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Deep State Being Unmasked by James O'Keefe

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Been looking forward to this. Looking forward to the other installments. You'll recall this is the same guy that showed all of the Planned Parenthood videos where insiders admitting to the horrors they were committing.

But remember Liberals, we are just seeing ghosts right? Peter Strzok and Page aren't the first. This cancer is everywhere.


Deep State Unmasked: State Department on Hidden Cam, “Resist Everything,” “I Have Nothing to Lose”

(Washington DC) Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover videoinvestigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)

Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive causes in the metropolitan DC area.

Socialist Activism at the State Department

Mr. Karaffa’s loyalties seem to be with DSA, not with his employer.

Karaffa told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he performs DSA activism while at work for the State Department. He explained that he drafts DSA communications while on the job at State Department:

“… I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail, like I leave emails, and like any press s**t that comes up I leave that until after 5:30. But as soon as 5:31 hits, got my like draft messages ready to send out.”

Karaffa also admits that on behalf of DSA he monitors Virginia political news online while at work:

“You could put two and two together probably. With like web traffic…. So with web traffic, I mean I could make the case before a court of law that- I’m going to the Virginia sort of, campaign finance website- that I’m just interested in what people are doing politically. But if they also go and look at like DSA minutes and like Officer positions they’ll be like, ‘that’s weird, you were the co-chair of the electoral caucus, and you spent three hours on a Virginia campaign finance website.'”

Insufficient Oversight

Karaffa does not believe that he will be caught and punished by the appropriate authorities, saying, “Maybe someday I’ll go to board of elections jail, probably not.”

Karaffa does not seem to be concerned about disciplinary action from the State Department: “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.” When asked if his supervisor at the State Department knows about his activism, Karaffa reveals that “nobody knows” about it.

Some government employees are required to regularly submit disclosure forms to help management identify any potential conflicts of interest that may interfere with job responsibilities. Despite disclosing his political activities and officer positions on his financial disclosure form, Karaffa alleges that:

“… somebody just rubber stamps [the form] and it goes forward… I don’t know if [the ethics officer is] all there. He’s so checked out…”


In one exchange, Karaffa’s attitude towards the current administration’s official policies appears to conflict with his duty to be impartial as a State Department employee. Karaffa says:

“Resist everything… Every level. F**k sh*t up.”

Stuart Karaffa is just the first federal government employee that Project Veritas has recorded in an undercover series unmasking the deep state.

“We’ve heard a lot about the Deep State; holdovers from the previous administration resisting change or nameless and faceless bureaucrats slowing things down or leaking secrets in an effort to undermine this administration,” said Project Veritas President James O’Keefe. “What is truly striking is their boldness, they are not afraid. They are even boastful about a warped reality, where they won’t get caught and can’t get fired even if they did.”

More deep state investigation reports will be released soon.

I heard part of his interview on Hannity yesterday while driving into work. Some of the stuff he was saying was pretty intense....
I heard part of his interview on Hannity yesterday while driving into work. Some of the stuff he was saying was pretty intense....

This is just the beginning. Like the Planned Parenthood stuff, they have multiple folks on camera.

Just remember though, thinking there is a Deep State means you also believe in the boogey man, the tooth fairy and big foot.
For the better part of my adult life ive heard my liberal friend crying about the FBI, CIA and NSA as horribad politicized monsters and how the government was saturated with people working for political agendas rather than the common good... it was a common ground issue we all shared.... now cause this doesn’t meet the agenda they flip flopped on it... its sad...
The Deep State must be pretty deep when you can uncover one entry level Program Analyst. The guy works in the Overseas Building Operations Department, so
he maybe oversees the purchasing of toilet paper and janitorial supplies. That can be quite an influential position. Take cover, the government is collapsing.
Anyone seen Chicken Little?
The Deep State must be pretty deep when you can uncover one entry level Program Analyst. The guy works in the Overseas Building Operations Department, so
he maybe oversees the purchasing of toilet paper and janitorial supplies. That can be quite an influential position. Take cover, the government is collapsing.
Anyone seen Chicken Little?

Part 2 is out... two more exposed... actual illegal stuff on that one...

They have tons and are going to release more and more worseand worse up to the election...
I saw the video. The chick is a deep state socialist loon. Your tax dollars at work.
Remember government Daleks are more qualified to run the country and your life than you.

You know if we slashed the Federal Government back to constitutional levels the Deep State would cease to exist.
Per madinsomniac's point - here it is, part II. Full of illegalities. Of course 21Steelers21 has no problem with this. Had Conservatives been doing this while Obama was in place, egads the rage there would have been.



