Ok, now that we've reached the end, I have to ask.
Does anyone else think his throw mechanics were different after the elbow reconstruction? Not being critical but for any of you who threw the ball in your younger days, you'll get this question.
2018 and before. Ben never really threw the ball "over the top" like a Tom Brady throwing motion, he was always more of a 3/4 sidearm type motion but my eyes say his arm angle was higher before the elbow surgery.
Post elbow reconstruction, his arm angle seemed lower, with his hand placement more under the ball and arm angle more sidearm. Just me? Did my eyes just not remember his throw motion after the year off?
If I'm right and his arm angle did change, that lower side arm slinging motion is always going to be less powerful than a more vertical arm motion. Could be partially responsible for the loss of velocity and power in his arm. Did he alter that motion as a result of his elbow injury? I have no answers, just questions but to my eyes, his arm was nowhere close to what it was pre-injury. I don't think he ever came back with the same arm strength.
Anyway, just curious what others saw.
Does anyone else think his throw mechanics were different after the elbow reconstruction? Not being critical but for any of you who threw the ball in your younger days, you'll get this question.
2018 and before. Ben never really threw the ball "over the top" like a Tom Brady throwing motion, he was always more of a 3/4 sidearm type motion but my eyes say his arm angle was higher before the elbow surgery.
Post elbow reconstruction, his arm angle seemed lower, with his hand placement more under the ball and arm angle more sidearm. Just me? Did my eyes just not remember his throw motion after the year off?
If I'm right and his arm angle did change, that lower side arm slinging motion is always going to be less powerful than a more vertical arm motion. Could be partially responsible for the loss of velocity and power in his arm. Did he alter that motion as a result of his elbow injury? I have no answers, just questions but to my eyes, his arm was nowhere close to what it was pre-injury. I don't think he ever came back with the same arm strength.
Anyway, just curious what others saw.