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Body Mass Index is now racist


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
As someone who lifts, BMI is worthless for me. I am considered overweight because I’m short and got muscle from lifting so it tosses me over.

But I know where you are coming from. We must not hurt the fat folks feelings.
More retarded bullshit. Well that trashes any potential credibility they had left.

The country is obese and they want to play stupid games.

Ok,so let's chuck out the BMI which is still a good indicator for those who are not athletes or have a large amount of skeletal muscle tissue.

Sure thing. Let's just go with bodyfat% of mass. Fat is fat and it does matter who it's on. Fat isn't racist. It's on every single human on the planet. It's really easy to see we have a problem when you go into large crowds.

What absolute morons.
The AMA says QBR.
Sure thing. Let's just go with bodyfat% of mass. Fat is fat and it does matter who it's on. Fat isn't racist. It's on every single human on the planet. It's really easy to see we have a problem when you go into large crowds.
Not necessarily. Black folks have a higher rate of obesity than white folks, therefore rayciss.

Although the nations with the highest rate of obesity are, surprisingly, in the Pacific islands and Middle East.


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Not necessarily. Black folks have a higher rate of obesity than white folks, therefore rayciss.

Although the nations with the highest rate of obesity are, surprisingly, in the Pacific islands and Middle East.


And that is from eating like **** as your main cuisine. Piss poor diet,lack of activity,loss of skeletal muscle tissue in the process leads to metabolic syndrome.

If you have bad genetics to begin with it compounds the issue. Of course hormonal imbalances contribute as well as pre and post menopausal women. They have it super hard then. That's why I always preach to lose the weight before it hits.
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been saying it for ten damn years. I knew that thing was skewed when it came to fat native Americans. I'm gonna demand they lower my health insurance premiums. LMAO..

Well, laughter is the best medicine, warriors. Research has shown that subjects who laugh out loud at least 2x/day, implement a controlled diet, and engage in vigorous exercise at least 4x/week lose weight.

Proof that indeed, laughter is the best medicine. Science.
Well, laughter is the best medicine, warriors. Research has shown that subjects who laugh out loud at least 2x/day, implement a controlled diet, and engage in vigorous exercise at least 4x/week lose weight.

Proof that indeed, laughter is the best medicine. Science.
I laugh at a lot that is posted here. I guess that I'm just here for medicinal purposes.
Well, that's one more to add to the list.
44) The BMI

1) The A-OK sign:
How did the OK sign become a symbol of white supremacy? (Despite the fact most people now seem aware that this is a 4chan hoax, liberals STILL bought into it.)

2) Babies: Google ‘Antiracism’ Training Says 3-Month-Old Babies Are Racist

3) Ben Shapiro: Leaked Docs at Google Expose 'Anti-Racism' Initiative: Ben Shapiro Listed in 'White Supremacy Pyramid'

4) A black, conservative commentator: Candace Owens Is At It Again, Coming Out Her Black Face to Whitesplain Away the Impact of White Supremacy

5) Black holes: Now Space Is Racist: Ivy League Class Highlights Connection Between Black Holes and Black People

6) A black Republican running for governor: CNN's Stelter allows guest to call Larry Elder a 'white supremacist' unchallenged

7) A black Republican woman who became the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia: Liberal MSNBC guest calls Winsome Sears a 'Black mouth' for 'White supremacist practices'

8) Calling the COVID-19 virus, which is from China, the “China Virus:” NFL exec apologizes for saying words ‘China Virus’ after meaning of ‘racist slur’ is redefined

9) Capitalism: Report: Verizon Diversity Training Teaches America, Capitalism Are Racist

10) Colorblindness: Colorblindness: the New Racism?

11) Dr. Seuss: Is It Time to Cancel Dr. Seuss Due to Racist Imagery?

12) Enforcing immigration law: Institutional Racism in Enforcing Immigration Law

13) Farmer’s markets: OH, COME ON! Farmer’s Markets Now Being Called Racist!

14) The FIFA soccer video game: ‘FIFA’ Soccer Video Game Promotes Racism

15) The flag and police: University of Alabama Dean: American Flag and Police Represent ‘Systemic History of Racism’

16) Hoop earrings: A Message From the Latinas Who Made the ‘White Girl, Take OFF Your Hoops’ Mural

17) Hospitals: Actor Jodie Turner-Smith Gave Birth at Home Because of ‘Systemic Racism’ in Hospitals

18) Jingle Bells: 'Jingle Bells' rooted in racism, Boston University professor says

19) Legal votes: Leading ‘anti-racist’ prof calls the term ‘legal vote’ ‘racist’

20) Abe Lincoln (Of course, he freed the slaves.): San Francisco Wants to Rename Abraham Lincoln High School: Former POTUS ‘Stained by Racism’

21) Math: Is mathematics racist? California could blaze pathway with woke math

22) Merit: Why Calling Merit Racist Erases People of Color

23) The National Anthem: Is the US national anthem a racist song?

24) National parks: National Parks Are Latest Target of Systemic Racism Claim in America

25) Niggardly (Which predates the N-word and means miserly.): Is using this N-word (niggardly) a firing offense?

