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Columbus OH to be re-named


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
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Picksburgh, PA
It will be re-named Flavortown, in honor of Guy Fieri.


June 19 (UPI) — The controversy over depictions of Christopher Columbus in Columbus, Ohio, has led to an online petition calling for the city to be renamed Flavortown in honor of Guy Fieri.
The city of Columbus announced Thursday that the statue of Columbus outside of City Hall would be removed, and officials are asking the Arts Commission to consider changes to the city’s seal, flag and other symbols.
The Change.org petition calls for the city to go a step further by changing its name to Flavortown in celebration of the city’s culinary bonafides and one of its most famous natives, TV chef Guy Fieri.
“Why not rename the city Flavortown? The new name is twofold. For one, it honors Central Ohio’s proud heritage as a culinary crossroads and one of the nation’s largest test markets for the food industry,” the petition states.
“Secondly, cheflebrity Guy Fieri was born in Columbus, so naming the city in honor of him (he’s such a good dude, really) would be superior to its current nomenclature,” it adds.
Fieri was born in Columbus in 1968 and later moved to California before becoming a celebrity in the world of food.
The petition had amassed more than 7,800 signatures as of Friday afternoon.
It will be re-named Flavortown, in honor of Guy Fieri.


June 19 (UPI) — The controversy over depictions of Christopher Columbus in Columbus, Ohio, has led to an online petition calling for the city to be renamed Flavortown in honor of Guy Fieri.
The city of Columbus announced Thursday that the statue of Columbus outside of City Hall would be removed, and officials are asking the Arts Commission to consider changes to the city’s seal, flag and other symbols.
The Change.org petition calls for the city to go a step further by changing its name to Flavortown in celebration of the city’s culinary bonafides and one of its most famous natives, TV chef Guy Fieri.
“Why not rename the city Flavortown? The new name is twofold. For one, it honors Central Ohio’s proud heritage as a culinary crossroads and one of the nation’s largest test markets for the food industry,” the petition states.
“Secondly, cheflebrity Guy Fieri was born in Columbus, so naming the city in honor of him (he’s such a good dude, really) would be superior to its current nomenclature,” it adds.
Fieri was born in Columbus in 1968 and later moved to California before becoming a celebrity in the world of food.
The petition had amassed more than 7,800 signatures as of Friday afternoon.

Never heard of him.
Something tells me the good people of Columbus Ohio are bored out of their sculls.
when will it end.
I guess this means that the Washington Redskins will have to be renamed too.

Because Washington was a slave owner, they'll have to get rid of that from the name.

Who's famous from Washington? (Samuel L.) Jackson, Blac (Chyna) or (Marvin) Gaye Redskins anyone?
I never heard of the guy. I don't remember anyone ever saying that Columbus Ohio was some sort of culinary epicenter. This sounds like a lot of hogwash to me. Leave the statue alone. Leave the name alone. If you don't like it, move to China.
So, it's untenable at this point. The mobs will never be placated and have been given "privileged sanctuaries" to destroy.

I don't even think there are any Rules of Engagement by the authorities, because they are standing down.

Going to be up to Americans to decide if our history and our symbols mean anything to us. I guess all politics are local.
Understand that this isn’t about racism. It’s about destroying the historical foundation of the country so the republic can be destroyed and replaced with a socialist government. The eventual goal is worldwide socialist central government.
Understand that this isn’t about racism. It’s about destroying the historical foundation of the country so the republic can be destroyed and replaced with a socialist government. The eventual goal is worldwide socialist central government.

100% correct. Which is why they are pulling down statues of General Grant and even abolitionist. This is about hating America not racism. They are using the act of one democrat cop to destroy the entire country. Even the co-founder of BLM says they are Marxist trained.
They can rename it Safespace or Snowflake for all I care. The worst thing about all of the rioting, looting, assaults, destroying our history, and all police are evil racists bullshit over the last month is no one (specifically our reps and most media) is doing anything about it, in fact it's being encouraged. Seems Middle America has been sold out.

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Looks like famous gymnast Simone Biles was born in Columbus. Bilestown. Everyone happy?
Looks like famous gymnast Simone Biles was born in Columbus. Bilestown. Everyone happy?
Why not just change a couple letters at the end:


Everybody loves Columbo

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Where does this **** end? Why isn't someone, every sane mother ****** in this country standing up to this inanity?
Well, of course we all know why. The same reason I refrain from commenting on all this mess on Facebook.
That would certainly make me "racist".

I really thought all of this would be winding down by now, but it looks like we are truly spiraling down to the point there won't be any let up until we completely wipe this country of all its history and start brand new.
Will we stand for it? Is it worth fighting for? Are you ok with being a racist, to save this republic?
Where does this **** end?

Doing right ain't got no end--- Captain Redlegs

It never ends because if it ever ended there would be no need of race hustlers, corrupt politicians, or the democratic party. These are Marxist anti-American scum. They hate the U.S. The dems do to. So they are fine with taking down statues, rioting and taking over city blocks.
100% correct. Which is why they are pulling down statues of General Grant and even abolitionist. This is about hating America not racism. They are using the act of one democrat cop to destroy the entire country. Even the co-founder of BLM says they are Marxist trained.

