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Can Hillary just go away already?


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Nov 13, 2015
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On the lake
There are a couple of hilarious statements in this opinion piece.


Vanity Fair


Clinton, who has grown increasingly public and vocal in recent weeks, appears ready to drive the bus again. But do we have to be the passengers?


JUNE 9, 2017 2:30 PM

Clinton speaks with Nicholas Kristof at the Women in the World Summit on April 6th.

With*Donald Trump*busy spreading havoc around the world—most recently tweeting about*James Comey’s*testimony, or feeding into the crisis over Qatar—it’s reasonable to ask who can be bothered to gripe aboutHillary Clinton.*But I can. One makes the time. Or maybe one doesn’t, but in a two-party system there’s only one alternative to the party of Trump, and the role of Clinton in that party is therefore important.

Lately, it has been increasing. Hillary has been making*high-profile public appearances*and*started talking franklyabout her distaste for Trump and her dismay over the people and things that cost her the election. She has even*founded*a PAC called Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) that will “advance progressive values.” Whether we like it or not, the Clintons are back in the game. It’s up to the rest of us to figure out if we approve.

Just about everything we do lends itself to a generous or hostile interpretation. Our friends think we feed the poor because we have genuine compassion, and our enemies think we do so because we want to look good. The benign take on motives isn’t always closest to the truth, but it’s the better bet. (On the occasions that I’ve had an inside view of something in the glare of the press, those with the darkest take on it have usually been wrong.) I’ve been*tough onChelsea Clinton—hard not to be—but Hillary Clinton has a much higher accomplishment-to-self-regard ratio. So why not start generously?

Let’s posit that Hillary Clinton loves America and wants the best for it, whatever the merits of her ideas. That comes out even in small ways. When*Sid Blumenthal*sent Hillary a*strategy e-mail*headed “Because I like to waste my time,” she responded, “And because you care about our country.” You may see sanctimony there, but I for one see something heartfelt. When comedian*Zach Galifianakis*asked her*if she would flee to “one of the arctics” if Trump won, she responded, “I would stay in the United States. I would try to prevent him from destroying the United States.” As no one doubted she would. The Clintons may be slippery, but they don’t flee. They’re far likelier to go for a Yeltsin-on-the-tank moment if it’s offered. (Of course, in keeping with the rule of generous and hostile interpretations, some dismiss*Boris Yeltsin’s*heroism that day asgrandstanding.)

Like her husband, Hillary also has a resilience that is superhuman. Most of us would find it impossible to live with special prosecutors and countless enemies plotting our downfall, but Bill and Hillary just keep going.*Al Gore*never seemed to recover from losing in 2000, and he went dark for a long time. But Hillary Clinton is already back in the arena and swinging fists.

In an ideal world, former candidates and presidents would maintain a dignified silence about their rivals or successors, as most past ones have done, but Donald Trump has changed cultural expectations. He observes few niceties, and he lacks restraint or dignity. Expectations of “worthy” behavior from Clinton under the circumstances amount to expectations of unilateral disarmament. What’s more, Clinton talks to countless people who are looking to her for resolve and encouragement and leadership. How can she let them down and go silent?

Or so one could argue.

But we can’t stay friendly to Hillary forever. There’s a fine line—or maybe not even so fine a line—between boosting morale and monopolizing the spotlight. One reason*Bill Clinton*was able to make a name for himself decades ago was that previous candidates had the grace to get out of the way.*Jimmy Carter*and*Walter Mondaleand*Michael Dukakis*weren’t trying to place themselves at center stage during the campaign of 1992. The Clintons, by contrast, kept sticking around. When it comes to power, and a few other things, they can’t control their urges. As a friend of mine recently wrote to me in an e-mail, “Theyboth*had to be president?”

Even the name of Clinton’s PAC has a presumptuous ring to it. When someone has driven a bus off the road and hurled passengers out of their seats, it’s a bad time for the driver to stagger back to the wheel and call out “Onward together!” Onward, fine. Together, maybe not.

