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Could this work in places like Chicago ?


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
License-to-Kill Policing to Get a Trial Run in Rio de Janeiro

(Bloomberg) -- Teams of marksmen next year will patrol swaths of Rio de Janeiro with high-powered weapons and a license to kill, said a security adviser to Governor-elect Wilson Witzel.

As many as 120 sharpshooters will accompany police incursions into the slums of Brazil’s postcard city to exterminate gun-toting criminals, according to Flavio Pacca, a longtime associate of Witzel who the governor-elect’s press office said will join the administration. The shooters will work in pairs -- one to pull the trigger, one to monitor conditions and videotape deaths.

Rio’s homicides last year surged to an eight-year high of 5,346 and robberies and muggings have more than doubled since 2011. In February, President Michel Temer put the army in control of security through year-end and Witzel, as he takes over, intends to seek out the fight.

Pacca, a police officer himself and a regular attendee at Witzel’s transition meetings, said groups of 20 policemen will begin undergoing month-long marksman training as soon as March. After they can kill at 600 meters, they will typically clear the way into favelas, where many residents live under the deadly sway of drug traffickers. Gangs often position roadblocks and lookouts to impede police and rival gangs.

Marksmen will alternate, with one shooting and one spotting targets and filming so as to prove a person deserved killing, Pacca said in Bloomberg’s Rio office. Society and jurists are shifting their views of what constitutes “imminent danger’’ that justifies lethal force, he said, and targets don’t need to be actively shooting.

Suelen Souza, 41, sells stuffed potatoes at the foot of the Dona Marta favela. This month, a police officer was shot in the neck in Dona Marta and frequent gun battles have caused the value of Souza’s apartment just below to fall by 40 percent. She said Witzel’s offensive may make it safe for her daughters to play in the plaza again.

“I prefer the criminals get slaughtered instead of the criminals slaughtering us,” she said.

“The NGOs, human rights activists and United Nations will have a fit,” Alexandre Frota, a congressman-elect, said on Twitter while sharing the video. “But the cleansing must be done.’’

Bwahahaha....can you imagine our loony left seeing this move into American ghettos ?


*updates resume*
Yes... I believe government death squads will definitely work. ...
Why would you kill boarders?, some of them are paying rent.
NOTHINGs perfect ark, they will have to work out the bugs I'm sure ...LOL

If they actually enforced the laws they have AND didn't demonize police, what they have would, probably, work. The flaw in the premise is that "they" don't WANT it to work. The way things are now, they keep power. if crime gets under control and police begin having good reputations, people may realize what the Dems have been doing to them.
The American people.

So you are for or against these death squads? Because killing people who are carrying guns is, by definition, a violation of said due process?

Wonder how you open carry fans feel about that?