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Audio Clip from a Khazar named Benjamin Freedman.....


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Apr 20, 2014
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I'm diving down the rabbit hole on this one.....I have a lifelong friend who is Jewish......when we were kids his Grandparents were great people....we were in our early teens in the late 70's and when we saw the conflicts on TV in their living room in Israel.....his grandmother use to mumble to herself this isn't her Israel and she wasn't fond of the Government there......I still think that rings true to this day that there are Jewish people who don't support that Government. I never understood it but I just thought it was someone's personal opinion......but as I've dug down the so called Rabbit Hole I researched Israel and how it became a country and I stumbled across this audio clip.......very interesting....and yes this applies to today's world and government.....

Listen Here.... https://rumble.com/v5dikg4-hidden-history-benjamin-freedmans-1961-speech-at-the-willard-hotel.html

I dug a little more and did some research on US Government Politicians that have Dual Citizenship in Israel & USA....it's sorta mind blowing because alot of High Ranking current Government officials in the PotUS cabinet are all Dual Citizens....Mayorkas, Blinken, Yellen, Garland and so many more......They are all in place to start World War 3 as this guy stated in his speech from 1961.

I'm beginning to think the USA is on the wrong side of History siding with the current state of Israel.....it's all very interesting.....

Feel free to toss in your thoughts on this....definitely mind numbing information in this guys speech from 1961.

So Kamala wins we will have World War 3. Trump wins.....I guess Israel will be Saved for last.
Cant do it this morning. it is sunny, I am fishing for the 1st time in awhile. going home soon and cooking a killer breakfast for the fam. Bacon will be involved.
clearing out garden beds, putting down cover crop seeds. I hope to not hear 1 thing political until the late afternoon. nothing. no fox news, cnn, stupid attack adds

I will listen later today. thanks for sharing.
I've listened to the speech before. It's living history because Freedman witnessed some of the events in the WW1 Era as IIR he was in the banking industry. The gist as I remember is this: England was to the point of needing to sue for peace in WW1 and had a week's supply of food left. The Zionist bankers went to the British government and told them "Don't quit..if you'll give us Palestine, we'll bring America into the War." On a dime, the US media began to publish stories of German atrocities when it had been very pro-German up until that point. Wilson as Freedman says "was like a baby in their hands." So, America joined the War defeating Germany and the Zionists got the Balfour Declaration on paper from the British government that gave this area for Zionist resettlement. The Germans -- upon finding out -- naturally felt betrayed and stabbed in the back that powerful Jewish interests in Germany (home of the most successful and well treated Jews in the world at this point) had sold out the war effort for future gain of Palestine.

The speech also gets into the Khazar part of history. As the story goes, Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European extraction from places like Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc are not the physical descendents of the tribe of Judah of Biblical times. The kingdom of Khazaria in present day Russia/old USSR converted to Judaism around the 9th century because the ruler wanted a religion that would bring order to his pagan kingdom. Arthur Koestler wrote a book about this in the 1970s called "The Thirteenth Tribe" IIR the book title correctly.

So, to summarize: The deception seems to run deep. Revelation 2: 8-9 "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." As Freedman says, Americans were never made aware of the true reasons for her entry into the Great War. The Jews of Eastern European extraction who dominate the Zionist movement probably have a dubious claim on physical lineage from the Tribe of Judah (they aren't exactly olive-skinned). Christians unfortunately may have been very deceived and unaware of the dynamics Freedman talks about and blindly support Middle East Wars because the Scofield Bible notes tell us to. That said, the Israelis have also exhibited many virtuous and industrious traits in settling the desert so maybe it's just something God has ultimately allowed to happen this way for His purpose of consummating history.

"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
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There is the ultimate answer that God has a plan for the nation and people of Israel.

That being said, the Balfour Declaration hardly gave Palestine to the Jews. They were allowed to settle there for many years. Remember that Palestine was a region, not a government. There was no real ruling power to stop it, or really care. The Ottoman Empire ruled the area for a long time, but it was very loosely governed. The area was not valued for much for a long time.

Also remember that the origin of the Jewishness of the Jewish immigrants is not an issue to Jews. Only being Jewish matters. I would draw your attention to the Ethiopian Jews as an example.

