The Bommy administration is going to flood Texas with illegal immigrants to change the electoral map. It is EXACTLY what the Dems did to California, one of the most anti-Washington, anti-Federal government states for decades before the flood of illegals in the 1970's.
California elected Reagan as governor twice, voted for Reagan overwhelmingly in 1980 and 1984, and voted for Bush I in 1988. The Dems targeted my state due to the population and number of electoral votes and thereby set up the policies leading to a flood of illegals, amnesty (with Republican assistance) in 1985, a further flood of illegals in the decades following, and a population that is now approximately 10% illegal aliens.
In Los Angeles County, illegal aliens are about 15% of the overall population, and a huge percentage of public school student population.
The Dems have succeeded in turning California into a Democratic stronghold. The state - once an incredible economic power, with a great education system, tremendous infrastructure, and the subject of massive legal emigration - is now a shithole, with a horrible education system massive tax rates to pay for the illegals, terrible roads, and a massive number of citizens dependent on food stamps and school lunches.
That is all you need to know about politicians. They are willing to ruin the greatest state in the union to advance slavish political interests. Trust those clowns with protecting my interestes?
Yeah, right.