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Bernie test negative for Presidency


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Bernie Sanders drops out of presidential race

April 8, 2020, 11:24 AM EDT
By Jane C. Timm and Allan Smith
Bernie Sanders is ending his presidential campaign, he announced on Wednesday.

The Vermont independent senator's 2020 bid started off strong. He narrowly missed first place in Iowa before picking up wins in New Hampshire and Nevada. All the while, his campaign continued to rake in millions in small-dollar donations and pack rallies full of supporters as he ascended to national front-runner status amid a crowded Democratic field.

Running as a progressive insurgent against Hillary Clinton in 2016, Sanders popularized ideas like "Medicare for All." In 2020, however, a number of candidates backed similar policies, and he faced another prominent progressive in Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., who was the first to propose canceling some student debt in April.

Sanders followed with a more far-reaching plan of his own in June. Warren surged above Sanders in the fall, right up until he suffered a heart attack in October. That — along with the high-profile endorsement by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., — revived his national polling numbers, and he remained in second place until Biden's dismal fourth-place showing in Iowa, which propelled Sanders to front-runner status.

In his 2020 bid, the senator worked to broaden his support with Latino voters, and his coalition grew more diverse because of it. But despite years of outreach to increase his popularity among black voters, Sanders failed to earn their votes in large numbers. He also lost some of his white working-class supporters to Biden, a fracture of his coalition that cost him crucial votes in states like Michigan.

Sanders also stumbled with women voters, facing accusations of sexism in January after tensions between his and Warren's campaigns spilled out into the open. The two progressives had largely remained allies while campaigning for the nomination, but a series of leaks to the media from aides and supporters of both senators accusing the other camp of dirty tricks and lying culminated in Warren saying in a statement that Sanders once told her he didn't think a woman could win the presidency.

Sanders denied the claim, but he was hit with further criticism of his supporters — dubbed the "Bernie Bros" — after female union leaders in Nevada who spoke out against his candidacy said they were attacked by his fans.

His campaign officially stalled in South Carolina. Fueled by a crucial endorsement from Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., Biden won the Palmetto State decisively. The moderate wing of the party then consolidated around him — Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg both dropped out of the race and endorsed him — and Biden won 10 of 14 states on Super Tuesday.


more on this unsurprising bullshit at the link above
Some decade the Democrats will understand that the more they push socialism the more they fail.
Good. He should have been laughed out of town years ago.
Superman said:
All the while, his campaign continued to rake in millions in small-dollar donations

Sanders - two-time failure, like Hildabeast. Government tics.

Funny how they are stunningly wealthy for "serving the people." Serving Americans ...

The market had a good day after the Berntard bowed out. The smart money know that Creepy Joe has no shot.

STOCKSPublished 31 mins ago
S&P 500 joins Dow in exiting bear market as Sanders suspends presidential campaign
Twitter is a riot right now.
I wonder if he gets another vacation home or not.
I wonder if he gets another vacation home or not.

But Dj, he has worked so hard for his money. From ages 18 to 40, he ... he ... uh, he lived as a squatter in a hut with a dirt floor, not working, practicing being a bum, i.e., a politician.

"Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment.” So he went from a dirt-floor shack to unemployment. “Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. ‘He was a ****** carpenter,’ a friend told Politico Magazine. ‘His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn’t.’

His apartment was filthy, his electricity was routinely shut off, and he drove around in a rusted out VW Bug. But he liked to talk. He’d talk about socialism – how the rich people were “ripping everyone off.” About greed and how “greed” is the entire driving force in America. “‘The whole quality of life in America is based on greed,’ the bitter layabout said. ‘I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation.’


Okay, slow start, I'll give you that. But, but, but ... who could possibly succeed in racist America under his circumstances? Unpossible. White Privileged Americans with rich parents are the only ones to succeed in America, we all know that.