I had the amazing occasion in college to take modern Hebrew as my language, from an amazing guy named Gidon (Gideon) Goren. He was born and raised in the Tel Aviv area before it was Israel. He helped to smuggle Jews fleeing Europe in to the area, and many other fun things he did. His explanation as to why many Jews don't like Israel is the the ultra-Orthodox are waiting for it to be a religious state, and the rest are not interested in the very hard times the citizens there face. The nation is only 71 miles wide at it's widest point, and a couple of hundred miles tall. This is an issue because it is surrounded by nations pledged to kill them all. That's an issue.

There is a fascinating series of books and booklets called "Myths & Facts" that the Israeli people put out. It's not a governmental publication, I am pretty sure. Look them up. You will learn a lot.

Now, was there back room deals to get Israel off the ground? You can bet that there is and was. Does this mean we should abandon them? Not in my mind. I still believe that God promises to bless those who bless the, and curse those who curse them. God also says that there will come a time when all the world - the USA included (if it still stands then) - will turn their backs on Israel. He further says that He will make Jerusalem a "Stumbling stone" to the whole world. Should be interesting.

One more note - Berlin and Germany was a hot bed of Jewish culture, but Warsaw was long considered the "Jerusalem of Europe" and ground zero for Jewish culture, scholarship, etc. Now NYC is the largest population of Jews in the world. Even more there than in Israel.
There is the ultimate answer that God has a plan for the nation and people of Israel.

That being said, the Balfour Declaration hardly gave Palestine to the Jews. They were allowed to settle there for many years. Remember that Palestine was a region, not a government. There was no real ruling power to stop it, or really care. The Ottoman Empire ruled the area for a long time, but it was very loosely governed. The area was not valued for much for a long time.

Also remember that the origin of the Jewishness of the Jewish immigrants is not an issue to Jews. Only being Jewish matters. I would draw your attention to the Ethiopian Jews as an example.

I had the amazing occasion in college to take modern Hebrew as my language, from an amazing guy named Gidon (Gideon) Goren. He was born and raised in the Tel Aviv area before it was Israel. He helped to smuggle Jews fleeing Europe in to the area, and many other fun things he did. His explanation as to why many Jews don't like Israel is the the ultra-Orthodox are waiting for it to be a religious state, and the rest are not interested in the very hard times the citizens there face. The nation is only 71 miles wide at it's widest point, and a couple of hundred miles tall. This is an issue because it is surrounded by nations pledged to kill them all. That's an issue.

There is a fascinating series of books and booklets called "Myths & Facts" that the Israeli people put out. It's not a governmental publication, I am pretty sure. Look them up. You will learn a lot.

Now, was there back room deals to get Israel off the ground? You can bet that there is and was. Does this mean we should abandon them? Not in my mind. I still believe that God promises to bless those who bless the, and curse those who curse them. God also says that there will come a time when all the world - the USA included (if it still stands then) - will turn their backs on Israel. He further says that He will make Jerusalem a "Stumbling stone" to the whole world. Should be interesting.

One more note - Berlin and Germany was a hot bed of Jewish culture, but Warsaw was long considered the "Jerusalem of Europe" and ground zero for Jewish culture, scholarship, etc. Now NYC is the largest population of Jews in the world. Even more there than in Israel.
This is just a question I heard someone ask years ago, but has the USA been more blessed or less blessed as a nation since 1948? We haven't won a war since then. A precipitous moral decline led by Hollywood and the media's corrupting influence. The money system is a complete racket. The decline of the family. It's like we are now living out the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and not the blessings. There's also the USS Liberty attack that I never even heard about until I was out of college. The Jewish intelligentsia also gave us censorship and political correctness. But yet, of course they've also given us many technological and social advances as well. It's almost like they themselves embody the blessings and the curses as a people.

Ask a Jew sometime who he thinks Isaiah 53 is referring to as the suffering servant? They believe it refers to the nation of Israel and not Christ. All of this simply confirms what the Bible says that God has put a veil over their eyes in the reading of the Old Testament and they will be blind except for a remnant until they turn to Christ. Romans 11 also offers much commentary on this.
I'm diving down the rabbit hole on this one.....I have a lifelong friend who is Jewish......when we were kids his Grandparents were great people....we were in our early teens in the late 70's and when we saw the conflicts on TV in their living room in Israel.....his grandmother use to mumble to herself this isn't her Israel and she wasn't fond of the Government there......I still think that rings true to this day that there are Jewish people who don't support that Government. I never understood it but I just thought it was someone's personal opinion......but as I've dug down the so called Rabbit Hole I researched Israel and how it became a country and I stumbled across this audio clip.......very interesting....and yes this applies to today's world and government.....

