Can we put up a sign on the fence or canal that reads, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, NOT"
The tablet held by the Statue of Liberty does NOT say, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning for **** that is free."
If the illegal aliens did not (1) fail to have their kids immunized, (2) spread TB, measles, mumps, etc., (3) reside in publicly-funded section 8 housing, (4) receive food stamps, (5) send their kids to public schools on the taxpayer's dime, (6) have their kids get fed at these public schools, (7) get publicly-financed medical care, (8) overwhelm the publicly-funded health care centers, and (9) contribute basically nothing in taxes (most are cash-paid, or EITC eligible, and thus pay NOTHING, LITERALLY NOT ONE DIME in taxes), I can guarantee the hostility towards illegals would be much lessened.
P.S. 21 - do you live anywhere near an area that has been overrun with illegals? Los Angeles' public school system is dogshit due to the influx of ESL, poorly-prepared and unimmunized children. A huge percentage of LAUSD teachers now have tuberculosis. LAUSD spends billions of dollars per year to teach these students English and to feed them.
I think that teaching your child to speak English and feeding them should be the parent's responsibility. But now that I have to finance that task, I think I SHOULD HAVE A GODDAMN SAY IN WHO COMES TO MY COUNTRY.