Project Veritas has released the second installment in an undercover video series unmasking the deep state. The first report in this series featured Stuart Karaffa, who admitted to engaging in political activism on behalf of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) while working at the Department of State. The Department of State issued a response to the video stating that they are investigating the matter.

Today’s video features Department of Justice paralegal Allison Hrabar reportedly using government-owned software and computers to push a socialist agenda. Also featured is Jessica Schubel, the former Chief of Staff for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services during the last Obama administration.

Both Schubel and Hrabar make admissions revealing that federal employees appear to be using their positions inside our government to resist or slow the Trump administration’s policies. It appears some laws have been broken in the process.

As a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA), Hrabar was seen chasing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielson from a DC-area restaurant. Metro DC DSA is a political group that tries to advance socialist causes in the Metropolitan DC area.

Leaks at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

In the recording, Schubel admits that “…there’s like a little resistance movement” inside of the federal government. She also tells our undercover journalist that her friends at the Department of Health and Human Services “…give [her] information” before it is officially released:

PV Journalist: “…she mailed it to you in like physical snail mail like post office and then you like got it. That’s like awesome.”

Schubel: “Yeah. It’s kind of like the Nixon, “deep throat” type of thing.”

Schubel explains the exact process of the “illegal” transaction:

PV Journalist: ” So, your friend mailed you confidential government information that is illegal to mail…”

Schubel: “Right.”

PV Journalist: “And then you were able to write about that…”

Schubel: “Right.”

PV Journalist: “Is it illegal to receive it?”

Schubel: “Probably.”

Schubel revealed that some of the material her associates secretly sent her were confidential, and allowed Schubel to prepare responses to government initiatives not yet announced:

PV Journalist: “So, [your friend at HHS] sent you like what the administration was about to do… what’s so illegal about it? Just because you could write an article earlier than you otherwise could?”

Schubel: “Well yeah, it was confidential.”

Socialist Activism at the Department of Justice

Also in the recording, Allison Hrabar admits that federal government employees are using their power to resist President Trump. She admits that, “…there’s a lot of talk about how we can like, resist from inside,” at the Department of Justice.

Hrabar tells Project Veritas about another federal worker, a fellow member of DSA, who works for the US Department of Agriculture, who is “…slowing what they do” in order help people stay on food stamps longer:

“We have a member who works for the people who distribute food stamps, and they can like take that away, and they’re slowing what they do… what they’re doing means that people are going to be able to stay on food stamps for another month or two, which is like really important.”

Hrabar herself appears to be using government-owned property to perform DSA activism. The video shows a meeting with Cliff Green, another DSA member, stating that Hrabar uses Lexis Nexis to find home addresses for DSA protests:

“So Allison is a paralegal, so she, her living is researching people, so she’s very good at researching people. So, they just find the companies, and then the people that run those companies, and then they find their home address. She uses Lexis Nexis and a couple other software things.”

Also in the report, Natarajan Subramanian – an auditor for the Government Accountability Office and fellow DSA member – explains to the Project Veritas undercover journalist that Hrabar uses her work computer to access Lexis Nexis: “I mean, she has used it, she uses it probably on her work computer.”

Subramanian explains that this sort of information needs to be kept secret:

“…that’s the kind of thing that you would get fired for…people do not have the silver bullet, the smoking gun or whatever. Um, if they were able to get proof of that, you know? So, we’re all walking that line.”


In April, Hrabar led a protest on the home of a DC lobbyist, Jeremy Wiley. Hrabar recounts how she was able to access his address, and the process was potentially criminal:

Hrabar: “And so we ran the license plate, and it was a car registered to Jeremy Wiley, so you have his car parked outside a house that he does own. As of very recently, and someone saw him through the window, which is also…

PV Journalist: “Also, we’re able to run license plates through?”

Hrabar: “You can- We cannot do it officially.”

Hrabar doesn’t seem concerned with her use of government resources for the DSA initiatives.When discussing her work as a paralegal for the Department of Justice, she claims that “Like, what’s kind of lucky is at the DOJ, we can’t like get fired.”

