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Abortion is Murder

Cold blooded and as brutal as it gets. It takes a special kind of evil to tear a child limb from limb right before birth.

They try to escape and you can see the screams as they're butchered like cattle.

Only the darkest demonic souls can support child murder.
Funny that in my state the governor closed all sorts of businesses because you might die but left abortion clinics open where people die.
Two things about this:

1) Well Duh.

2) Women demand abortion abortion rights to avoid parental responsibility but demand a man must accept parental responsibility and pay child support when they decide to keep the child. The hypocrisy of the “bodily autonomy” argument is staggering.
Two things about this:

1) Well Duh.

2) Women demand abortion abortion rights to avoid parental responsibility but demand a man must accept parental responsibility and pay child support when they decide to keep the child. The hypocrisy of the “bodily autonomy” argument is staggering.
If a man offers to pay for an abortion and the woman declines then the man should be absolved from paying child support.
If a man offers to pay for an abortion and the woman declines then the man should be absolved from paying child support.
I agree, assuming abortion is legal.
I agree, assuming abortion is legal.
Likewise, if the woman wants an abortion and the father doesn't and wants to keep the baby then he should be able to.
If a man offers to pay for an abortion and the woman declines then the man should be absolved from paying child support.
Unless you explain this better this seems awfully weird. Man doesn't want baby but woman does - offers money to get rid of baby, woman says no so man shouldn't hold any responsibility to the life he helped create? Must be nice. Of course I always thought agreements should work more to a 50/50 custody with no one paying support, unfortunately too many supposed parents are assholish about this and just want control (whole other discussion)

That being said, if they are in an actual relationship, marriage or otherwise, I don't think it's solely the decision of the woman alone and should be discussed and agreed upon by both parties. Any woman that does that on their own without consulting their partner deserves to be kicked to the curb.

This whole argument that the poor man is being stepped on either way is kind of bullshit. Are you saying men aren't aware that pregnancy is a possibility when they stick their dick in a woman? Birth control is the sole responsibility of the woman? That's part of being responsible, right? You don't want to pay for a kid - keep your dick in your pants. I mean, women are constantly told to keep their legs closed, same goes for the men. Equality.
So, I may reiterate a bit of some things already posted above, but have some additional thoughts as well.....

I personally don't agree with abortion. I would never pay for one. I would not have married my wife if she believed in it herself.
Having said that, I will at least entertain thoughts and ideas from people who do support abortion, but it will be limited to the VERY EARLY stages where it's a "cluster of cells" and not a fully formed human, with a brain and heartbeat. Again, me personally, it's a human being at conception. But that's my opinion on the subject. I personally don't think abortion is right at any stage, but I'm more inclined to hear reasonable arguments for cases of rape, incest, and survival of the mother......as rare as those instances are in the grand scheme of the data.

However, abortion should NEVER EVER EVER be used as a form of birth control! Period. Full stop.
But the hypocrisy of "my body, my choice" is staggering when you consider the right to abort vs automatic child support.
It does in fact take two human beings to create another human being. A man and woman.
If the woman decides to abort the baby, the man has ZERO say in that decision.
If a woman decides to have the baby, the man once again has ZERO say in supporting the baby. He's automatically on the hook financially.
I'm an old school guy and think a man that impregnates a woman SHOULD be on the hook financially and SHOULD be a proper father to that child.
But societal, you can NOT have this double standard.
Either the abortion/raising of the child is a joint decision the man and woman agree to together, or it is only the woman herself regardless of the 'pro-choice" she makes.

Dave Chappelle recently had a set that included something along these lines as well.
So, I may reiterate a bit of some things already posted above, but have some additional thoughts as well.....

I personally don't agree with abortion. I would never pay for one. I would not have married my wife if she believed in it herself.
Having said that, I will at least entertain thoughts and ideas from people who do support abortion, but it will be limited to the VERY EARLY stages where it's a "cluster of cells" and not a fully formed human, with a brain and heartbeat. Again, me personally, it's a human being at conception. But that's my opinion on the subject. I personally don't think abortion is right at any stage, but I'm more inclined to hear reasonable arguments for cases of rape, incest, and survival of the mother......as rare as those instances are in the grand scheme of the data.

However, abortion should NEVER EVER EVER be used as a form of birth control! Period. Full stop.
But the hypocrisy of "my body, my choice" is staggering when you consider the right to abort vs automatic child support.
It does in fact take two human beings to create another human being. A man and woman.
If the woman decides to abort the baby, the man has ZERO say in that decision.
If a woman decides to have the baby, the man once again has ZERO say in supporting the baby. He's automatically on the hook financially.
I'm an old school guy and think a man that impregnates a woman SHOULD be on the hook financially and SHOULD be a proper father to that child.
But societal, you can NOT have this double standard.
Either the abortion/raising of the child is a joint decision the man and woman agree to together, or it is only the woman herself regardless of the 'pro-choice" she makes.

Dave Chappelle recently had a set that included something along these lines as well.