Listen Here.... https://rumble.com/v5dikg4-hidden-history-benjamin-freedmans-1961-speech-at-the-willard-hotel.html

I dug a little more and did some research on US Government Politicians that have Dual Citizenship in Israel & USA....it's sorta mind blowing because alot of High Ranking current Government officials in the PotUS cabinet are all Dual Citizens....Mayorkas, Blinken, Yellen, Garland and so many more......They are all in place to start World War 3 as this guy stated in his speech from 1961.

I'm beginning to think the USA is on the wrong side of History siding with the current state of Israel.....it's all very interesting.....

Feel free to toss in your thoughts on this....definitely mind numbing information in this guys speech from 1961.

So Kamala wins we will have World War 3. Trump wins.....I guess Israel will be Saved for last.
Yeah no. I wouldn't side with any dominant Muslim country over Israel. Many of them teach their kids in school to hate them and wish death upon them.

Their sole purpose is to destroy them completely. They're no different than Hitler and the Nazi's in that idea.

Now do i think they're God's chosen people anymore? Absolutely not. That ended with Jesus Christ, the messiah. The one they fulfilled the prophecy of sacrificing.

They can't come to terms with that, but it's still their right to believe whatever.

What they need is to be left alone in peace. They somehow have no issue having millions of Muslims living among they in Israel. They've been extremely inviting and open to all.

When you're surrounded by enemies who want nothing more than to destroy every last one of you, then you have to fight.

You either conquer or get conquered. This has been the way in history with empires for thousands of years. Nobody owns nothing for long who doesn't fight to keep it.

They have really two choices. Either kill all of your enemies. Every single last one or find another chunk of land.

You can't make peace with these people.

In a way it is their fault for not obeying God thousands of years ago when he told them to wipe them all out. Every man, woman and child. They didn't do it and the results are clear.

Anyhow. That's my 2 cents.

Kamala will finish us off if we're dumb enough to cut our own throats by electing her. Which I don't think she has any "legitimate" shot of winning.
Yeah no. I wouldn't side with any dominant Muslim country over Israel. Many of them teach their kids in school to hate them and wish death upon them.

Their sole purpose is to destroy them completely. They're no different than Hitler and the Nazi's in that idea.

Now do i think they're God's chosen people anymore? Absolutely not. That ended with Jesus Christ, the messiah. The one they fulfilled the prophecy of sacrificing.

They can't come to terms with that, but it's still their right to believe whatever.

What they need is to be left alone in peace. They somehow have no issue having millions of Muslims living among they in Israel. They've been extremely inviting and open to all.

When you're surrounded by enemies who want nothing more than to destroy every last one of you, then you have to fight.

You either conquer or get conquered. This has been the way in history with empires for thousands of years. Nobody owns nothing for long who doesn't fight to keep it.

They have really two choices. Either kill all of your enemies. Every single last one or find another chunk of land.

You can't make peace with these people.

In a way it is their fault for not obeying God thousands of years ago when he told them to wipe them all out. Every man, woman and child. They didn't do it and the results are clear.

Anyhow. That's my 2 cents.

Kamala will finish us off if we're dumb enough to cut our own throats by electing her. Which I don't think she has any "legitimate" shot of winning.
Good thoughts
The idea that the covenant with the People of Israel is now applicable to the church, is called "replacement theology" and is rejected by most theologians. The covenant with Abraham regarding his physical children is eternal - Genesis 17:7. Further, we see the Jewish people uniquely preserved and returned to their promised land after thousands of years. Not so with Amalekites, Hittites, etc. The other ancient peoples are gone or very tiny in number.

We also see other promises regarding their return fulfilled - the desert will bloom Isaiah 35:2, God protects them Zecharaih 9:16 (and many more), etc.

Further, the end times prophesies speak of the Jews rebuilding their temple in Jerusalem, the world hating Israel, etc. All these necessitate Israel being a nation again, which upholds the idea of the covenant of God towards these people.
Sincere thanks and appreciation to all of you who just enlightened me with knowledge and items to consider as these terrible times shake us to our cores, as we search for the truth in our lives, and what potentially lies ahead for all of us...
Prayers and blessing to all.
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This is just a question I heard someone ask years ago, but has the USA been more blessed or less blessed as a nation since 1948?
I forgot to address this issue.

We have been blessed in many ways, but have gone out of our way to reject God, His ways, etc.
No way a people are blessed by God in that situation. In fact, I am convinced that we are toast as a nation.