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Bill Maher nails it, 4th and a mile for the GOP


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
This is brilliant. Describes the current state of the GOP and its minions perfectly.

I will add that Sanders is acting as an Obama type character (exciting and involving liberal youth) who towards the end will hand over his voters to Hillary.

Meanwhile the GOP is being torn apart because of Trump.

The irony for me is I don't even like Hillary. You can't help though but to laugh at the impotence, and just plain bumbling incompetent/out of touch nature of the CONservatives and their truly 'low information' followers.

The sooner one of those two inept evil parties crash and burn the better. Once a split between the left wing and right wing loonies happens to either the Dems or the Repubs the sooner a moderate party or two rises to power and draws all the centrists and relegates the fringe to utter irrelevance.

My dream is Hillary and trump run, Trump is outed as a democrat running as a republican, which he absolutely is, and Hillary gets accurately painted as a lying racist money grabbing politician in everyone's (including Trumps) pocket. I hope all the negativity that comes from that matchup pushes the electorate to the third parties and both establishments are left butchered and crying....
Third party... Vote libertarian if you are a Centrist, Green if you are Leftist, and Constitutional if you are Right wing... If you are an utter nutjob, vote independent... there is always some loony awesomeness there
The sooner one of those two inept evil parties crash and burn the better. Once a split between the left wing and right wing loonies happens to either the Dems or the Repubs the sooner a moderate party or two rises to power and draws all the centrists and relegates the fringe to utter irrelevance.

My dream is Hillary and trump run, Trump is outed as a democrat running as a republican, which he absolutely is, and Hillary gets accurately painted as a lying racist money grabbing politician in everyone's (including Trumps) pocket. I hope all the negativity that comes from that matchup pushes the electorate to the third parties and both establishments are left butchered and crying....

I actually agree with most of your points, just can't see it ever happening.
That assclown still has a show? Who watches it?

I refuse to subscribe to HBO because of crap shows like his and Girls etc. Dish offered me free HBO as an incentive to stay with them a while back. I said No thank you. I don't want that crap for free. The rep just chuckled.
The sooner one of those two inept evil parties crash and burn the better. Once a split between the left wing and right wing loonies happens to either the Dems or the Repubs the sooner a moderate party or two rises to power and draws all the centrists and relegates the fringe to utter irrelevance.

My dream is Hillary and trump run, Trump is outed as a democrat running as a republican, which he absolutely is, and Hillary gets accurately painted as a lying racist money grabbing politician in everyone's (including Trumps) pocket. I hope all the negativity that comes from that matchup pushes the electorate to the third parties and both establishments are left butchered and crying....

I could get behind that. They both need to be brought to the ground.
I refuse to subscribe to HBO because of crap shows like his and Girls etc. Dish offered me free HBO as an incentive to stay with them a while back. I said No thank you. I don't want that crap for free. The rep just chuckled.

I won't leave my tv on job when I turn it off so I don't accidentally see some of his stupid **** when I turn it back on.
I actually agree with most of your points, just can't see it ever happening.

If only the just Republican party crashed and burned first. The democRATS would follow because they would have no one to blame for their failed policies.

The democRATS need villains (Republicans) and victims to exist.
Here's a useful guide, if you're looking for reasons to vote Republican:

Top 10 reasons to vote Republican

Why would anyone vote Republican? Well, here are 10 reasons.

1. You are a bigot

It's true that not all Republicans are bigots. But if you ARE a bigot, the Republican party will be much more your group than the Democratic party. Remember that there are lots of ways to be a bigot: You could be a racist, a homophobe, an Islamophobe, or lots of other things.

2. You like eating, drinking and breathing poison.

Many Republicans are calling for or voting for shrinking or eliminating agencies that protect us against poison. They seem to think that the corporations will do the right thing, without any pressure from the government. Uh huh. Read The Jungle. Look at the way Monsanto is hiding facts about Round Up. Look at food safety and outbreaks of E. Coli.