26) Perfectionism and a sense of urgency: University faculty training lists 'perfectionism,' and 'sense of urgency' as indicators of 'white supremacy'

27) Pointing out when people of color are being divisive: Dear White Gay Men: Labeling People of Color "Divisive" Isn't a Critique — It's Racism

28) Rocks: ‘Racist’ rock removed from University of Wisconsin Madison campus

29) Saying you’re not racist: Don’t say ‘I am not a racist’

30) Science, statistics, and technology: According to this professor, 'Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist'

31) Single-family home neighborhoods: Academics Claim Single Family Home Neighborhoods Have Legacy of Racism

32) Skiing: How Skiing’s Whiteness Has Affected Me, and How We Can Change It

33) Standard English: Race radicals want to abolish standard English

34) Trees: Racist Trees to Be Removed in Palm Springs

35) The COVID vaccine mandate: Black Lives Matter threatens ‘uprising’ over NYC Mayor de Blasio’s ‘racist’ vax mandate

36) Violence against Asians from non-white people: Prof claims that violence against Asians from non-white people is still caused by ‘white supremacy’

37) Voter ID: How racism underlies voter ID laws: the academics weigh in

38) Wearing a Make America Great Again! hat: Why Trump’s MAGA hats have become a potent symbol of racism

39) White people: Yes My Dear, All White People Are Racists

40) White people reproducing: Professor Claims It’s RACIST For White People To Reproduce

41) Brown paper bags:

42) White milk:

43) The phrase "inner city crime"

44) BMI
I have sad it before and I’ll say it again now: if everything is racist nothing is racist. This is another case of reality poking holes in leftist dogma so they use one of their magic spell word sets to shutdown debate.
As someone who lifts, BMI is worthless for me. I am considered overweight because I’m short and got muscle from lifting so it tosses me over.

But I know where you are coming from. We must not hurt the fat folks feelings.

My situation as well...me with my massive 17 inch biceps. lol

Funny thing.. At 5'9" I am the average height for an American male. That is not considered as being short.. So why is it that everywhere I go everyone (men) are always taller than me?
Or at least it feels that way.
My situation as well...me with my massive 17 inch biceps. lol

Funny thing.. At 5'9" I am the average height for an American male. That is not considered as being short.. So why is it that everywhere I go everyone (men) are always taller than me?
Or at least it feels that way.
All the Mexican and Asian immigrants are pulling down the average height. 😄😄😄
I know, I know, QBR.
My situation as well...me with my massive 17 inch biceps. lol

Funny thing.. At 5'9" I am the average height for an American male. That is not considered as being short.. So why is it that everywhere I go everyone (men) are always taller than me?
Or at least it feels that way.
**** I’m 5’6. I need people like you to get things off the top shelf for me
I'm 6'1. You're just the right size to uppercut me right in the nuts!

Mad respect man, mad respect.
I'm 6'1. You're just the right size to uppercut me right in the nuts!
So much time wasted on "dating sites" and your soulmate was right here at SN the whole time!
This is because leftists have infiltrated so deep into academia and they have pushed insanity everywhere as part of their societal deconstruction and demoralization plan. This is "Body Positivity" coming into conflict with medicine and them having to find a way to justify it. Because black women are probably the single most obese demographic segment in the USA they have the impetus to call it racist. It's just about the advance of communism like always.
This is because leftists have infiltrated so deep into academia and they have pushed insanity everywhere as part of their societal deconstruction and demoralization plan. This is "Body Positivity" coming into conflict with medicine and them having to find a way to justify it. Because black women are probably the single most obese demographic segment in the USA they have the impetus to call it racist. It's just about the advance of communism like always.
This report just in. Water is racist.

Program offered to Black and brown swimmers to cut down on drowning deaths

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 to 19-year-olds who were Black were five times more likely to drown in a swimming pool. That's compared to their white peers.

At the Thelma Lovette YMCA in the Hill District, new memories are being made at the facility.

Memories, AJ Thomsen, who is the aquatics director and swim coach, said often are not given to under-served communities of color. He said, "There's an enduring perception that learning how to swim, learning how to be comfortable and safe around the water is not something that is for Black and brown people and that couldn't be further from the truth."

Thomsen said the main objective is to create a welcoming space. The YMCA has partnered with Latrice Rose-Moore of Melanin Mommies PGH to make discounted lessons possible for black and brown families to cut down on drowning deaths.

Rose-Moore said, "Just to know the impact we are having on families, they are more comfortable going on vacations, summer vacations because they know that their child has acquired some skills, survival skills."

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 to 19-year-olds who were Black were five times more likely to drown in a swimming pool compared to their white peers. Black children ages 11 and 12 were 10 times more likely to drown.

Rose-Moore said those statistics have deep, historical roots.

"Historically, that was one thing that prompted me to name it Black Babies Do Swim because of the statistics that Black families can't swim but also why those families can't swim being historically denied access to pools and it being a privilege to be in the water," Rose-Moore said.

One lifeguard, Sarene Goetz, teaches a class that has sparked discussion on Black hair care while swimming and now the facility provides a special all-women class to fulfill religious obligations.

Goetz said, “Create a water safety slash hair care seminar to let people know that the pool is a space for all people regardless of religion and race."

Thomsen said, "It's an open conversation, it's an ongoing dialogue where we are learning about the things that might prevent someone from getting into the water, skin and hair care is one of those things."