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DOJ drops charges against Michael Flynn for the bizarre reason he committed no crime


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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Justice Department is dropping Flynn’s Trump-Russia case

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Thursday said it is dropping the criminal case against President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, abandoning a prosecution that became a rallying cry for the president and his supporters in attacking the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation.

The action was a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. It comes even though prosecutors for the past three years have maintained that Flynn lied to the FBI in a January 2017 interview about his conversations with the Russian ambassador.

Flynn himself admitted as much, pleading guilty before asking to withdraw the plea, and became a key cooperator for Mueller as the special counsel investigated ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.

Thursday’s action was swiftly embraced by Trump, who has relentlessly tweeted about the “outrageous” case and last week pronounced Flynn “exonerated.” It could also newly energize supporters who have taken up the retired Army lieutenant general as a cause.

But it will also add to Democratic complaints that Attorney General Barr is excessively loyal to the president, and could be a distraction for a Justice Department that for months has sought to focus on crimes arising from the coronavirus.

“He was an innocent man,” Trump declared of Flynn after the announcement. He accused Obama administration officials of targeting Flynn and said, “I hope that a big price is going to be paid.”

In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said it is dropping the case “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.” The documents were obtained by The Associated Press.

The department said it had concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, formally recommended dropping it to Barr last week, the course of action vehemently and publicly recommended by Trump, who appointed Barr to head the Justice Department.

My heart sang with joy upon hearing the news.
There better be retribution.
My heart sang with joy upon hearing the news.
There better be retribution.

Do you want the good news or the bad? The good news: Flynn is going to sue Comey, Page, Smirk, the FBI, etc. and likely get a lot of money.

The bad? Because the sons of ******* violated the law while acting under "color of authority" of the Federal government, by law the Fed will have to defend the scum, pay their lawyers, and be liable for any settlement or judgment.

So the scum that caused the problems basically get away with it in terms of any civil remedies.

Criminal? Man, I am hoping those lying, thieving douchebags get prosecuted, convicted, and sent to jail.
My heart sang with joy upon hearing the news.
There better be retribution.

Absolutely. Lives were ruined over this bullshit concoction. Just waiting (perhaps naively) for the day of reckoning.
Absolutely. Lives were ruined over this bullshit concoction. Just waiting (perhaps naively) for the day of reckoning.

Your lips to God's ears, Steelworth. I however fear that the swamp always wins.

I watched NBC news tonight to see the spin. And, of course, I was not disappointed. Spinning like a washing machine. Barr is in Trump's pocket, blah, blah.

**** is getting real, and the MSM is out to cover their *****. See ya later.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/3og0IKGISnhQGIaR68" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/beckyg-becky-g-3og0IKGISnhQGIaR68"></a></p>
Let's see if anyone gets charged with falsifying records now. Last I heard that was a crime but ever since the Clinton Administration there has been one set of laws for people in the government and another set for the rest of us.
Let's see if anyone gets charged with falsifying records now. Last I heard that was a crime but ever since the Clinton Administration there has been one set of laws for people in the government and another set for the rest of us.

Anybody who doubts what Ron is saying is being intentionally ignorant, is lying, is a paid shill, or some combination of those factors. Examples:

  • Chicago, strict quarantine, hair salons closed. Mayor gets haircut in violation of order SHE made, says she is too important to follow her own order since she is the "public face" of the city. Oh, okay, you're more important than the drooling idiot taxpayers. Got it.
  • Michigan, strict quarantine, no non-essential medical visits, Governor Botox's face has more botox than Allergan, rules don't apply to her.
  • New York, strict quarantine, no non-essential travel, Mayor Failure out for a walk in a park 12 miles from his home, definition of non-essential travel. Questioned by citizen, does not answer. He's IMPORTANT, you see. And did you know his wife's black, so questioning him is RAYCIST!!
  • New York, strict quarantine, no non-essential travel, CNN host ******* INFECTED goes out for jolly old visit to his $5 million property, rules don't apply to him. Brags about berating the citizen who asked what the **** he was doing.
  • New York governor says he is ordering masks, will consider arresting people who don't wear masks, he and entire staff on stage not wearing masks because ... oh come on, the rules are for the little people, the nobodies, not THESE guys.
  • Freezer Queen shows off her delicious and expensive ice cream, and shows vast amounts of food and candy for Easter because she is having gue ... uhhh, she apparently eats a lot of candy and ice cream despite being 78 lbs. of ugly and any way, the rules don't apply to HER, I mean she's IMPORTANT, not like us losers.
**** lockdowns, politicians, politicians advocating lockdowns, and politicians violating their own lockdown orders. Seems to describe the same people, but whatever.
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I want to see what a second term Trump can do to the swamp.