What exactly is a double standard here? wouldn't you agree that men know these things are possible prior to having sex just as much as women are? So, if they don't want to be put in that "double standard" perhaps be a bit more choosy about who you sleep with or just keep the dick in the pants. Sorry, just think this argument is used up and trying to make the man seem like a victim here.
What exactly is a double standard here? wouldn't you agree that men know these things are possible prior to having sex just as much as women are? So, if they don't want to be put in that "double standard" perhaps be a bit more choosy about who you sleep with or just keep the dick in the pants. Sorry, just think this argument is used up and trying to make the man seem like a victim here.
The only victim with ANY of this in the unborn child.
If it's not rape, can't the woman/man BOTH keep it in their pants?
If they BOTH choose to have sex, shouldn't ANY decision made regarding the unborn child be done TOGETHER?
The double standard is the woman gets to have an abortion without the man's say.
If I knocked a girl up, and she wanted to kill it and I objected, do I currently have any recourse? Can I prevent that from happening? The answer to that riddle is no.
But if I knock her up, and I want the abortion and she wants to have the baby, I am automatically on the hook financially by a court order at X% of my income, whether that's enough/more than enough to support the child.
Again, the man's input means nothing in regards to aborting or raising the child.
Legally, the woman's decision is the only one that matters.
THAT is the double standard.
It's either 50/50 equally across the board for everything, or it's 100% the woman for everything.
Pick one. Not just whichever benefits the woman and totally discounts the man everytime.
Unless you explain this better this seems awfully weird. Man doesn't want baby but woman does - offers money to get rid of baby, woman says no so man shouldn't hold any responsibility to the life he helped create? Must be nice. Of course I always thought agreements should work more to a 50/50 custody with no one paying support, unfortunately too many supposed parents are assholish about this and just want control (whole other discussion)
As currently construed it's too one-sided and the man has no say either way.
If the woman decides to abort the baby, the man has ZERO say in that decision.
If a woman decides to have the baby, the man once again has ZERO say in supporting the baby. He's automatically on the hook financially.
I think this is an issue that can be talked about for 500 pages. I am so wishy washy on this topic. Personally I am against abortion. But I also believe a woman has a right to choose. Why they are the ones that have the only say without any input from the partner , I have never fully understood.

I am sure I am not the only one on this board, but I will admit to my then girlfriend having one a thousand years ago when I was 18. And I will say ... a good catholic girlfriend at that. If religion matters to you. Thinking back,although we went out for about 4 years, to us at the time it seemed like our only option. And of course it wasn’t. We weren’t ready, and when I think about it now , I never had really any serious say in the matter. She went with a girlfriend, and it was just done.
I see her once in a while at reunions, chance running into and I often think of bringing it up, but what good could become of that.

Being a father of 4 great kids,and having been present at all births I try to put that bit of dark side of my past behind me. But I can’t help thinking about it once in a while.

While some women like to go on and on about equal rights with the male race,they sure have the trump card when it comes to arguably the most important thing in our society. Our children.
There are no equal rights here.

I read somewhere that if DNA testing was done in all families 20% of children born could have a different father than the one claimed. I don’t know if I believe the 20% but if that is even close, can you imagine? What gives the woman a right to make you raise another mans child without your knowledge? Never mind with our dear divorce rates almost at 50% ,it gets even better if you get to pay for another mans child forever.

Yes I know this is not the child’s fault and their safety should be the #1 thing. But where is the women’s accountability in all this ? Is this not fraud in the highest degree? I hate big brother government as much as anyone. But sometimes I think during pregnancy both parents then kid should have DNA tests done automatically.
Bet that might make secret abortion rates rise dramatically. Equality. Right.
Ramble over.
If I knocked a girl up, and she wanted to kill it and I objected, do I currently have any recourse? Can I prevent that from happening? The answer to that riddle is no.
But if I knock her up, and I want the abortion and she wants to have the baby, I am automatically on the hook financially by a court order at X% of my income, whether that's enough/more than enough to support the child.
Again, the man's input means nothing in regards to aborting or raising the child.
Legally, the woman's decision is the only one that matters.
THAT is the double standard.

Uh, when you have to carry the baby in your body for 9 months and push it out of one of your orifices, or have someone dilate your cervix and scrape it out of you, maybe then you should get equal say in the matter.

Ideally you would both have equal input in the decision. But ultimately if there's a disagreement the one who has it growing in their body gets more of a say.

If you don't want to help support a baby don't make one. A woman who has a baby and hands it over to the father isn't freed of her legal or financial obligations either.

I'm pro-life by the way. I don't believe in abortion except in very limited circumstances. But if it is going to be legal yeah the woman gets more say in it.
As currently construed it's too one-sided and the man has no say either way.
Well, then knowing this perhaps said man should be more careful about who they sleep with, correct? I mean, personal responsibility and all. Isn't that what a lot of you like preach about?

Again, if they are in a committed relationship it is up to both parties to be discussing these things and coming to agreements. This is happening more than not and trying to put a spin where the woman is forcing the man on anything is laughable at best. I said before, if they are in a relationship and the woman is not having this discussion with her partner that is ****** up, but then again, how secure was that relationship to begin with if this was the case.

