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Common Sense laws as dictated by the Constitution


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

States sue Biden in effort to salvage Keystone XL pipeline​

Rebecca Falconer
Rebecca Falconer

21 states filed a lawsuit against President Biden on Wednesday over his executive order to rescind permits for the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

Driving the news: The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court in Texas, aims to overturn Biden's decision, arguing that he overstepped his authority by ordering a cross-border permit for the Canada-U.S. pipeline to be revoked.

  • Texas and Montana lead the complaint.
  • Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen said in a statement: "The power to regulate foreign and interstate commerce belongs to Congress — not the President."
The big picture: The controversial pipeline caused an outcry among climate activists when it was proposed to carry crude oil from Alberta to Nebraska in 2008.

  • Construction finally began last year after then-President Trump issued a presidential permit.
  • Biden canceled the permits as part of efforts to address the climate crisis, raising the ire of Republicans.
For the record: While some of the states represented in the suit, like Kentucky, Louisiana and Kansas, have Democratic governors, all have Republican attorneys general.

  • The Biden administration did not immediately respond to Axios' request for comment.
Read the complaint, via DocumentCloud:

46 pages in the complaint - click on the article to read those
This is why our current politicians are killing this country...

I understand the political bi-partisan hatred of Trump...but the man did enact some very good policies during his tenure that benefitted America...

When you just come out on then first day in office and proceed to kill policies that make good common sense which makes the country stronger for it....now that's just pure political pettiness and hurts us as a nation...

I was hoping for much better out of Biden....even with the progressive goons nipping at his heels consistently..
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Biden literally has no idea whatsoever what he's doing, what he's signing, he probably is pretty foggy on where he's even AT most of the time.

He is puppet of the left, who have taken control of the country and are setting their sights on wrapping up dominance of the world.
Biden has signed at least one DNR for himself already.
Biden has signed at least one DNR for himself already.

From what I can see, doctors apparently followed that order. The blithering, stuttering moron now in the White House would not qualify as a sentient being.
From what I can see, doctors apparently followed that order. The blithering, stuttering moron now in the White House would not qualify as a sentient being.
He actually called the ***** “President Harris” today.
He actually called the ***** “President Harris” today.

Weren't we subjected to endless "professional opinions" by doctors about Trump's mental state?

Where are those ******* now? Maybe they could turn their erudite powers of observation on a guy who can't complete a sentence and does not know where he is half the time. The other half, he thinks he knows and is wrong.
Weren't we subjected to endless "professional opinions" by doctors about Trump's mental state?

Where are those ******* now? Maybe they could turn their erudite powers of observation on a guy who can't complete a sentence and does not know where he is half the time. The other half, he thinks he knows and is wrong.
And still not one press conference to date. That’s 59 days. Trump faced the fake news jackals every day.
And still not one press conference to date. That’s 59 days. Trump faced the fake news jackals every day.

Oh bullshit, Indy. I remember during the campaign the very stern questioning Biden faced about milk shake flavors.
He actually called the ***** “President Harris” today.
I said it when he announced her as his VP choice.
She HATED him before and during the debates.
She ONLY agreed so she could slide into Presidency.
Also, the 25th Amendment talk was NOT for removing Trump by the Dems.
It was laying foundational groundwork when they ask Joe to step aside due to his feeble mind.
Called it then, calling it still.
Joe won't make it 2 years into this term before Kamala takes over.
Oh bullshit, Indy. I remember during the campaign the very stern questioning Biden faced about milk shake flavors.
I remember reading news articles about how unfair it was that Trump got more ice cream than reporters.
I remember reading news articles about how unfair it was that Trump got more ice cream than reporters.
Yeah, it was also funny when all hell broke loose because he had a taco salad on Cinco de Mayo. It's very entertaining to watch triggered snowflakes with TDS meltdown.