Yep. If you think BLM is an organization concerned with race relations at this point, you need to be slapped upside your head, hard:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Marxists use race, and other important social issues, as a FRONT to foment social upheaval which DESTROYS the lives of those they claim to represent. They’re NIHILISTS. Don’t be fooled. <a href="https://t.co/89vd63BwRh">https://t.co/89vd63BwRh</a></p>— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) <a href="https://twitter.com/HeyTammyBruce/status/1274355315245494272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Muhammad Ali’s son: dad would’ve hated racist BLM<a href="https://t.co/9r2HeZ3wWr">https://t.co/9r2HeZ3wWr</a></p>— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) <a href="https://twitter.com/marklevinshow/status/1274353591332061185?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">As if this needs to be said again: it's not about Confederate statues. It's not even about statues. It's about seizing power, and it begins with smashing monuments and symbols. But it doesn't end there. <a href="https://t.co/E8MAHJnJac">https://t.co/E8MAHJnJac</a></p>— John Daniel Davidson (@johnddavidson) <a href="https://twitter.com/johnddavidson/status/1274394477759774720?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wait a second, this was never really about “defund police” or confederate statues, it’s about the Democrat party mobilizing its Marxist shock troops to help it take power and remake America?<br><br>Yeah. Some of us have been saying this from the start. <br><br>Welcome to the party, pal.</p>— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) <a href="https://twitter.com/BuckSexton/status/1274409280758841345?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 20, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Washington Lenin<br>statue in statue in<br>Portland Seattle <a href="https://t.co/ohZAszRYQf">pic.twitter.com/ohZAszRYQf</a></p>— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) <a href="https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1274077222597324800?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 19, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
A post I found on Quora on whether or not to rename Columbus, OH.

<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="icon_svg-stroke" stroke="#666" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"></g></svg>

Frank Smytt: No. Not unless the citizens vote for a renaming with a clear majority. Ideally wait a few years after voting to confirm that everyone still wants to change and that it wasn't a silly fad.
Columbus was a bad guy by our standards, but the history is not exactly reliable on quite what he actually did. He was probably more or less in line with men of his time.
Plus, the people that the accusations with varying degrees of historical reliability say that he targeted, are not saints by our time either. By our standards, this was an example of a horrible criminal abusing slightly less brutal criminals.
It's the equivalent of a drug cartel member murdering another drug cartel member who committed fewer murders. Is is not really something to get particularly outraged about.
The native populations of the Americas committed various acts of war, and atrocities that horrified even the European settlers. They were generally less efficient at genocide due to their relatively poor technology, but that does not mean they had higher morals.
Every civilization in history has done this that we can get morally outraged about. There is really no point. We do not spend time giving swedish people grief for raping and plundering done by their Nordic ancestors.
We do not demand that Bluetooth be renamed due to the atrocities committed by Harald Bluetooth, the legendary Viking that the technology was named after. We do not demand that the many cities in China that are named after historical dynasties that murdered, castrated, and enslaved many people be renamed. We do not demand that the city of Rome be renamed due to outrage over the rape of the Sabine women.
So why is Columbus different? Is it because his crimes were against ancestors of people who live in America today? Well, Harald Bluetooth committed atrocities against many people, including the British, Irish, and other Scandinavians. There is no outrage over the name Bluetooth, for some reason. The Phillipines are named after King Philip II of Spain, who really didn't have the best relationship with them.
It certainly isn't because of the severity of the atrocities. The Romans and the Vikings both did things easily on the level, if not worse than Columbus. There are hundreds more examples.
Is it because Columbus's violence was relatively recent? Perhaps, but there are good examples of other recent figures who have things named after him. Even more recent figures, in fact.
I really don't know why Columbus is so singled out. It is very strange. If you think you have a reason why Columbus in particular deserves to have his name expunged from relevance today, please pipe up in the comments.
Note that I am personally opposed to pretty much any and all attempts to cover up history. I am as opposed to the removal of Confederate statues as I am opposed to the removal of communist statues in former Soviet states. A reminder of your history is important, as important as the reminder that your predecessors weren't perfect.
I am still kind of annoyed that Constantinople was changed to Istanbul. Istanbul is really such a **** name with no history. It literally just means 'a city'. It was called Konstantinye by the Turks for 500 years before it was changed. But that it just the ranting of a history nerd. I hope that this kind of thing does not become a trend.
I hope that people can gather the moral strength and mental fortitude to admit that most everyone in the past is not perfect, and even those who are upheld as saints have flaws. Nelson Mandela supported Sadam Hussein and at times had close ties with the genocidal Soviet government. Gandhi forbade his wife to take penicillin, and let her die. He also used a derogatory term to refer to Africans, one that was considered on the level of that preferred by the KKK. He remarked that Africans were lazy, and complained that the British tried to 'lower Indians to the level of mere [Africans]. (Slur replaced).
This is not to trash Gandhi but to show that yes, he was a man of his time and some of his views reflected that. Memory of Gandhi does not need to be expunged due to these flaws. Currently, he is at the other extreme - a total whitewashing and ignoring of flaws.
Greatness, by necessity, comes with sin. It is just a fact of life. We should not throw out the greatness of our society in an attempt to expunge the sins of our past. Instead, we should honor the greatness while admitting the sins, and taking steps not to repeat them.

Perfect answer in my opinion.
Honestly I can't see this actually sustaining even if the woke ******** succeed in getting it changed. Even in the bigger cities in the state, Ohioans have a kind of small town, blue collar mentality. I think 99.99% of people in the state will be of the mentality, "You can name it whatever you want, I'm ******* calling it Columbus".
Like I've said before this has nothing to do with Columbus or confederate statues. This is Marxism 101. They are trying to overthrow the current administration and destroy the country as a whole. Anybody that thinks they are going to be appeased by allowing them to tear down statues doesn't understand what's going on. This isn't even about race. Race is being used to further these Marxist ideas. BLM and antifa are Marxist organization and are anti-American. They are just using this crisis to expand on their goals.
I think every city in the world should be simply numbered.

"Where you going?"
"17,271 ... yeah. Uhhh, give me a second and let me look it up."
"It's Columbus."
"Oh, right. Enjoy your trip."