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Could this SCOTUS case push America toward one-party rule?


Zero Foxtrot Golf
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score

For the record, I'm against ANY voting fraud, cheating or gerrymandering to grab power and thwart the will of the People. This is bullshit, worth the read.

The Week News Story

What's at stake in 'Moore v. Harper'?

North Carolina House Speaker Timothy Moore (R) is suing a voter named Rebecca Harper as part of a dispute over a federal electoral map drawn by the state's Republican-controlled legislature. According to The Carolina Journal, the case will test a legal theory known as the "independent state legislature doctrine," which asserts that "only the state legislature has the power to regulate federal elections, without interference from state courts."

Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states that the "Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof." Proponents of the "independent state legislature doctrine" argue that this clause gives state legislatures the power to draw congressional districts, set rules for federal elections, and appoint presidential electors, and that state courts have no power to interfere — even if the legislature blatantly violates the state constitution.

Which, in this case, it totally did. The North Carolina Supreme Court ruled in February that the proposed map, which would have guaranteed Republicans easy wins in 10 of the state's 14 districts, was "unconstitutional beyond a reasonable doubt under the ... North Carolina Constitution."

The situation in North Carolina is not so clear-cut, however. Robert Barnes noted in The Washington Post that the state's General Assembly passed a law two decades ago empowering state courts to review electoral maps and even create their own "interim districting plan." Moore's lawyers must therefore prove that the legislature violated the U.S. Constitution by abdicating its own authority over redistricting.

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected the case in March but agreed on June 30 to hear it. Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh have all signaled their openness to Moore's argument. The Washington Post's editorial board suggests that Chief Justice John Roberts — who three years ago left open the possibility that state courts could override partisan gerrymanders — is now "poised" to side with Moore as well. The board considers Justice Amy Coney Barrett "a possible swing vote." All three of the court's liberals are expected to reject the independent state legislature doctrine.

The case will be heard during the term beginning in October 2022, with a decision expected in the summer of 2023 — just in time to upend the 2024 elections.

What about the Electoral College?​

In January, Ryan Cooper wrote for The Week that the state of Wisconsin "effectively exists under one-party rule." Democrats can still win statewide elections — say, for governor or U.S. Senate — but state legislative districts are hopelessly gerrymandered in favor of Republicans. If the Supreme Court sides with Moore, GOP-controlled legislatures in states like Wisconsin would have full authority to rig not only their own states' legislative elections, but elections to the U.S. House of Representatives as well.

And it might not stop there. Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution empowers each state to "appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors" equal to that state's number of senators and representatives. The clause doesn't say anything about the popular vote. This means, in theory, that state legislators can appoint whoever they want to the Electoral College. If SCOTUS side with Moore next summer on the question of federal redistricting, they're likely to apply the same reasoning to presidential elections. This interpretation was floated by conservative justices — including Thomas — during the Bush v. Gore (2000) case that handed George W. Bush the presidency.

The Electoral Count Act of 1887 stipulates that each state's slate of electors must be certified by the governor of that state. In states like Wisconsin— which has a Democratic governor — this law could prevent the Republican-led legislature from handing the state's electoral votes to a losing Republican candidate.

But wait — if the independent state legislature doctrine is correct, then the governor has no right to usurp the legislature's constitutionally granted powers. That provision of the Electoral Count Act (ECA) would be struck down.

This idea "is quickly becoming dogma among Republican legal apparatchiks," Cooper wrote. Convincing Republican-controlled states won by President Biden to submit alternate slates of Republican electors was a key part of Trump lawyer John Eastman's strategy to overturn the 2020 presidential election. His plan also rested on the assumption that the ECA is "likely unconstitutional."

What's the worst-case scenario?​

Zach Praiss of the nonprofit Accountable Tech and progressive talk show host Thom Hartmann have laid out similar nightmare scenarios that could arise if SCOTUS rules in Moore's favor.
Hartmann imagines a 2024 presidential contest between Biden and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in which Biden wins the popular vote in Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. The GOP-controlled legislatures of these six states then decide to disregard the will of the voters and award their 88 electoral votes to DeSantis, making him the winner and president-elect.

Republicans control both legislative houses in 29 states, plus the unicameral legislature of Nebraska, and they might soon gain the power to gerrymander themselves into a permanent majority. Those states control 306 electoral votes, more than enough to elect a president.

"It is difficult … to see the desire to put sole control of election rules in the hands of a partisan legislative body as anything more than a power grab," argued Christine Adams in The Washington Post. Laurence H. Tribe and Dennis Aftergut were even blunter in the Los Angeles Times: "Adopting the independent state legislature theory would amount to right-wing justices making up law to create an outcome of one-party rule."
um.......there has essentially been one party rule in the US from the mid-80s until now, with the only "bump" in that road being Trump's 4 years when foreign policy changed distinctly from that of the previous 30+ years.

