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Big ben props.......finally!


A Legend In My Spare Time
Apr 8, 2014
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For those who always cry about Big Biker not getting his just due, there's an interesting Insider Article on ESPN that asks who currently in the NFL are sure fire 1st rounders. They asked a scout and two GMs. There were only 7 unanimous choices :

1) Peyton Manning
2) Aaron Rodgers
3) Tom Brady
4) Drew Brees
5) Ben Roethlisberger
6) Andrew Luck
7) Russell Wilson

Some nice company for The Biker.
It seems like people respect Ben more and more these days
1) Aaron Rodgers
2) Drew Brees
3) Tom Brady
4) Peyton Manning
5) Ben Roethlisberger
6) Russell Wilson
7) Andrew Luck
As I watch the HEARD today he mention this is a QB league and when you see the last drafters they have QB's and he named everyone but Ben. About every talk show on ESPN gives nothing to Ben.
1) Peyton Manning
2) Aaron Rodgers
3) Tom Brady
4) Ben Roethlisberger
5) Drew Brees
6) Russell Wilson
7) Andrew Luck
cowherd hates ben... That said,, he would put me down as a "fan:" and make me look subjective. He still hates ben. lol
Cowherd constantly talks up Ben
I don't listen to his show frequently but he seems to give the Steelers some love. The major national sports shows I think will talk up players in the bigger markets.
1. Aaron Rodgers
2./3. Ben Roethlisberger
2./3. Drew Brees
4. Tom Brady (Trending down.)
5. Eli Manning (Just get him to the playoffs...)
6. Russell Wilson (Could push elite status if he continues being so efficient.)
7. Phillip Rivers (Returned to form last year. Expecting another big year.)
8. Andrew Luck (Wildcard.)
9. Peyton Manning (Ultimate choke artist. Will not win you a championship on his own.)
10. Cam Newton (I hate the guy, but he's actually been decent. Needs some receivers, lol.)
I don't listen to his show frequently but he seems to give the Steelers some love. The major national sports shows I think will talk up players in the bigger markets.

Yep. Garbage like Mike & Mike are the shows that spend 2:45 of their 3:00 on the 2-5 Jets.
any list without Flucco is just not worthy
I need to watch Russell Wilson more. I just don't see him that high on the list. I see him more as a game manager on a team with a great defense. I surely don't put him above Luck, Rivers, or Peyton Manning.
Some people do. Others call him Big Biker.

Would you prefer Big Molester?
Big Sex Offender?
Big Rapist?

Didn't realize him being a motorcycle enthusiast, and referencing him as such, was insulting to him and you.
I should just be a sheep and follow the masses and only reference him as Big Ben?
Lighten up, Frances.
Would you prefer Big Molester?
Big Sex Offender?
Big Rapist?

Didn't realize him being a motorcycle enthusiast, and referencing him as such, was insulting to him and you.
I should just be a sheep and follow the masses and only reference him as Big Ben?
Lighten up, Frances.

Fedder Cum Dumpster. There, I think that suits just fine. Has just as much evidence as the slanderous bullshit you just posted, after all.

Fedder Cum Dumpster. There, I think that suits just fine. Has just as much evidence as the slanderous bullshit you just posted, after all.


Oh, t-man Joe, you're so clever.
My feelings are hurt and you sure showed me.

Is there something still off on the site's scripting or coding?
Oh, t-man Joe, you're so clever.
My feelings are hurt and you sure showed me.

Is there something still off on the site's scripting or coding?

It wasn't meant to be clever, it was meant to be as fact based and justified as your post.

And I really don't give a **** what you are "feeling" but when you come here spouting bullshit, you're not getting hugs.

It wasn't meant to be clever, it was meant to be as fact based and justified as your post.

And I really don't give a **** what you are "feeling" but when you come here spouting bullshit, you're not getting hugs.


Tell me, what BS did I spot, t-man Joe?

Ben rides a motorcycle.
Ben is too oftenly referred to as Big Biker.
Some people are non-conformists.
Some people like parodying something already established, ie Al Yankovic, who's made a pretty successful career of it.
Ben was accussed of sexual impropriety and two separate occassions. ( Note I said accused, and not convicted ).
Some homers have their goggles strapped so tight to their head that they've become humorless zombies that lunge at anything they perceive as a threat.
Some people use exaggerated examples to prove a point as to show the absurdity of a stance.

I get it.
Ben is your messiah or whatever and nobody can say anything about him that you may find unacceptable.
Sorry you feel butthurt on behalf of the great and powerful oz that is Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger.

I heard there were free hugs in here...

Tell me, what BS did I spot, t-man Joe?

