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And The Winner Is, West Virginia

Declared dumbest state in America. Kind of funny how Obama won all 10 of the smart states and Romney won all but one of the dumb.
Kind of tells you a little something about Republicans.

How smart can they really be if they elected Obama?


Declared dumbest state in America. Kind of funny how Obama won all 10 of the smart states and Romney won all but one of the dumb.
Kind of tells you a little something about Republicans.
West Virginia is largely union Democrats and breaks 51.7% Democrat and 28.7% Republican. Many roads and large public structures are named for the late Sen. Robert Byrd, D-KKK.

West Virginia is largely union Democrats and breaks 51.7% Democrat and 28.7% Republican.

Clearly stoopiter than those precincts that voted 100% for sodom hussein.

I have to ask the obvious question - who were the 20% they voted for that weren't dems or pubbies? Or didn't they understand the ballot?
Clearly stoopiter than those precincts that voted 100% for sodom hussein
WV is almost totally a Democrat state but they are smart enough not to vote for the Presidential candidate who promises to put most of them out work more than they already are.

I have to ask the obvious question - who were the 20% they voted for that weren't dems or pubbies? Or didn't they understand the ballot?
Independents, Libertarians, etc. I was looking at voter registration. 21 doesn't look that deeply however.
Hey, come on guys, give him credit. At least he didn't double post this one!
I was born and raised in WV. I have plenty of family in the northern parts of WV. I went to college in NC, holy ******* **** those ******** are stupid. I mean, not even close to the average intelligence of the people I knew in WV. My best friend lived in FLA for a decade and would just shake his head at how ******* stupid the average Floridian was. He claims they are even dumber than the retards in NC. I place personal experience above some article written by a hack who has never visited WV.

BTW- WV has 55 counties, every ******* one of them-all 55 voted for Romney over the ignorant, arrogant, asshat that occupies the White House. Seem like a pretty intelligent bunch to me.
I was born and raised in WV. I have plenty of family in the northern parts of WV. I went to college in NC, holy ******* **** those ******** are stupid. I mean, not even close to the average intelligence of the people I knew in WV. My best friend lived in FLA for a decade and would just shake his head at how ******* stupid the average Floridian was. He claims they are even dumber than the retards in NC. I place personal experience above some article written by a hack who has never visited WV.

BTW- WV has 55 counties, every ******* one of them-all 55 voted for Romney over the ignorant, arrogant, asshat that occupies the White House. Seem like a pretty intelligent bunch to me.

I have literally traveled the world. I've been blessed after getting my degree. And I will say this. I've spent ample time in FL and NC. I grew up in WV. By far the most redneck state I've ever been in was FL. When you get away from the coastal tourist towns, and hit the heart of central Florida, Jesus God almighty is it scary. NC's pretty bad too.

WV gets a bum rap. Incest jokes (even though it ranks 20th in the nation for incest), etc etc serve to set a bad stereotype. If WV were a black person, Jesse Jackson would be pissin' his pants and Al Sharpton would be carrying the pot right behind him.
I have literally traveled the world. I've been blessed after getting my degree. And I will say this. I've spent ample time in FL and NC. I grew up in WV. By far the most redneck state I've ever been in was FL. When you get away from the coastal tourist towns, and hit the heart of central Florida, Jesus God almighty is it scary.

Very true. I've always said that north FL is the South and south FL is the North because everyone there used to live up here. The dividing line is roughly I-4. Two years ago I drove down to the Panhandle for my company's annual meeting. Got to Dothan, AL the first day. The next morning the GPS sent me on all sorts of back roads, I stopped in some little town for gas and the only sign of modern civilization was the Paki behind the counter.

NC's pretty bad too.
Been to the infield of Charlotte Motor Speedway many times camping along with the natives. Seen a lot of bib overalls being worn with no shirt and moonshine. For real. And much pork and pork by-products. Always thought it would be fun to take one of my Libtard buds along just to see him have a nervous breakdown.
Always thought it would be fun to take one of my Libtard buds along just to see him have a nervous breakdown.

If you do, PLEASE get video. It'll be a viral sensation in no time.