Corporations exist to make money. They will do so any way they can. The government needs to stop them from doing so in ways that hurt people.

3. You think the rich don't have enough money

The idea that giving more money to rich people (via tax breaks) will help poor people is nonsensical and has been shown wrong time and again in history. Huge tax breaks for the rich (a la George Bush) don't work.

4. You don't support our veterans

The Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran's Association (IAVA) rates every member of congress on how well they support our veterans. In the Senate, 9 people got A or A+: All were Democrats. 30 got D or F: 29 Republicans and one Democrat. More on this

5. You like big deficits

Since the end of WW II the ratio of debt to GDP for the nation has gone down in 9 administrations (3 Republican and 6 Democratic) and up in 7 administrations (6 Republican and 1 Democratic). The largest increases by this measure were GW Bush's 2nd term; GHW Bush, and Reagan's first term. The largest decreases were the three terms right after the end of WWII (Truman and Eisenhower). The last decrease under a Republican was in Eisenhower's 2nd term

6. You don't believe in free speech.

The American Civil Liberties Union is the premier defender of our civil liberties, including the right to free speech. That's free speech for EVERYONE; from Nazis to Marxists to Fred Phelps to anyone else. They rate politicians, including governors, senators and representatives. 12 people got a 100 rating: All were Democrats. 65 people got a score of less than 10: All were Republicans. Only 6 Democrats got a score under 50 (Joe Donnelly, Michael Ross, Collin Peterson, Joseph Shuler, Mark Critz and David Boren). Only 2 Republicans got scores over 50 (Olympia Snowe and Mark Kirk) Full list

7. You like big government

The Republicans like to claim they are against big government. It's a lie. They only object when government helps people. But they are supporters of the Patriot Act; they want the government to say who you can marry; they want the government to forbid abortion; they want the government to be able to spy on you without restraint. Unfortunately, many Democrats agree with them on some of these, but to find opposition to these big government ideas, you have to look to the Democrats.

8. You want government to hurt people, but not help them

This is really just a summation of some other points.

9. You are greedy, short sighted and rich

You really have to be all three for this to work.

If you're rich but not short-sighted, you know that, in the long run, when there is huge income inequality, it leads to things like stock market crashes and revolution, and everyone loses. In a revolution, it is often the rich who lose most.

If you're rich but not greedy, you recognize that helping others is a good thing, and that the government assuring that people have a safety net is a good thing as well.

10. You like torture

The Democrats don't exactly shine here, but the Republicans are much worse. It was, after all, Dick Cheney who bragged in his memoir about being a war criminal. It was Don Rumsfeld who opined that a problem in Abu Ghraib was that they weren't torturing prisoners enough. And it is mostly Democrats who have objected to torture.

Torture is wrong. It's also stupid. It doesn't work. People who are tortured will say ANYTHING (true or not) that they thing their torturers want to hear.
Top 10 reasons to vote Democrat:

1. You believe radical Islamic terrorism is a product of US oppression and if we're just nicer to radical Muslims they will renounce their oppressive sexist homophobic beliefs and stop killing people.
2. You believe enforcing immigration laws is racist.
3. You believe most police are racists thugs who go around randomly shooting completely innocent people for no reason.
4. You think it's not fair that some people have more money than you and therefore the government ought to take some of it. Not necessarily to give it to you or to help anyone with it, just for the heck of it. In the name of equality.
5. You like to talk a good game about "our veterans" but actually believe in slashing our military budget and not giving them the tools or the strategic ability to succeed on the battlefield.
6. You think government is good at solving people's problems, despite decades of evidence to the contrary.
7. You think the answer to big deficits is to suck even more money out of the economy and hand it over to a federal government which has proven oh so responsible in its spending habits.
8. You want people who don't educate themselves or work to be given the same economic benefits as those who don't. You don't see at all how this might negatively impact overall employment, educational achievement or productivity.
9. You believe in free speech but only when it's not offensive to you in any way.
10 You have no problem whatsoever supporting infanticide in the name of "women's rights".

