a criminal history,” Homan told Fox News. “They don’t want to know the facts. They want to keep playing this political game and put smoke and mirrors up about what ICE is actually doing.”

My political friend had this to write about the situation. Perfectly stated:

A Republic, if you can keep it". Benjamin Franklin supposedly famously responded to a reporter after the reporter asked: "What kind of government have you given us?".

Good Lord, how prophetic. Franklin's remark seems laced with a skepticism about human nature. He wisely knew the constitution and the subsequent freedom of future generations depended upon an 'informed citizenry' responsible enough to preserve the delicate intricacies of a constitutional republic.

Our republic depends upon a balance of power, authority between the states and the federal government and the sacred rights of the individual as spelled out in the Bill of Rights, which the state can not infringe upon. Yet, the left is running roughshod over the very concept that underscores a republic - citizenry.

Consequently, for a variety of reasons, a few of which are spelled out below, I am becoming less optimistic. We are no longer the informed citizenry wise and worthy enough to "keep it'. Even as conservatives experience more and more electoral victories, the left is becoming more belligerent, aggressive and few seem to have an appreciation for the brilliance of our founding documents.

Franklin's brief but wise quip implied that a Republic depends upon an informed citizenry. Citizens of his day were particularly wise to the insatiable nature of man's propensity toward tyranny and hence equally as wise to the brilliance of the constitution to defend against tyranny in all its forms. Tyranny in his day was an unelected crown-wearing maniacal monarch who could order by decree and fiat.

But as history shows, tyranny like the evil it stems from is shapeshifting. Of which, leftism is it's most modern, insidious form because it seeks tyranny through the collective - one-party rule. I cringe when I hear otherwise grown adults make remarks about the antiquated nature of the constitution. It was the codification of 100s of years of thought on human freedom and how to best form a government against man's propensity towards tyranny.

Yet, the American left is advocating not for a crown-wearing maniacal monarch, but for a collective. A single-party rule - by invading every institution in American life to do so. The left never sleeps. It constantly seeps into every facet of life, as it is doing now. The left has no interest in the preservation of the constitution. It exploits it when it needs it but seeks to deconstruct it because it inhibits its advance. And the fact that things like this can advance in America without popular disdain make me believe we are no longer the 'informed citizenry' capable of keeping a Republic. Thank you, lefties.

1.) California flagrantly, defiantly flaunting federal immigration law. Previously, where the government has had to ensure the rights of it's citizens, JFK famously moved the national guard into Alabama. Now, the Governor of CA, the mayor of Oakland openly flaunt federal law where it is particularly clear. The left is applauding Brown and other sanctuary states and cities are following suit.

2.) The incessant chant to simply neglect the 2nd amendment, without any reference to the amendment process further displays a basic lack of civic understanding of the constitution.

3.) Finally, most importantly, this. The previous administration weaponized the government solely for its political advancement of the left and the destruction of their opponents: Susan Rice clearly manipulated and weaponized the federal government from the inside out against the opposing party. We now know she issued a stand down to the cyber officials responsible for protecting the integrity of the US election, and yet,

When things like these 3 things happen with regularity, I am afraid the levy will eventually break.
Trump would be fine with running a pilot program in Cali for a year.
This and a recently announced tax plan for the 2018 campaign and more gun control ought to keep the GOP in business. Wont even have to run their own ads, nust replay Dem ads.

Cept the GOP seems to be getting on board with the "less than common sense" gun control movement.
Open borders with no enforcement,free everything and ban all guns because we care! Unless you're an unborn boy or girl. Then we will slaughter you like cattle

Next demoncrat 2020 platform.
Love it!

Great platform! Raise taxes too!.. ..and bring in more illegal immigrants....

Go ahead. Put that issue up against Trump’s tax cuts. Great idea.
I know. Man what was I thinking. I forgot trans babies to. I'm so triggered with myself I need to find a safe place to reflect on my actions.

Don't flush your hamster down the toilet