Ben rides a motorcycle.
Ben is too oftenly referred to as Big Biker.
Some people are non-conformists.
Some people like parodying something already established, ie Al Yankovic, who's made a pretty successful career of it.
Ben was accussed of sexual impropriety and two separate occassions. ( Note I said accused, and not convicted ).
Some homers have their goggles strapped so tight to their head that they've become humorless zombies that lunge at anything they perceive as a threat.
Some people use exaggerated examples to prove a point as to show the absurdity of a stance.

I get it.
Ben is your messiah or whatever and nobody can say anything about him that you may find unacceptable.
Sorry you feel butthurt on behalf of the great and powerful oz that is Benjamin Todd Roethlisberger.

? You are seriously out of your ******* mind. He was indeed accused of something, twice no less. Oddly, he's never been arrested, or convicted, of a ******* thing. He was also suspended for 6 ******* games, reduced to 4, for the same "accusations".

I don't think Ben is a saint, I don't think he's anything but a damn good quarterback. I am glad we have him, however, there seem to be several people who just tolerate him.

After Bubby Brister, Mark Mallone, Cliff Stout, Kent Graham, Kordell Stewart, and Tommy Maddox, I might have supported Jeffrey Dahmer on this ******* football team if he could complete more touchdowns than interceptions on a consistent basis. Call me crazy, I got pretty ******* tired of the rejects we kept putting under center for over 20 years. So yeah, the fact that for whatever reason, this spoiled group of Johnny come lately ******* cumstain fans wants to bag on the current franchise quarterback makes me a little unpleasant to them here in the forum.

Ask me if I give a ****, or if I just like coming back to keep delivering fresh loads of ****?

? You are seriously out of your ******* mind. He was indeed accused of something, twice no less. Oddly, he's never been arrested, or convicted, of a ******* thing. He was also suspended for 6 ******* games, reduced to 4, for the same "accusations".

I don't think Ben is a saint, I don't think he's anything but a damn good quarterback. I am glad we have him, however, there seem to be several people who just tolerate him.

After Bubby Brister, Mark Mallone, Cliff Stout, Kent Graham, Kordell Stewart, and Tommy Maddox, I might have supported Jeffrey Dahmer on this ******* football team if he could complete more touchdowns than interceptions on a consistent basis. Call me crazy, I got pretty ******* tired of the rejects we kept putting under center for over 20 years. So yeah, the fact that for whatever reason, this spoiled group of Johnny come lately ******* cumstain fans wants to bag on the current franchise quarterback makes me a little unpleasant to them here in the forum.

Ask me if I give a ****, or if I just like coming back to keep delivering fresh loads of ****?


I think the fact that I started this thread, alerting everyone there was an actual positive article lumping Big Ben ( that one's for you, t-man Joe ) in with the other perceived greats of the league, has escaped you in your ranting.
And thank you for reiterating the same fact that Ben was accused and not convicted again back to me as if I forgot my own statement.
Yeah, he is the best QB we've had since Terry. There's no denying that, and I've never said anything contrary.
But I don't feel that any one person or position on the team is exempt from criticism or poking fun of in a lighthearted manner.
Some people like placing all the praise/blame on individual people/positions while giving passes to other people/positions for whatever reason.
I'm not that person. Blame and praise is spread equally to everyone everywhere. No one person is above the team.
If you're a Steeler fan, this shouldn't be earth-shattering news to you.

Lastly, you must be seeing a whole team of them.
I think the fact that I started this thread, alerting everyone there was an actual positive article lumping Big Ben ( that one's for you, t-man Joe ) in with the other perceived greats of the league, has escaped you in your ranting.
And thank you for reiterating the same fact that Ben was accused and not convicted again back to me as if I forgot my own statement.
Yeah, he is the best QB we've had since Terry. There's no denying that, and I've never said anything contrary.
But I don't feel that any one person or position on the team is exempt from criticism or poking fun of in a lighthearted manner.
Some people like placing all the praise/blame on individual people/positions while giving passes to other people/positions for whatever reason.
I'm not that person. Blame and praise is spread equally to everyone everywhere. No one person is above the team.
If you're a Steeler fan, this shouldn't be earth-shattering news to you.

Lastly, you must be seeing a whole team of them.

The TEAM getting ****** by our old buddy Roger is exactly why I don't feel this is funny in the least. And it's not only the big Ben thing, it's the ******* bullshit double standard with the hits, it's ******* Heath miller getting hit like a ************* pez dispenser in the rats game, and lord ******* Gooddell ald his ******* minions in the zebra costumes not tossing the yellow on the ******* field, but that same season, if Harrison ******* sneezed at a ******* WR it was a ******* penalty and fine.

So yeah, it has a lot more to do with the team than it does Big Ben, and I have a little trouble laughing while lord Goodell is still *** reaming this entire organisation.