There are more of course...
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11. Liberals are just too stupid to make important decisions. Plus they just make **** up.


About 4 million people a week.

or approximately 1/3 the number of illegals coming into the country per year whom we cannot vet properly.
How does one compare Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler? Seriously ... how are these two alike, in any way??
How does one compare Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler? Seriously ... how are these two alike, in any way??

Similarities between Donald Trump, Hitler truly striking

• Both men have racism at the core of their ideology: For Hitler, it was the Jews. For Trump, it is Mexicans and Muslims. Hitler blamed the Jews for every ill that plagued Germany following World War I. Similarly, Trump has demonized Mexicans, calling them “rapists and murderers.” He has called for a ban on Muslims coming to the U.S. and proposed the creation of a Muslim registry. Hitler required all Jews to wear a Star of David. How is the proposed registry any different?

• Both Hitler and Trump promised to make their countries “great again:” Now, it’s true there are some stark differences between post-World War I Germany and modern America. Our economy isn’t in shambles, for one thing, and our currency isn’t worthless, for another. But Hitler played off the anger of his electorate. He took advantage of the feeling among Germans that Germany had become weak and had lost the world’s respect. Trump is doing the same thing. And like Hitler, he has positioned himself as the “savior,” the only person capable of restoring his country to its former glory.

• Both men believe in torture: The entire world knows about the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazis. But Trump has also said he supports the use of water boarding and other forms of torture, and has promised to bring them back if elected “because it works.” Enough said.

• Hitler couldn’t stand criticism or any opposing voices. Neither can Trump: To deal with this problem, Hitler had Joseph Goebbels and his propaganda ministry, which controlled every bit of information fed to the German people. For his part, Trump has said that if he gets elected, he will seek to rewrite this nation’s libel laws, to make it easier for politicians to sue the media. This goes against decades of Supreme Court precedent, which has sought to protect the media. It also insults both the spirit and intent of the First Amendment, which guarantees a free press. A free and healthy press is essential to a thriving democracy, and there can be only one purpose for Trump’s promise to rewrite libel laws: to intimidate the media and silence opposition. That, more than any other, is the mark of a dictator.

• Hitler had his soldiers swear an oath of loyalty to him. Trump is doing the same thing: Recent video has shown Trump asking his supporters to swear to turn out and vote for him. Granted, it’s not exactly the same thing as having soldiers swear undying loyalty to the point of death, but given everything else we’ve seen from Trump, it’s still a disturbing picture.

Donald Trump is an egomaniacal windbag, a man with no moral center or core beliefs of his own. While it may seem a stretch to compare him to Hitler – especially before we see what he would do as president – I believe it would be foolish not to take note of the striking, and very real, similarities between the two men.

Of course, we can continue to ignore what’s right in front of us, but we do so at our own peril.


You do know that there is a difference between actual and theoretical?

It even says, in the second last sentence "it may seem a stretch to compare him to Hitler -- especially before we see what he would do as president"

I'm pretty sure this falls under scaremongering and character assassination.

Trump is an asshat, but so are the other three left on this season's Survivor POTUS.
You do know that there is a difference between actual and theoretical?
Of course I do. The question was "how are these two alike, in any way?" I think the list gives a few legitimate similarities. Nobody is suggesting Trump is Hitler. But theoretically yes, there are a few similarities. Not like it matters to anyone, nor does it diminish him in any way in the eyes of his supporters. I understand that.
Of course I do. The question was "how are these two alike, in any way?" I think the list gives a few legitimate similarities. Nobody is suggesting Trump is Hitler. But theoretically yes, there are a few similarities. Not like it matters to anyone, nor does it diminish him in any way in the eyes of his supporters. I understand that.

So you are just fanning the flames, inciting the other guys?
Many of the same comparisons could be drawn between our narcissist current leader and Hitler. How lame.