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Ah, yes....the media lies. Here are just some of the ways......

I don't watch any cable news anymore, not even FoxNews. They are all the same, just from different sides of the fence. Everything is an opinion show with a lot of opinions declared as fact. I watch the local news at 5AM and 6PM. That's about it. Read CNN, FOXNews, MSNBC just to see how starkly different three different news organizations report the same story. The media in America is a joke.
I only read to the second item about Trump's taxes to know there is a problem with the list. I believe it was only reported
that Trump paid taxes in 2005, but unless you have future years you don't know if those taxes end up getting refunded
with future business losses. You can't look at 1 year in isolation. Also in 2005 Obama and Sanders were sitting Senators with
limited business interests, comparing them to a Billionare real estate developer is an apples and oranges thing.
If you get One America News, I suggest that.
It's old school, "Just the facts, ma'am." type reporting.
No bloviating or political spin.
Very refreshing.
I only read to the second item about Trump's taxes to know there is a problem with the list. I believe it was only reported
that Trump paid taxes in 2005, but unless you have future years you don't know if those taxes end up getting refunded
with future business losses. You can't look at 1 year in isolation. Also in 2005 Obama and Sanders were sitting Senators with
limited business interests, comparing them to a Billionare real estate developer is an apples and oranges thing

then tell me why both those ******* are now worth millions?
then tell me why both those ******* are now worth millions?

Being a politician on the national level should mean you are not permitted to earn anything at all from investments or payouts.... itshouldbe a vow of poverty and anyone using the office to make money should be publicly flogged and stripped of everything they own....
It’s a mistake to call them mistakes. There is nothing accidental about most of the media’s characterization of events and issues

Purposeful lies to support their Left Wing ideology and causes
I watch cnn and fox just to see the spins both put on things.
Fox is becoming just as bad as cnn i hate to say
I only watch news for the weather. They **** that up all the time too....so yeah I’d rather watch porn.
Remember all the outrage when Obama caged those children?

US Customs center in Nogales, Arizona, June 18, 2014.

The media is all upset because they are suppose to be the ones that control the elections and that didn't happen. And now they have Hollywood on their side, whoopie.
The media is all upset because they are suppose to be the ones that control the elections and that didn't happen. And now they have Hollywood on their side, whoopie.

"It's almost as if political acumen of Beyonce and Jay-Z counts for nothing."

*Profanity Alert*

Last edited:
I only read to the second item about Trump's taxes to know there is a problem with the list.

That's because you are lazy and hiding from the truth. Want a few other tidbits (many of which resulted in retractions by the news sources)??? How about these pearls:

6. Jan. 20, 2017:
CNN claimed Nancy Sinatra was “not happy” at her father’s song being used at Trump’s inauguration. Sinatra responded, “That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?…Actually I’m wishing him the best.”

7. Jan. 20, 2017:
Zeke Miller of TIME reported that President Trump had removed the bust statue of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office. The news went viral. It was false. [Miller recanted the claim on Twitter.]

9. Jan. 28, 2017
CNBC’s John Harwood reported the Justice Department “had no input” on Trump’s immigration executive order. After a colleague contradicted Harwood’s report, he amended it to reflect that Justice Department lawyers reportedly had reviewed Trump’s order.

14. Feb. 14, 2017:
The New York Times’ Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo reported about supposed contacts between Trump campaign staff and “senior Russian intelligence officials.” Comey later testified “In the main, [the article] was not true.”

15. Feb. 22, 2017:
ProPublica’s Raymond Bonner reported CIA official Gina Haspel—Trump’s later pick for CIA Director—was in charge of a secret CIA prison where Islamic extremist terrorist Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in one month, and that she mocked the prisoner’s suffering. More than a year later, ProPublica retracted the claim, stating that “Neither of these assertions is correct…Haspel did not take charge of the base until after the interrogation of Zubaydah ended.”

17. May 10, 2017:
Multiple outlets including Politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, AP, Reuters and the Wall Street Journal reported the same leaked information: that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey shortly after Comey requested additional resources to investigate Russian interference in the election.
The New York Times’ Matthew Rosenberg and Matt Apuzzo, and CNN’s Sara Murray reported the information in sentences and paragraphs that omitted attribution, as if it were an established fact. The Washington Post’s Philip Rucker, Ashley Parker, Sari Horwitz and Robert Costa wrote news articles in the style of opinion pieces and from an omniscient viewpoint as if they were somehow in the mind of Trump. For example, they reported, “Every time FBI Director James B. Comey appeared in public, an ever-watchful President Trump grew increasingly agitated that the topic was the one that he was most desperate to avoid: Russia.” (Other reporters —Reuters’ Dustin Volz and Susan Cornwell— did properly attribute the claim.)
The Justice Department, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe said the media reports were untrue and McCabe added that the FBI’s Russia investigation was “adequately resourced.”

26. Aug. 31, 2017:
NBC News’ Ken Dilinian and Carol Lee reported that a Trump official’s notes about a meeting with a Russian lawyer included the word “donation,” as if there were discussions about suspicious campaign contributions. NBC later corrected the report to reflect that the word “donation” didn’t appear, but still claimed the word “donor” did. Later, Politico reported that the word “donor” wasn’t in the notes, either.

29. Nov. 6, 2017:
CNN’s Daniel Shane edited excerpts from a Trump event to make it seem as though Trump didn’t realize Japan builds cars in the U.S. However, Trump’s entire statement made clear that he does.

