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Caption Time

JH says "say what!! "
BR says " ya, no **** !!! POPs told me he's a cheatriot fan"
JH says "why the hell would he be one of them........kinda like carrying a turd around"

Salute the nation

Ben: You shoulda seen LaMarr Woodley's fat *** run 100yds down the sidelines for a TD in that Super Bwl.
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Son, you gotta get your mind right.
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So it starts off like this: a Steelers fan, a Ravens fan, and a Browns fan walk into a bar...
BR: :"Then tav-ous tweets he isn't smoking anymore"
AB" Maybe he listened to Bell aka chong and he will focus focus"
Deebo " Yeah focus on not getting caught, ya know..I just worked out.......... hit facebook for my video"

Ben: You shoulda seen LaMarr Woodley slam that drunken idiot Browns fan to the turf...it was sweet! If LaMarr was here I'd kiss him!

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Ben: You shoulda seen LaMarr Woodley slam that drunken idiot Browns fan to the turf...it was sweet! If LaMarr was here I'd kiss him!


James: Shiiit! That ain't nothing man! Shoulda see what I did to that clown *** in Cleveland.
Big Ben "...and I heard that those guys had to give Goodell a hand job to be cleared of the steroid charges last week"
JH-Ben are you trying to "talk black"? dont
naked blonde walks into a bar, carrying a poodle under one arm and a 6 foot salami under the other. The Bardtender says, 'So, I don't suppose you'd be needing a drink?' The blonde says......"
Ben...that play is ****...you know if you throw that garbage my way I will break his ******* back!
Ben: ... But then you know what? out of NOWHERE, Lamarr Woodley saves the entire Superbowl with a huge frickin' day, sacks Warner on the final play and we win.

AB: Really? Wow.

Ben: Oh, ya. If it weren't for Woodley, you wouldn't even know we HAD a defense on the field that day.
Ben: Let's run the lightning package in practice today. I got something special in mind...

AB: Great what's up?

Ben: Let's get Deebo in an isolation package on you and then you just run go routes all afternoon!