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Doesn't the Left advocate for this, or are they ~ gasp ~ hypocrites?


You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

Photograph shows naked Democratic congresswoman brushing hair of female campaign worker
by Tim Pearce
| October 19, 2019 08:55 PM

An explicit photograph sheds light on California Democratic Rep. Katie Hill's three-way relationship with her husband and a staffer, which lasted over a year before she broke off the arrangement early this year.

Unknown to the staffer or Hill's husband, the congresswoman had allegedly been having an affair with another staffer, her legislative director Graham Kelly, for about a year when she broke off the throuple, according to texts and photos received by RedState.

The staffer involved in the three-way relationship is a young woman who joined Hill’s campaign for Congress in 2017 right after graduating college. The romance began shortly after the staffer, then 22 years old, joined the campaign. Hill’s side-affair with Kelly began sometime in 2018 when Kelly was her finance director. Hill’s husband filed for divorce after discovering the California representative’s relationship with Kelly.

Pictures and texts provided to RedState confirm Hill’s relationship with her female staffer, which was previously unknown before the outlet broke the news on Friday.

During the throuple's relationship, the staffer began joining the married couple on vacations, including one to Alaska. Several photos of Hill and the staffer taken during that vacation have leaked, with the staffer's face blurred.


Hill broke off the relationship sometime after moving to Washington, D.C., in January 2019. She said that ending the relationship was to minimize political risk and so that she could devote herself to the "important work" she was doing as a member of Congress. The staffer appeared to be heartbroken over Hill's decision but accepted her reasons.

RedState obtained screenshots of texts between the two exchanged after Hill broke off the relationship. The texts were sent and received on the staffer's phone.




Hill's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


It's a Democrat. All actions, heinous or otherwise, are blessed.

Ted Kennedy, murder? Check.
Hillary and Bill Clinton, working with Russia? Check.
Kamala Harris #@!$ing Willie Brown to political advancement? Check.

Psssshhhh, this Katie Hill is a damned saint Soup. Get with the program.

The strangest thing here is the fact that there is another person in the room taking the picture and these two couldn't be bothered.
It was a guy. They have no interest in men.
Hill was elected in 2018 in an area that included where I was living at the time, Simi Valley. It is a fundamentally conservative area, so I hope Hill has socked away enough bribes, err, "contributions" to last the rest of her life as she is gone come 2020.
Hill was elected in 2018 in an area that included where I was living at the time, Simi Valley. It is a fundamentally conservative area, so I hope Hill has socked away enough bribes, err, "contributions"[/COLOR] to last the rest of her life as she is gone come 2020.

As long as cali cultivates the illegal vote and 'harvests' ballots, this @#$% will continue, Simi Valley or otherwise. Orange County, from whence B-1 Bob hailed, was once solid Dutch country. Their Airport, wherein resides a gigantic statue of the Duke, is named 'John Wayne' for Heaven's sake, . That whole solidly red area turned blue last 'election' because of the aforementioned crimes.

I can readily see why the felon vote is important to them in the El Lays and Baltimores of the world because they can't chance that the other two or three people there might be Republican. But I digress.

The twink that occupies cali's Gubnor's mansion has repeatedly gloated that the cali 'model' is how the dims intend to relegate the Republican party to the ash heap of history. They all believe him. That's why the hysteria over illegals, and the 'felon vote'. He'll head their ticket in 2024. It'll be billed as 'Camelot II'. Write it down.

My earnest hope is that the White Hats have captured enough data from 16 and 18 to not only thwart a repeat, but take them down. All the way down. Hard. This remains to be seen.

And another point. The idea that candidates keep their campaign war chests is beyond appalling. What incentive do they have to be honest? Is it a mystery to anyone why someone would spend millions for a job that pays thousands? Or why 97% of incumbents are reelected? Corruption is baked into the system.
And another point. The idea that candidates keep their campaign war chests is beyond appalling. What incentive do they have to be honest? Is it a mystery to anyone why someone would spend millions for a job that pays thousands? Or why 97% of incumbents are reelected? Corruption is baked into the system.

And it's almost as if the founders knew this, based on the egregious and bloated power and wealth the British government exercised. Monopoly charters by British companies, lucrative government positions where bribery was an everyday affair for the Brits lucky enough to be appointed to such positions, and access to the massive British government payroll by British supporters all played a huge role in our independence.

Knowing that, the founders instituted a government of very limited powers, with the vast distribution of power to the citizens to exercise as they saw fit. "But, but, but ... slavery!!" Right. And who made slavery a viable institution for 90 years? That's right, THE GODDAMN GOVERNMENT.

My personal view is that I have more fear of and less trust in the entity with the guns and jails than any other.
And who made slavery a viable institution for 90 years? That's right, THE GODDAMN dims.

The dims own that in its entirety, and its modern analogs - dim controlled cities. Ergo the desperation for the felon vote.

Knowing that American history eludes most, it bears note that the Republican party was founded on abolition of slavery. The dims own it - ergo the desperation to assign racism to Republicans.
oh it's a little more than that

Dem Congresswoman Katie Hill showing off while smoking a bong nude

Hill was pictured kissing staffer Morgan Desjardins from Santa Clarita, California and brushing her hair in the nude

The then 22-year-old began a throuple relationship with Hill and her husband Kenny Heslep shortly after she started working for Hill in 2017

Hill and Heslep also posted her naked photos online under a thread called 'WouldYouF**kMyWife'.


All of this is getting into the press by the husband, who is pissed because she ended everything in California (with all the parties involved) and ran off to Washington D.C. alone. She stopped depositing money in their joint bank account and they are officially separated. She's still paying the mortgage and bills for the house in CA but that's not good enough for the guy (who as far as I can see doesn't really do much).

Sounds like it was a VERY open marriage. They were involved in wife swapping web sites from almost the moment they got together.

The threesome with this college chick started like 18 months - 2 years ago and the college chick kind of fell hard and head over heels over the whole thing. Lots of vacations together. Lots of sex. Lots of fancy nights out and parties. The whole thing kind of rocketed up in intensity the whole time she was succeeding in politics.

But finally it kind of dawned on this politician she couldn't just transplant the whole open marriage thing to Washington D.C. Scrutiny was greater. Maybe press was sniffing around. So she abruptly ended it. Cut ties. Did the whole, "I have to get away to think" bullshit. You know, typical 20's relationships where everything is based on sex and then one party realizes you can't keep acting like this forever.

Supposedly the accusation by the husband that she was banging ANOTHER staff worker (this one male) is likely made up. Again, the guy is pissed and has a LOT of pictures in his phone.

There are also even more risque pictures out there that haven't been published yet. The women showering together. Naked sunbathing. It wouldn't surprise me if there were sex tapes the way these three were going at it.
She realized that she couldn't keep up the lifestyle in Washington. Everyone would know. She obviously didn't know how vindictive her ex was going to be about the divorce. She knew he had pictures and video. She didn't expect he'd use them. She probably thought the guy was fine sharing her with others so why would he care about a divorce?
The threesome with this college chick started like 18 months - 2 years ago and the college chick kind of fell hard and head over heels over the whole thing. Lots of vacations together. Lots of sex. Lots of fancy nights out and parties. The whole thing kind of rocketed up in intensity the whole time she was succeeding in politics.

With all the ******* going on, when did she have time to be a Congresswoman?
That picture is very kind to her. Look at the others of her. Not so much.

Yeah,I changed my mind about that. Still, she doesn't look like she's being sexually harrassed.
I like to think that it's two different women. I'm gonna stick with that...