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Did Josh Shapiro Help Cover Up a Murder?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
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PA Gov Josh Shapiro expected to be the VP pick. He may have some issues

He ruled it a suicide when a girl was stabbed multiple times in the back. The suspect? Her fiance, whose family are influential Dems and friends of Shapiro. His uncle is a judge and donor to Shapiro. It is acknowledged that they went to the closed apartment and removed the victim's laptop then gave it to the police a few days later.

Nothing fishy at all....

Just listen to that 911 call

I wish the GOP would stop attacking Shapiro until after he is chosen as Kumala's VP pick. Why show your hand on how you'll attack a pick before he is the pick? It only allows the DNC to pivot and pick someone with less baggage.

Shapiro may increase her chances in PA, but he almost certainly loses MI and alienates all those 'live-in-mom's-basement', young, disaffected loser Hamas/PLA supporters. The GOP should stop talking about her VP pick until she finally makes one.

He may also have a negative affect in MN and ME. I say sit back and watch for now.

I think the question is moot, because I believe she'll pick Mark Kelly. So how do we attack his record?
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I wish the GOP would stop attacking Shapiro until after he is chosen as Kumala's VP pick. Why show your hand on how you'll attack a pick before he is the pick? It only allows the DNC to pivot and pick someone with less baggage.

Shapiro may increase her chances in PA, but he almost certainly loses MI and alienates all those 'live-in-mom's-basement', young, disaffected loser Hamas/PLA supporters. The GOP should stop talking about her VP pick until she finally makes one.
****. Pa always ***** the bed bc of PHL.
To answer the question - yes, he most certainly did.

Or perhaps we are to believe that Ellen Greenburg killed herself with 20 stab wounds, including several after she was dead (per the coroner's report). The authorities apparently believe that Greenburg killed herself with numerous stab wounds (a suicide method basically 0% of females use), came back to a stage resembling death, and then stabbed herself a couple more times after she was dead.
To answer the question - yes, he most certainly did.

Or perhaps we are to believe that Ellen Greenburg killed herself with 20 stab wounds, including several after she was dead (per the coroner's report). The authorities apparently believe that Greenburg killed herself with numerous stab wounds (a suicide method basically 0% of females use), came back to a stage resembling death, and then stabbed herself a couple more times after she was dead.
So there’s a chance?
Who commits suicide by stabbing themselves 20+ times?
Who commits suicide by stabbing themselves 20+ times?

"Ellen Greenberg! The fact her fiancee is the son of a big donor has nothing to do with that finding! People get stabbed in the back all the time! Just look at what Kamala did to Biden! Okay, people don't usually get stabbed in the back by themselves but stuff happens."
- Josh S., anonymous contributor

Just imagine for a second if Vance had something like this in his background ...
Shapiro makes a lot of sense to moderate Kneepads' Communist tendencies. He's a Democrat but he's not crazy. Agree that on the other hand he's a bad pick since he's Jewish and that'll turn off the Muzzies and Nazis in the Dem party, although like most American Jooz he is a Democrat first and Jewish second.
Shapiro makes a lot of sense to moderate Kneepads' Communist tendencies. He's a Democrat but he's not crazy. Agree that on the other hand he's a bad pick since he's Jewish and that'll turn off the Muzzies and Nazis in the Dem party, although like most American Jooz he is a Democrat first and Jewish second.
Yeah, but it keeps the funding aligned
I think the question is moot, because I believe she'll pick Mark Kelly. So how do we attack his record?
Mark Kelly has no record, he's an empty suit, winning the Senate race out here solely on a sympathy vote because of the tragic incident involving his wife.
He rarely speaks other than when it's time for an election, but he was an astronaut and his wife was shot, so he has that going for him.
I think Kelly is the pick. Like you said, he rarely speaks. They want that. They will tell him what to say.
I wish the GOP would stop attacking Shapiro until after he is chosen as Kumala's VP pick. Why show your hand on how you'll attack a pick before he is the pick? It only allows the DNC to pivot and pick someone with less baggage.

Shapiro may increase her chances in PA, but he almost certainly loses MI and alienates all those 'live-in-mom's-basement', young, disaffected loser Hamas/PLA supporters. The GOP should stop talking about her VP pick until she finally makes one.

He may also have a negative affect in MN and ME. I say sit back and watch for now.

I think the question is moot, because I believe she'll pick Mark Kelly. So how do we attack his record?
The GOP has no poker face. I said the same thing about student loans. you couldn't wait until after the election to attack this student loan ****. let me be clear I am not for forgiving student loans but you just took a **** load of conservatives that were on the fence because they ******* hate Trump and gave them a reason to vote for the Dems.

Sometimes I think that the Republican party is purposefully trying to tank this election. Just shut the **** up until after the election then do what you're going to do. It kind of cracks me up that you will spend Billions trying to get elected but turn around and **** yourself over not being able to shut the **** up.

Here is a novel Idea, how about we get someone to run that says something like, NO MORE FOREIGN AID TO ANY ******* BODY UNTIL WE GE OUR OWN **** FIGURED OUT. If you stopped giving away money we don't have and stopped the stupid **** like the green crap, stop letting colleges **** over our young people and our government; drill baby drill. this country could be out of debt and the ****** up economic position we are in within four to six years.

Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread but this is the kind of **** that would win an election in a landslide, or just STFU and take the wins that the Dems keep throwing your way that could possibly work to.
I think Kelly is the pick. Like you said, he rarely speaks. They want that. They will tell him what to say.
Downside to that would be that my valley girl governor would get to replace him. God help us all.
Downside to that would be that my valley girl governor would get to replace him. God help us all.
The betting line says Shapiro, so you probably get to keep your Astronaut Senator.
The Dems are probably running the numbers on trading PA for Mich. They did a ton of ballot harvesting in muslim neighborhoods last time. I think veritas had videos of it. Basically some paid thugs just went door to door in muslim neighborhoods demanding the blank ballots. The question is, will they take money to harvest ballots with Shapiro on them? I bet that's what they're "researching" now.
Shapiro makes a lot of sense to moderate Kneepads' Communist tendencies. He's a Democrat but he's not crazy. Agree that on the other hand he's a bad pick since he's Jewish and that'll turn off the Muzzies and Nazis in the Dem party, although like most American Jooz he is a Democrat first and Jewish second.
As if they give a **** about how their supporters will "vote".

The ballots are already voted, my man. No need to worry about folks being mad about a Jewish fella on the ticket.
I think Kelly is the pick. Like you said, he rarely speaks. They want that. They will tell him what to say.
If you don’t speak, you can’t say stupid things.
If you don’t speak, you can’t say stupid things.
Betting lines sat Shapiro is heavy favorite with Walz a distant 2nd, everyone else a real longshot
since flog and tards haven't jumped in to tellus this is bullshit, it's gotta be true
Oh another big time political gangster. He's a perfect poster child for the fundamentally changed demoncrat party.
As if they give a **** about how their supporters will "vote".

The ballots are already voted, my man. No need to worry about folks being mad about a Jewish fella on the ticket.
all that is left to determine is how many times they get counted
Oh, I thought he covered up RFK Jr. killing the bear in Central Park.
Central Park has bears???