That, and I want to see the reactions of the snowflake MSM aka the propagandist arm of the DNC.
Anybody who doubts what Ron is saying is being intentionally ignorant, is lying, is a paid shill, or some combination of those factors. Examples:

  • Chicago, strict quarantine, hair salons closed. Mayor gets haircut in violation of order SHE made, says she is too important to follow her own order since she is the "public face" of the city. Oh, okay, you're more important than the drooling idiot taxpayers. Got it.
  • Michigan, strict quarantine, no non-essential medical visits, Governor Botox's face has more botox than Allergan, rules don't apply to her.
  • New York, strict quarantine, no non-essential travel, Mayor Failure out for a walk in a park 12 miles from his home, definition of non-essential travel. Questioned by citizen, does not answer. He's IMPORTANT, you see. And did you know his wife's black, so questioning him is RAYCIST!!
  • New York, strict quarantine, no non-essential travel, CNN host ******* INFECTED goes out for jolly old visit to his $5 million property, rules don't apply to him. Brags about berating the citizen who asked what the **** he was doing.
  • New York governor says he is ordering masks, will consider arresting people who don't wear masks, he and entire staff on stage not wearing masks because ... oh come on, the rules are for the little people, the nobodies, not THESE guys.
  • Freezer Queen shows off her delicious and expensive ice cream, and shows vast amounts of food and candy for Easter because she is having gue ... uhhh, she apparently eats a lot of candy and ice cream despite being 78 lbs. of ugly and any way, the rules don't apply to HER, I mean she's IMPORTANT, not like us losers.
**** lockdowns, politicians, politicians advocating lockdowns, and politicians violating their own lockdown orders. Seems to describe the same people, but whatever.

You peon, big brother won't be having any of your dissidence.

(I agree wholeheartedly with every single word of this post)
Where are all the psychos, like John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Hinkley, etc.... when you really need them?
I'm trying to square why Adam Schiff can flat-out lie to the American public the last two years that he has proof of collusion and not be held accountable. This is the Chair of the Intel committee we are talking about and he is clearly lying!
I'm trying to square why Adam Schiff can flat-out lie to the American public the last two years that he has proof of collusion and not be held accountable. This is the Chair of the Intel committee we are talking about and he is clearly lying!

You can look into that guy's eyes and plainly see that he is a raving psychopath. How anyone gives this crazy shitbird an ounce of credence is beyond me.
You can look into that guy's eyes and plainly see that he is a raving psychopath. How anyone gives this crazy shitbird an ounce of credence is beyond me.

He's Nancy's little soldier boy. Will do the dirty work if need be. But if he had an (R) next to his name, he'd probably be in a rubber room.
Where are all the psychos, like John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Hinkley, etc.... when you really need them?

Ever notice how many evil people go by three names...Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, John Wilkes Booth, Mark David Chapman, Gary Leon Ridgway, John Wayne Gacy, Barak Hussein Obama...
Gropey Joe Biden.
I want to see what a second term Trump can do to the swamp.

I can answer that in a word.


He hasn't done a damn thing about it so far, and I don't think he has an interest in doing anything about it. I don't know, maybe he'll get to it right after he locks up Hillary Clinton.
I can answer that in a word.


He hasn't done a damn thing about it so far, and I don't think he has an interest in doing anything about it. I don't know, maybe he'll get to it right after he locks up Hillary Clinton.

You don't think he's love to oust every single one of those *******? Trump is an extremely vindictive person, everyone knows that. However, people in Washington that oppose him have very powerful friends and a media that is 99% in their back pocket. I don't think it has anything to do with Trump not wanting to get them.
I can answer that in a word.


He hasn't done a damn thing about it so far, and I don't think he has an interest in doing anything about it. I don't know, maybe he'll get to it right after he locks up Hillary Clinton.

Personally I think his opponents have been on offense since day one to keep him from doing anything. I'm not holding my breath but hopefully Barr/Durham's work will gain traction and the Swamp takes a big hit. However, if there is one thing the Swamp does well is cover its tracks, but we'll see what happens. Once the house of cards starts to fall, there's a great chance the swamp creatures will begin to turn on one another like rats fleeing a sinking ship. If he can get a second term, I think that will happen. IF not, they all go back to business as usual.

Makes me wonder as well if a lot of this CV stuff is a smokescreen and a diversionary tactic to keep Americas attention off that ball.