For clarity, imagine that you are not American, and look at the US from the outside. Each of the Presidents from later Reagan thru Biden did about the same thing......they used the power of the US to attempt to swing the rest of the world towards the American version of liberal democracy, with the USD, 7 aircraft carriers and the best weapons ever created as the hammer. Only Trump changed that pattern, which is why the EU turned to China over the past few years and why the Israeli embassy is now in Jerusalem.
Nightmare indeed!

The US voter has no power any longer. What would it matter if this were part of it?

If someone from outside the US were able to take a real look at elections in the US. they would see that long ago the political machine figured out how to make it so that they got what they wanted no matter what the voters said. Each election the machine gets better at ensuring that they get what they want.

That outsider would say that the US is toast.
Nightmare indeed!

The US voter has no power any longer. What would it matter if this were part of it?

If someone from outside the US were able to take a real look at elections in the US. they would see that long ago the political machine figured out how to make it so that they got what they wanted no matter what the voters said. Each election the machine gets better at ensuring that they get what they want.

That outsider would say that the US is toast.
The outsider would probably say " holy ****, these self-perpetuating leaches on US citizens are not only ******* up their own people, but exporting that narrow-minded self interest around the world courtesy of 7 aircraft carriers, the best weapons ever known to man, and the biggest weapon, USD hegemony".

I mean, why are Americans surprised that most in the world dislike America?
The outsider would probably say " holy ****, these self-perpetuating leaches on US citizens are not only ******* up their own people, but exporting that narrow-minded self interest around the world courtesy of 7 aircraft carriers, the best weapons ever known to man, and the biggest weapon, USD hegemony".

I mean, why are Americans surprised that most in the world dislike America?
The taliban and the regime in Teheran like us for military reasons
To sum up the article:
  • (D)imbos win an election: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublicans win an election: "Change the way the election is run!"
  • (D)imbos set the districts, favor (D)imbos: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublicans set the districts, favor (R)epublicans: "Threat to democracy!"
  • (D)imbo wins a seat in a district that looks like a cat played with an Etch-A-Sketch: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublican wins a seat in a district that looks like a cat played with an Etch-A-Sketch: "Burn it down!"
To sum up the article:
  • (D)imbos win an election: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublicans win an election: "Change the way the election is run!"
  • (D)imbos set the districts, favor (D)imbos: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublicans set the districts, favor (R)epublicans: "Threat to democracy!"
  • (D)imbo wins a seat in a district that looks like a cat played with an Etch-A-Sketch: "Democracy in action!"
  • (R)epublican wins a seat in a district that looks like a cat played with an Etch-A-Sketch: "Burn it down!"
And, all of these comments are from the media. The Dems get to quietly say "See? The nation supports us!"
Well not just the media, also fake pollsters asking loaded questions.

Pollster: "Are you in favor of rape and murder?"
Voter: "Of course not."

Pollster: "Study shows voters vastly favor (D)imbos over Republicans."
Well not just the media, also fake pollsters asking loaded questions.
I answer polls… but i never give them the answers they try to lead me into and it infuriates some of them lol… they are like “ if candidate “x” was running against adolf hitler and Joseph Stalin, would you vote for him/her.. and ill say, no i dont vote against candidates, i vote for ones that best match my values… and candidate X doesn’t because…..

Then they try to circle around with if you learned that candidate x supported this thing, would you be more or less likely to vote for him/her… and I explain why it won’t affect my vote and how pandering to get elected is wrong …

Then they get frustrated and i finish every single question about the same
Insomniac: I admire your patience.

Me? I answer the phone, woman says, "Do you have ten minutes to answer questions about ..." She hears dial tone at that point.

I have **** to do.
Insomniac: I admire your patience.

Me? I answer the phone, woman says, "Do you have ten minutes to answer questions about ..." She hears dial tone at that point.

I have **** to do.
In 2016 one called who was obviously a pro Hillary pollster. She began asking her loaded questions and I answered honestly… she got to one , and I don’t remember what it was specifically, something about unions… but i know I told her that almost every union worker in the local mills who were mostly democrats were voting for trump… and she made a snide comment about people stupid enough to vote against their own interests… and I replied with, “ maybe you should make sure you know what their interests really are, because if that many democrats switch over, Hillary is gonna lose… and she laughed and said something back blowing it off…then finishing the poll… I wonder if she was thinking about my conversation when the election results rolled in…..
Insomniac: I admire your patience.

Me? I answer the phone, woman says, "Do you have ten minutes to answer questions about ..." She hears dial tone at that point.

I have **** to do.
We've been cell-only for several years and don't get called. One reason why Dims are over-represented in polls.