Also, let's be clear here, most of these guys that just happen to knock up some rando they were boning aren't trying to be involved in **** with that pregnancy and don't care. They don't have to carry that child to term and most of them won't be getting involved in the raising of that child either. You see it all the time. Yes, the woman should be responsible as well for not getting pregnant when they are not ready to be a mother, but that part is just as equal for the man. Worried about this happening? Make better choices, both sides. This whole premise that men get the short end of the stick in that equation is seriously ridiculous. They know the possibility of this happening before they whip their dick out...............and yet still do it.
The 6th commandment is: YOU SHALL NOT MURDER

Liberals love to kill babies, and don't dare try to tell them they shouldn't. Even when the aborted baby is alive on the table. Pure evil.
Uh, when you have to carry the baby in your body for 9 months and push it out of one of your orifices, or have someone dilate your cervix and scrape it out of you, maybe then you should get equal say in the matter.

Ideally you would both have equal input in the decision. But ultimately if there's a disagreement the one who has it growing in their body gets more of a say.

If you don't want to help support a baby don't make one. A woman who has a baby and hands it over to the father isn't freed of her legal or financial obligations either.

I'm pro-life by the way. I don't believe in abortion except in very limited circumstances. But if it is going to be legal yeah the woman gets more say in it.
And there's the rub.
OBVIOUSLY the woman endures far more than the man, having to carry the baby inside of her for 40 weeks and all the anatomy and physiology that goes along with it.
So for that reason, the woman should "gets more say in it" as you state above. But she certainly shouldn't get the ONLY say.

There's not an easy answer.
I'm not trying to be preachy or condemn anyone.
I just think too many times the man's opinion/feelings/wishes are ignored when it comes to children. Both with the decision to have/abort the child, and then again if there is a divorce or separation of the parents.
In any of these situations, the child is adversely affected and more times than not the man is screwed through his jeans with no Vaseline.
Well, then knowing this perhaps said man should be more careful about who they sleep with, correct? I mean, personal responsibility and all. Isn't that what a lot of you like preach about?

Again, if they are in a committed relationship it is up to both parties to be discussing these things and coming to agreements. This is happening more than not and trying to put a spin where the woman is forcing the man on anything is laughable at best. I said before, if they are in a relationship and the woman is not having this discussion with her partner that is ****** up, but then again, how secure was that relationship to begin with if this was the case.

Also, let's be clear here, most of these guys that just happen to knock up some rando they were boning aren't trying to be involved in **** with that pregnancy and don't care. They don't have to carry that child to term and most of them won't be getting involved in the raising of that child either. You see it all the time. Yes, the woman should be responsible as well for not getting pregnant when they are not ready to be a mother, but that part is just as equal for the man. Worried about this happening? Make better choices, both sides. This whole premise that men get the short end of the stick in that equation is seriously ridiculous. They know the possibility of this happening before they whip their dick out...............and yet still do it.
Abortion should NOT be birth control.
A lot of pregnancies are in fact "accidents" where they weren't expecting to get pregnant.
But if you're old enough to engage in sexual intercourse, you're obviously old enough to know some of the consequences of that action.
Pregnancy, STDs, regrets, etc.
Yeah, we all get horny or drunk or hepped-up on X, or whatever and just want some lovin'. ( ah, to be young again ).
But it is about personal responsibility. For both parties.
If you're mature enough to make the decision to hop in the sack, you're mature enough to deal with any ramifications that follow.
The man has to put up with 40 weeks of bitching and running out at odd hours to buy pickles and ******* KitKats. That's worth something.

(duck, Indy!)
What exactly is a double standard here? wouldn't you agree that men know these things are possible prior to having sex just as much as women are? So, if they don't want to be put in that "double standard" perhaps be a bit more choosy about who you sleep with or just keep the dick in the pants. Sorry, just think this argument is used up and trying to make the man seem like a victim here.

There are actually two double standards at play here:

1) there is no way for a man to shirk parental responsibility. The government will force a man to pay for a child at gunpoint even if the child is not his in some cases.

2) it gets tossed out glibly that a man should just “keep his dick in his pants.” However if anyone suggests that women should keep their legs closed and use birth control girl power activists scream about how it is a woman’s right to have sex, and to suggest that she bear the responsibility of her actions in having sex patriarchal oppression.
Well, then knowing this perhaps said man should be more careful about who they sleep with, correct? I mean, personal responsibility and all. Isn't that what a lot of you like preach about?
Totally. If you don't want a kid then use a condom. But it takes two people to make a baby so both should have an equal say in what happens.
There are actually two double standards at play here:

1) there is no way for a man to shirk parental responsibility. The government will force a man to pay for a child at gunpoint even if the child is not his in some cases.

2) it gets tossed out glibly that a man should just “keep his dick in his pants.” However if anyone suggests that women should keep their legs closed and use birth control girl power activists scream about how it is a woman’s right to have sex, and to suggest that she bear the responsibility of her actions in having sex patriarchal oppression.
As Chris Rock once famously said, abortion rallies are a great place to pick up women "because you know they'll f*ck ya".
This abortion talk is all very baffling to me though because when I was single I couldn't get laid to save my life.