All of this would be easier to take if Hillary were on a crusade for a distinctive cause, in the manner of*Bernie Sanders*or*Pat Buchanan*or*Jesse Jackson*or*Ross Perot.But when she offers her take on the world, she speaks in clichés and vague generalities like “progress” versus “turning back the clock.” Such teleological smugness (to whichBarack Obama*was likewise prone) doesn’t just attract the ire of conservatives; liberals can get miffed, too. Is “progress” on the side of expanding NATO or the opposite? Is it on the side of greater National Security Agency surveillance or of less? Is it in favor of immigration amnesty or high-tech border security? We all want to move*forward,*but maybe we’re not all facing Hillary’s way.

Even without a clear cause to illuminate them, Hillary’s beliefs could have been sharpened a lot just by explaining what, in hindsight, she felt Bill got right or wrong in his presidency. But she never offered up such a critique, nor, oddly, did anyone really press her to do so. Throwing open our markets to China as much as we did—that looked wiser back then. So did deregulating the financial industry. So did pushing for three-strikes laws. So did the bailout of Mexico. So did focusing on deficit reduction. So did high levels of immigration. So did humanitarian interventions in the former Yugoslavia. So did welfare reform. Bill’s calls, like all big calls, were controversial, but they were far more justifiable in light of the data we had at the time. But what about with the data we have now?

Negotiating a different landscape requires the Democratic Party to return to some basic questions. Times have changed. America is no longer a lone hyperpower triumphing amid squabbles about same-sex marriage. We’re an overstretched empire fighting about fundamental questions of economy and national identity. The Clintons see that, sort of, but they’re stuck in time. Worse, their network, which is vast and powerful and heavily dependent on them, is stuck in time, too. Precisely when those on the left ought to be negotiating today’s fault lines and creating new coalitions, Democrats are getting dragged back into last year’s fights and letting personal loyalties drown out thoughts about core principles. The indefatigability of the Clintons isn’t just a nuisance but a hindrance.

We can’t expect them to accept this, of course. Psychologist*Martin Seligman,author of*Learned Optimism,*has famously observed that optimists tend to do better in life but exhibit more delusion. They tend to attribute failure to changing external factors rather than enduring internal qualities, blaming outside causes, not themselves. Hillary—who has been pinning her defeat on Comey and*Vladimir Putinand the Democratic National Committee and Wikileaks and*“a thousand Russian agents”and high expectations and the press and sexism and voter suppression and, for all I know, static cling—is a major optimist. That’s great for persistence and mental well-being. She’s ready to keep driving the bus. But it’s not so great for knowing when to quit. That’s where the passengers come in.

T.A. FRANKT.A. Frank is a*Vanity Faircontributor
I would rather see her brought to justice and thrown in prison.
She should be going away to prison. She can take her dirtbag husband with her. It's amazing how the grossly corrupt dirtbags can remain free for so long.

I agree, the Clintons should get on with their lives. It's time to clear the slate and let the next gen-ers rise to the top. First on the list is Adam Schiff, but there is a really strong group which includes Joe Kennedy III, Kamala Harris, Sheldon Whitehouse, Kirstan Gillibrand amond others. I'm very optimistic about the future of the progressive movement. But yes, the Clintons and Wasserman-Shultz's need to step aside.
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I actually think the more Hillary talks, the better the turnout on election day will be for the Republicans. So let the witch talk. A large bucket of water has already hit her political career.
I actually think the more Hillary talks, the better the turnout on election day will be for the Republicans. So let the witch talk. A large bucket of water has already hit her political career.

Long-time listeners to the Jim Quinn Show will remember the interviews with old Clinton bud Larry Nichols from Arkansas and him saying in his raspy drawl, Queeeen...I'm tellin' ya...they're never going away."

BIDEN: I knew a month before Election Day that Hillary would lose key battleground states

Former Vice President Joe Biden had more criticism for Hillary Clinton during a private donor conference hosted by Mitt Romney on Friday. Biden was speaking at the E2 Summit in Deer Valley, Utah, where he riffed on politics, past and future.

Reflecting on the vicious 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Biden said he knew a month before Election Day that Clinton would lose key battleground states, based on his assessment from his own campaigning in those states, Politico's Alex Isenstadt reported.

Clinton gave up Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — longtime Democratic strongholds — to Trump in 2016.

Last month, Biden said of Clinton's November defeat: "I never thought she was a great candidate. I thought I was a great candidate." Biden did not seek the presidency in 2016, but speculation about his potential run lingered for months.


