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Down and out in Chappaqua and Embassy Row


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Wait, didn't we hate Romney for being so wealthy and out of touch with the regular folk? Poor Bill and Hil, after living for 8 years on $200,000/year with no living expenses and still waiting for their multimillion dollar book advances, they could barely afford the mortgages on their two mansions in two of DC and NY's most exclusive communities...Chappaqua and Embassy Row.


Hillary Clinton, who recently raked in $5 million dollars in speaking fees in 15 months, recounted to Diane Sawyer the sad tale of her former destitution, telling her, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt.”

According to Clinton, she and her husband, who has made over $100 million since leaving the White House, “struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education, you know, it was not easy.”

But, as Clinton’s story goes, the two hard-working, middle-class millionaires somehow managed to put food on the table in their multiple houses, even though they “had to make double the money, because of, obviously, taxes, and then pay off the debts and get us houses and take care of family members.”

Taxes. Those suck, don’t they.

Right out of the White House, the Clintons bought a $1.6 million Dutch colonial mansion in Westchester for $1.7 million and a $2.85 another colonial mansion on Embassy Row in Washington.

Interestingly enough that home had been listed at $3.5 million, but the Clintons always have a way of getting a “good deal”.

It had five bedrooms and 7.5 bathrooms. (The New York one only had four bathrooms.) Just the sort of thing working people pick up on the side so that Hillary would have a place in D.C. to write her memoirs. (Her other memoirs, which she also didn’t write.)

Bill and Hillary made a down payment of $855,000. Just like broke people do. They made a down payment of $350,000 on their first home.

The Clintons did leave the White House with huge debts, but they also had large sources of wealth including a blind trust that was making all sorts of interesting investments.

For instance, the blind trust managed by Citigroup was heavily invested in overseas companies, including $30,000 to $100,000 in two Asian companies — Hong Kong and China Gas, and Hutchison Whampoa. The latter was involved in a controversy last year because of it received a U.S. contract to scan some U.S.-bound ships for nuclear material. Some lawmakers worried that the work could allow China to gain access to sensitive U.S. technologies because Hutchison Whampoa executives have business connections to the Chinese government.

Money from the blind trust helped buy their homes, along with a timely loan from a good friend.
She was interviewed on GMA this morning, and said that they were $12 million in debt. Well, that's what usually happens when you buy million dollar homes all over the US.
She was interviewed on GMA this morning, and said that they were $12 million in debt. Well, that's what usually happens when you buy million dollar homes all over the US.

Those were Bill's legal fees mostly...