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Another child died - anyone going to prison?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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A 21 month old died from EV-D68, making her the second child to die from that respiratory virus. It seems that this administration was well aware that this outbreak was a strong possibility as a result of their planned influx of "Unaccompanied Alien Children from Central America".

What this article suggests is criminal negligence at best. http://theconservativetreehouse.com...8-and-president-obamas-executive-order-13295/
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This is just another reason why Bammy should be in jail....but it will never happen.
In Anthony Bourdain's book "Kitchen Confidential" he relates that most of the line cooks in NYC come from South America. A waiter sued the restaurant claiming he got food poisoning (he lost) but in the course of the investigation they asked for stool samples from all the employees and the employees from South America had all sorts of exotic bacteria that the lab had never seen before.
Hussein loves the idea of infecting evil Americans with third world shithole immigrants .

An evil white nation needs to know what it's like for the rest of the world
In Anthony Bourdain's book "Kitchen Confidential" he relates that most of the line cooks in NYC come from South America. A waiter sued the restaurant claiming he got food poisoning (he lost) but in the course of the investigation they asked for stool samples from all the employees and the employees from South America had all sorts of exotic bacteria that the lab had never seen before.

That's ******* nasty.....believable, but nasty.

The above article gives a good fact check on the referred to RFI. It was a request for information and not an RFP. The 65,000 estimate was based on
an estimated increase from the 25,000 that came across in 2013. Congress passed the law in 2008 that allows the kids to come across and directs how
they are to be treated when they get here. Does anyone have the link to the legislation that Congress has passed to correct this problem?

The above article gives a good fact check on the referred to RFI. It was a request for information and not an RFP. The 65,000 estimate was based on
an estimated increase from the 25,000 that came across in 2013. Congress passed the law in 2008 that allows the kids to come across and directs how
they are to be treated when they get here. Does anyone have the link to the legislation that Congress has passed to correct this problem?
Are you that obtuse? You don't see how that law, specifically for trafficking victims, has been openly misinterpreted by this administration, while the applicable laws are purposely unenforced?

See Rules for Radicals tactic number 4 - "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules"

Obama put his own spin on that one. "Encourage the crisis, make the enemy live up to an inaccurate version of their rules, and don't enforce the actual rules."
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By the way, now a first grader has died. Testing for this virus. FYI liberal immune systems are no stronger than conservative immune systems. Waiting for tipping point on coverage of this, and government's role in it.
What's the actual rule that you would like them to follow? If the kids don't have a visa, turn them around and make them walk back across Mexico.

My understanding is Mexico is now stopping the kids from coming across their border in the first place.
What's the actual rule that you would like them to follow? If the kids don't have a visa, turn them around and make them walk back across Mexico.
A nice wall with barbed wire and guards worked for East Germany for a long time.

My understanding is Mexico is now stopping the kids from coming across their border in the first place.
Ur funny. Har-har-har.....
**** the panama canal.

another brilliant idea.

shovel-ready jobs.

make a Freedom Canal from Texas to San Diego. 500-yards wide. Line it with corporate sponsorships to pay for it. put lasers every 20-feet aimed south. patrol that **** like its the red sea. sharks, killer whales and pissed off sabre-toothed sea lions can populate the **** out of it. Throw in some pygmy jellyfish that are attracted to brown skin and we have a goddamn winner.

i've already solved ebola and isis.
Can we put up a sign on the fence or canal that reads, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, NOT"

Or how about a replica of the statue of liberty kicking a little kid in the butt back to Mexico?.
Can we put up a sign on the fence or canal that reads, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, NOT"

Or how about a replica of the statue of liberty kicking a little kid in the butt back to Mexico?.
You still don't understand the difference between legal immigrants and illegal aliens?
Can we put up a sign on the fence or canal that reads, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, NOT"

The tablet held by the Statue of Liberty does NOT say, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning for **** that is free."

If the illegal aliens did not (1) fail to have their kids immunized, (2) spread TB, measles, mumps, etc., (3) reside in publicly-funded section 8 housing, (4) receive food stamps, (5) send their kids to public schools on the taxpayer's dime, (6) have their kids get fed at these public schools, (7) get publicly-financed medical care, (8) overwhelm the publicly-funded health care centers, and (9) contribute basically nothing in taxes (most are cash-paid, or EITC eligible, and thus pay NOTHING, LITERALLY NOT ONE DIME in taxes), I can guarantee the hostility towards illegals would be much lessened.

P.S. 21 - do you live anywhere near an area that has been overrun with illegals? Los Angeles' public school system is dogshit due to the influx of ESL, poorly-prepared and unimmunized children. A huge percentage of LAUSD teachers now have tuberculosis. LAUSD spends billions of dollars per year to teach these students English and to feed them.

I think that teaching your child to speak English and feeding them should be the parent's responsibility. But now that I have to finance that task, I think I SHOULD HAVE A GODDAMN SAY IN WHO COMES TO MY COUNTRY.
**** the panama canal.

another brilliant idea.

shovel-ready jobs.

make a Freedom Canal from Texas to San Diego. 500-yards wide. Line it with corporate sponsorships to pay for it. put lasers every 20-feet aimed south. patrol that **** like its the red sea. sharks, killer whales and pissed off sabre-toothed sea lions can populate the **** out of it. Throw in some pygmy jellyfish that are attracted to brown skin and we have a goddamn winner.

i've already solved ebola and isis.

SUPE FOR PRESIDENT! You got my vote since this makes more sense than anything I have heard from a politician in a long time.
21 just got ***** slapped again. The quote comes from Emma Lazarus' sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser auction to raise money for the pedestal upon which the Statue of Liberty now sits. The poem did not receive much recognition and was quite forgotten after the auction.In the early 1900s and after Lazarus' death, one of her friends began a campaign to memorialize Lazarus and her New Colossus sonnet. The effort was a success, and a plaque with the poem's text was mounted inside the pedestal of the statute.

This has absolutely nothing to do with government policy or illegal immigration.
Can we put up a sign on the fence or canal that reads, "Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, NOT"

Or how about a replica of the statue of liberty kicking a little kid in the butt back to Mexico?.
You want to research the history of Ellis Island and what its purpose was? Heh.
Is 21 Polo's child????
What's the actual rule that you would like them to follow? If the kids don't have a visa, turn them around and make them walk back across Mexico.

My understanding is Mexico is now stopping the kids from coming across their border in the first place.

A cheap (cheaper than what we do now) humanitarian solution would allow us to fly them home. Why must you be such a drama queen?

Or how about a replica of the statue of liberty kicking a little kid in the butt back to Mexico?.

I'd donate to that.

You want to research the history of Ellis Island and what its purpose was? Heh.

Little Vito Corleone was quarantined there.
" sharks, killer whales and pissed off sabre-toothed sea lions can populate the **** out of it. Throw in some pygmy jellyfish that are attracted to brown skin and we have a goddamn winner."

Supe, you get an 'A' for imagination but if you keep smokin' that ****..you'll damn sure go blind.