Audie Murphy was born into a large family of sharecroppers in Hunt County, Texas. His father abandoned them, and his mother died when he was a teenager. Murphy left school in fifth grade to pick cotton and find other work to help support his family; his skill with a hunting rifle helped feed his family.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Murphy's older sister helped him to falsify documentation about his birthdate in order to meet the minimum-age requirement for enlisting in the military. Turned down initially for being underweight by the Army, Navy and the Marine Corps, he eventually was able to enlist in the Army. He first saw action in the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily; then in 1944 he participated in the Battle of Anzio, the liberation of Rome, and the invasion of southern France. Murphy fought at Montélimar and led his men on a successful assault at the L'Omet quarry near Cleurie in northeastern France in October.

During the first wave of the Allied invasion of southern France, Murphy received the Distinguished Service Cross[49][50] for action taken on 15 August 1944.[51]

After landing on Yellow Beach near Ramatuelle,[52] Murphy's platoon was making its way through a vineyard when the men were attacked by German soldiers. He retrieved a machine gun that had been detached from the squad and returned fire at the German soldiers, killing two and wounding one.[52] Two Germans exited a house about 100 yards (91 m) away and appeared to surrender; when Murphy's best friend responded, they shot and killed him. Murphy advanced alone on the house under direct fire. He killed six, wounded two and took 11 prisoner.[52]

Murphy was with the 1st Battalion, 15th Infantry Regiment during the 27–28 August offensive at Montélimar that secured the area from the Germans.[51][53] Along with the other soldiers who took part in the action, he received the Presidential Unit Citation.[54]

Murphy's first Purple Heart was for a heel wound received in a mortar shell blast on 15 September 1944 in northeastern France.[55][56][57] His first Silver Star came after he killed four and wounded three at a German machine gun position on 2 October at L'Omet quarry in the Cleurie river valley.[49] Three days later, Murphy crawled alone towards the Germans at L'Omet, carrying an SCR-536 radio and directing his men for an hour while the Germans fired directly at him. When his men finally took the hill, 15 Germans had been killed and 35 wounded. Murphy's actions earned him a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Silver Star.[58] He was awarded a battlefield commission to second lieutenant on 14 October, which elevated him to platoon leader.[59] While en route to Brouvelieures on 26 October, the 3rd Platoon of Company B was attacked by a German sniper group. Murphy captured two before being shot in the hip by a sniper; he returned fire and shot the sniper between the eyes. At the 3rd General Hospital at Aix-en-Provence,[60] the removal of gangrene from the wound caused partial loss of his hip muscle and kept him out of combat until January.[49] Murphy received his first Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster for his Purple Heart for this injury.[61][62]


Pffft, privileged, rich orphan picking cotton at age 11 and shirking military service by faking identification, and then trying to get out of the war by constantly taking on German soldiers and getting injured?

Bernie, meanwhile, continued his rise to wealth with yet more hard work, by ... getting elected. After repeatedly losing, of course, and maintaining his amateur bum status for Olympic eligibility, naturally.

So he decided to start a socialist party. In leftist, wackadoo Vermont, you’d think that would be welcomed. He wasn’t even good at that. He ran for office four times – losing badly every time. Finally, at 40, he managed to get himself elected as mayor of Burlington. The socialist was proud of what he accomplished – not making mayor, but actually getting a real job. ‘I never had any money my entire life,’ Sanders told Vermont public TV in 1985, after settling into his first real job as mayor of Burlington.

The radical agitator managed to get himself elected to Congress some years later, then to the United State Senate in 2006.


Hmmm, somehow, some way, Sanders is now a multi-millionaire with more homes than he needs.

Wonder how much of his stolen, corrupt wealth he will share with middle class Americans impoverished by the Fed's recent actions?

Yeah, I know. Rhetorical question.

Bernie Sanders Donated Less Than One Percent To Charity First Year He Made Over $1 Million


Oh, and a lot of the money he did donate? Came from speaking fees on various political shows, where Fed law precludes politicians from keeping the money. Sort of a "forced charity," if you will.
Neither one of these geriatrics should have even been on the ballet. The ******* dims are what we thought they are. Who we have? Russian/China spy vs dementia/perv
I wonder if he gets another vacation home or not.
Probably. You can keep unspent campaign donations as long as you claim it as income to the IRS.
Did anyone see the letter the bernie bots sent Biden with their demands in exchange for their support? .. it was absolutely proof they don’t exist in reality. On average their IQs have to be double digits ...