“This may be the largest case of unaccountability in our government that has ever been exposed,” said Project Veritas President James O’Keefe. “Through our undercover reports, we now have proof of government employees leaking confidential information and using government resources to advance their resistance of official government policies they disagree with. These videos are the Deep State incarnate, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

<iframe src="https://www.projectveritas.com/2018/09/19/breaking-deep-state-unmasked-doj-official-resists-from-inside-cant-get-fired-leaks-at-hhs/fvp/" allowfullscreen width="854" height="481.5187165775401" frameborder="0" style="max-width:100%"></iframe>
I applaud Project Veritas for yet another eye opening report but their hard work can only fall on deaf ears, or be quashed by another activist judge. That said, one need only walk into any DMV circa 1976 to realize how misguided govt. employment policies have been for decades.
Trump should order investigations. Any DSA members working in government should have all the computer activities reviewed by I.T.
No, no no there's no such thing as a deep state.

In fact it be right on the damned surface.

Rosenstein reportedly discussed wearing 'wire,' invoking 25th Amendment against Trump

The Trump administration was rocked Friday afternoon by a bombshell report saying Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last year suggested secretly recording President Trump to expose chaos in the White House and enlisting Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

Rosenstein adamantly denied the accusations.

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect,” he said in a statement to Fox News. “I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda. But let me clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

But the article is sure to roil a White House already suspicious of some elements within the DOJ and FBI, as Trump complains regularly about the Russia probe he calls a "witch hunt." Rosenstein oversees that probe.

The explosive report, published by The New York Times, said Rosenstein had discussed wearing a "wire" to tape Trump and pursuing his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials. This would have been in the tumultuous days after James Comey was fired as FBI director, with the president citing in part a memo penned by Rosenstein -- reportedly catching him off guard.

Rosenstein even reportedly suggested that those interviewing with the president to replace Comey as director of the FBI wear wires to secretly tape him.

According to The Times, none of Rosenstein’s proposals were acted upon and it remains unclear the level of seriousness Rosenstein had when making the suggestions.

Fox News has learned a key meeting took place on May 16, 2017 at Justice Department headquarters. During the meeting, the subject arose of the possibility of appointing a special counsel to investigate Russia election meddling, according to a source. Several people were in the room, including former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and former FBI counsel Lisa Page. Robert Mueller was appointed as special counsel the next day.

“I remember this meeting and remember the wire comment,” a source who was in the room told Fox News. “The statement was sarcastic and was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president.”

Further, The Washington Post quoted an unnamed individual saying Rosenstein quipped sarcastically after McCabe pushed for an investigation into the president, "What do you want to do Andy? Wire the president?"

The Times' quoted other sources who said Rosenstein was serious, however.

Rosenstein also reportedly told McCabe that he might be able to persuade Attorney General Jeff Sessions and then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly—now White House chief of staff—to begin proceedings to invoke the 25th Amendment.

The details, according to The Times, were confirmed by sources who were briefed on the discussions or memos written about the discussions, by McCabe and others.

McCabe’s attorney issued a statement apparently acknowledging that such memos exist.

"Andrew McCabe drafted memos to memorialize significant discussions he had with high level officials and preserved them so he would have an accurate, contemporaneous record of those discussions,” McCabe’s attorney Michael Bromwich said in a statement. “When he was interviewed by the Special Counsel more than a year ago, he gave all of his memos -- classified and unclassified -- to the Special Counsel's office. A set of those memos remained at the FBI at the time of his departure in late January 2018. He has no knowledge of how any member of the media obtained those memos."

The special counsel's office declined to comment.

The White House declined to comment on the report, but Trump’s eldest son tweeted that “no one is shocked.”

“Shocked!!! Absolutely Shocked!!! Ohhh, who are we kidding at this point? No one is shocked that these guys would do anything in their power to undermine @realDonaldTrump,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted Friday.

The report immediately touched off speculation Friday that the details could be used to pursue Rosenstein's ouster.

"This story must not be used as a pretext for the corrupt purpose of firing Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein in order install an official who will allow the president to interfere with the Special Counsel’s investigation," Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said. "Generals Kelly, Mattis and numerous other White House and cabinet officials have been reported to say critical things of the president without being fired."

Rosenstein took over as the top Justice Department official overseeing the Russia investigation upon Sessions’ recusal in 2017 due to his involvement with the Trump campaign—a decision causing immense friction between the attorney general and Trump to this day.

Rosenstein also penned the memo to Trump that helped provide the justification for firing Comey, saying he was “wrong to usurp the Attorney General [Loretta Lynch]” on July 5, 2016 when he announced he would not recommend Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for alleged offenses related to classified information on her personal email server.

A week later, on May 17, 2017, after Comey's firing, Rosenstein appointed Mueller to oversee the federal investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election.
Fire them all. What Trump has been able to accomplish is really incredible, in spite of the deep state, the unhinged democrats, the limp-wristed GOPe and the fake news media.