BIDEN: I knew a month before Election Day that Hillary would lose key battleground states

Former Vice President Joe Biden had more criticism for Hillary Clinton during a private donor conference hosted by Mitt Romney on Friday. Biden was speaking at the E2 Summit in Deer Valley, Utah, where he riffed on politics, past and future.

Reflecting on the vicious 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Biden said he knew a month before Election Day that Clinton would lose key battleground states, based on his assessment from his own campaigning in those states, Politico's Alex Isenstadt reported.

Clinton gave up Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania — longtime Democratic strongholds — to Trump in 2016.

Last month, Biden said of Clinton's November defeat: "I never thought she was a great candidate. I thought I was a great candidate." Biden did not seek the presidency in 2016, but speculation about his potential run lingered for months.


Not that's funny. I hope our former very gaffe prone VP enjoys his retirement
I love previous election threads in mid June of a new administration. It's like mass psychotherapy. Wonder why it's so prevelant on this board, to constantly want to discuss Hillary et al? :noidea:
I'm pretty sure it's already been noted that Shillery and her continued blame shifting has motivated discussions on her. I'd love for her to slink away in a hole somewhere never to been seen or heard from again. You're done. Get over it.
So, he is admitting that the Russian hack had nothing to do with her loss? These people are not even competent liars.
I don't like his politics but Joe always seemed like a good human being. If we had to pick a Democrat of the current crop of, I would pick him. He might have foot in mouth disease but he is probably the most honest of the lot.
I don't like his politics but Joe always seemed like a good human being. If we had to pick a Democrat of the current crop of, I would pick him. He might have foot in mouth disease but he is probably the most honest of the lot.

He also has a 1966 Corvette that he got new.
The Dem's problem right now is that the base is so far Left that they are incapable of picking a Presidential candidate Centrist enough to win the General election. For example Sen. Manchin might be able to win in November but the base hates him.
The Dems' other problem is that if Hildebeast is still drawing breath in four years she WILL run again. She come to FAAAAaaarrrr.

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I actually think the more Hillary talks, the better the turnout on election day will be for the Republicans. So let the witch talk. A large bucket of water has already hit her political career.

I agree - every time she shows her face everyone needs to get on the Bash the ***** Train!

Van jones: Clinton campaign set a billion dollars 'on fire'

CNN commentator Van Jones ripped the Clinton campaign and the DNC during his speech at The People's Summit in Chicago on Saturday for wasting money and failing to reach out to working-class and minority voters.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign did not spend their money on white workers, and they did not spend it on people of color. They spent it on themselves," Jones told a packed house at McCormick Place in Chicago. "They spent it on themselves, let's be honest."

"Let's be honest," Jones continued. "They took a billion dollars, a billion dollars, a billion dollars, and set it on fire, and called it a campaign!"

"That wasn't a campaign. That's not a campaign."

Jones continued, attacking the Clinton campaign's reliance on consultants and polling data that proved to be wrong.

"A billion dollars for consultants. A billion dollars for pollsters. A billion dollars for a data operation, that was run by data dummies who couldn't figure out that maybe people in Michigan needed to be organized."

Trump let her slide. She keeps stickling her head up, would not surprise me if she got in trouble. She's a bit of a clownish figure who continues to taint the entire party, so we might just let her roll.
I agree - every time she shows her face everyone needs to get on the Bash the ***** Train!

Van jones: Clinton campaign set a billion dollars 'on fire'

CNN commentator Van Jones ripped the Clinton campaign and the DNC during his speech at The People's Summit in Chicago on Saturday for wasting money and failing to reach out to working-class and minority voters.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign did not spend their money on white workers, and they did not spend it on people of color. They spent it on themselves," Jones told a packed house at McCormick Place in Chicago. "They spent it on themselves, let's be honest."

"Let's be honest," Jones continued. "They took a billion dollars, a billion dollars, a billion dollars, and set it on fire, and called it a campaign!"

"That wasn't a campaign. That's not a campaign."

Jones continued, attacking the Clinton campaign's reliance on consultants and polling data that proved to be wrong.

"A billion dollars for consultants. A billion dollars for pollsters. A billion dollars for a data operation, that was run by data dummies who couldn't figure out that maybe people in Michigan needed to be organized."


Geez ya know....it sounds like the Clintons might just be guilty of a "Whitelash" to me. Van Jones is an idiot, like the rest of the CNN rabble.