34. Dec. 5, 2017:
Bloomberg’s Steven Arons and the Wall Street Journal’s Jenny Strasburg reported the blockbuster that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had subpoenaed Trump’s bank records. It wasn’t true.

39. Feb. 2, 2018:
AP’s Eric Tucker, Mary Clare Jalonick and Chad Day reported that ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s opposition research against Trump was initially funded by a conservative publication: the Washington Free Beacon. AP corrected its story because Steele only came on the project after Democrats began funding it.

40. March 8, 2018:
The New York Times’ Jan Rosen reported on a hypothetical family whose tax bill would rise nearly $4,000 under Trump’s tax plan. It turns out the calculations were off: the couple’s taxes would go actually go down $43; not up $4,000.

46. May 7, 2018:
CNBC’s Kevin Breuninger reported that Trump’s personal lawyer, Cohen, paid $1 million in fines related to unauthorized cars in his taxi business, had been barred from managing taxi medallions, had transferred $60 million offshore to avoid paying debts, and is awaiting trial on charges of failing to pay millions in taxes. A later correction stated that none of that was true.

48. May 28, 2018
The New York Times’ Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein and CNN’s Hadas Gold shared a story with photos of immigrant children in cages as if they were new photos taken under the Trump administration. The article and photos were actually taken in 2014 under the Obama administration.

49. May 29, 2018
The New York Times’ Julie Davis reported the estimated size of a Trump rally to be 1,000 people. There were actually 5,500 people or more in attendance. The NYT issued a "correction."

Care to read the entire article, 21? Or do you prefer willful ignorance?
"It's almost as if political acumen of Beyonce and Jay-Z counts for nothing."

*Profanity Alert*

That guy nails it, except for his delusion that liberals can win arguments with reasoned debate. They can't which is why they resort to name calling.

Bernie Sanders would have gotten destroyed. All it takes to unravel his whole existance is to simply ask, "who will pay for all this ****?"
That guy nails it, except for his delusion that liberals can win arguments with reasoned debate. They can't which is why they resort to name calling.

Bernie Sanders would have gotten destroyed. All it takes to unravel his whole existance is to simply ask, "who will pay for all this ****?"

You have to remember, he's a Brit and their Conservatives are about on par with our Democrats.
Melania trolled Fake News yesterday!


“I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 21, 2018
Reporter Resigns After Claiming Annapolis Shooter Had MAGA Hat

In the early reporting of the Capital Gazette mass murder, Conor Berry, a reporter for a Massachusetts newspaper, The Republican, tweeted that the shooter had dropped his MAGA hat on the newsroom floor before opening fire.

It was a stupid remark, not to mention one for which Berry had no supporting facts, which he has since acknowledged. What makes such tweets particularly toxic is that they color early perceptions of these events, and tend to become urban legends and the stuff of conspiracy theories.

Berry’s tweet was similar to earlier instances such as cable talking heads speculating that other shooters were Tea Party members or radical right wingers before later being proved wrong. Only Berry’s tweet wasn’t presented as speculation.

Berry has since resigned as a result and tweeted his regret over the #fakenews incident.


It was a stupid remark, not to mention one for which Berry had no supporting facts, which he has since acknowledged. What makes such tweets particularly toxic is that they color early perceptions of these events, and tend to become urban legends and the stuff of conspiracy theories.

"Hands up. Don't shoot".
"Hands up. Don't shoot".

Exactly. This is standard procedure for the left. Soros funds a bunch of websites whose only job is to put out a false story, Then CNN or MSNBC repeat the story simply saying "it is being reported that insert Lie here". Then their hands are clean but they promote the false narrative for as long as they can until it is proven false. Then they simply move on, they don't go back and correct.

That's how you get people to believe in a gentle giant who was a victim instead of a guy who robbed a store then was walking down the middle of a street and ignored several police warnings, then tried to grab the cop's gun and was shot, not in the back but in the front. Oh and forensics proved all of that as well as the fact most witneses lied.

But you got Lebron to wear a tee ****. So it was all worth it.

Trump is right. The media has become the enemy of the people. Ot more correctly stated, the media feels the public is the enemy. An enemy which must be controlled with whatever misinformation is necessary.
Fake News, Lying Media , yep

Brian Ross is leaving ABC after botched Michael Flynn report

ABC News’ Brian Ross — who was suspended last year as chief investigative correspondent for a faulty report on Michael Flynn — is leaving the network, Page Six has exclusively learned.

ABC suspended Ross last December for a month without pay for a botched report on ousted White House national security adviser Flynn that reported President Trump directed Flynn to make contact with Russian officials. The mistake even sent stocks tumbling, and ABC issued an apology saying: “We deeply regret and apologize for the serious error.”



Sure to be up for the Dan Rather Award
Wasn’t Ross also the guy who was reporting that one of the mass shooters from a few years back was a member of the Tea Party and that proved false?
Wasn’t Ross also the guy who was reporting that one of the mass shooters from a few years back was a member of the Tea Party and that proved false?

Yes. But we all know that Tea Party members are homicidal maniacs, so nobody can blame him. It is simply shocking that after eight long years of Tea Party violence, any reporter is still willing to call them out.

[Reviews facts. Double-checks facts. Gets angry at facts.]

Okay, so NO Tea Party member has been documented at murdering ANYBODY, ever. But, but, but, but ... Nazi! Nazis!! More Nazis!! Aaaaaaaagh ...