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AOC's Green New Deal is about to take effect in Venezuela


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Trampa, FL
drastic reduction to nearly nil of fossil fuels
huge reduction in carbon footprint
no more airplanes polluting the atmosphere


Florida Senator Marco Rubio: ‘Venezuela Is Going To Enter A Period Of Suffering’

WASHINGTON (CBSMiami) – The Senate Foreign Relations Committee held hearings on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela.

A few short hours later, a massive blackout blanketed much of the South American nation in darkness.

The lights were out in Caracas and much of Venezuela Thursday night. It was pitch black, no street lights or traffic signals as evening commuters made their way home.

The electricity minister called the blackout an act of sabotage at Venezuela’s main hydro power station in the state of Bolivar.

Earlier in the day on Capitol Hill, Florida senator Marco Rubio chaired the subcommittee hearing that heard testimony from the Trump administration’s point man on Venezuela.

Elliott Abrams is the Trump administration’s special envoy to Venezuela.

He testified before congress that there are no U.S. plans to intervene militarily but repeated that all options are on the table when it comes to removing Nicolás Maduro from power.

“They deserve a return to democracy,” Abrams said. “We cannot address the root cause of the problem, so long as Maduro and his cronies continue to crush the people, their economy and their hope. This crisis will worsen.”

Florida Senator Marco Rubio predicted the Maduro regime will be crippled by increased sanctions.

“Over the next few weeks, Venezuela is going to enter a period of suffering, no nation in our hemisphere has ever confronted in modern history,” he said.

Rubio blames Maduro for the economic crisis facing the oil rich nation, and wants to see Juan Guaidó step in as interim president.

“As of today, Venezuela has 6, 7 days of fuel supplies left,” Rubio said. “This in the most oil rich country in the world all because they’ve destroyed the domestic production capacity.”

Guaidó returned to Venezuela Monday after risking arrest by leaving to visit several South American nations who want to see Maduro gone.

He’s called on his countrymen to continue taking to the streets to keep the pressure on Maduro and his supporters.
Socialism never fails. Here we see ecstatic Venezuelans getting easy access to free water:


And here, the same happy citizens access the government's version of free food:



And finally, here we same the ecstatic socialists enjoying a beautiful Venezuelan evening, where the government has been kind enough to douse the lights to promote astronomy:


Socialism; it never fails, except when it does.
They need to rise up and overthrow the asshats destroying their country.

And finally, here we same the ecstatic socialists enjoying a beautiful Venezuelan evening, where the government has been kind enough to douse the lights to promote astronomy:


Yeah well, if the have enough food leftover to throw some away, then they have too much. — AOC
They need to rise up and overthrow the asshats destroying their country.


Following the KGB playbook to a T the Chavez regime disarmed the population years ago. Hugo made sure his buddy nick the bus driver would have only unarmed victims.

Following the KGB playbook to a T the Chavez regime disarmed the population years ago. Hugo made sure his buddy nick the bus driver would have only unarmed victims.

He did it for the children, DBS. If it saves just one life ...

Occasional-Cortex demands the "rich" pay a 70% marginal rate ... but could not be bothered to pay a New York City tax on her failed business venture.

For Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the bad tax news keeps coming. It only made the Democratic “It” girl look foolish when news broke that her own mother had forsaken New York state for the sunnier climes of Florida – rather than pay the Empire State’s higher taxes.

Now, it looks like Ocasio-Cortez has a problem paying New York state taxes herself. According to the New York Post, a now-defunct company Ocasio-Cortez founded in 2012 still owes almost $2,000 in corporate taxes, even though it’s no longer in business.


Maybe she should STFU about increasing taxes on those who actually succeed, and pay her own delinquent taxes.

Following the KGB playbook to a T the Chavez regime disarmed the population years ago. Hugo made sure his buddy nick the bus driver would have only unarmed victims.

Oh yes. And the very reason I'd fight to the death to protect the 2nd ammendment.

I'd be a ok if we air dropped some cheap arms like the sks and a few million rounds of 7.62x39 .