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Election interference and election fraud - Part 1


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Yes, I know election fraud has a separate thread but this information is so astounding that it deserves a thread of its own. A 40-page Twitter thread details specific, documented instances of a Chinese national running a Chinese front company that provides election software, violating United States law by storing personal data for millions of Americans - including SS#'s, info on children, addresses, occupations, etc. - on servers in China. This is the thread:

The thread is very long, equivalent to a lengthy article but I will set out some key details. I strongly encourage you all to read the entire thread, which details how Eugene Yu, a Chinese national, opened a Chinese company called "Konnech." The company developed electronic voting software that was used in 20 Chinese provinces beginning in about 2012. The voting software is from a company owned and run by Yu's brother, Lin Yu. Of course as all sentient beings know, any Chinese "private" company is merely a front for the CCP. Anybody who doubts that is a blithering imbecile.

In 2015, Konnech began selling its voting software in the United States. The software is now used in many major American cities, including Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Lansing, and on and on. In fact, Konnech's own web site brags, "Used by thousands of Election Offices across North America."

Thousands of election offices across North America.

On September 1, 2022, Catherine Engelbrecht of "True the Vote" and Gregg Phillips of "Onward Social" spoke about Konnech's clear affiliation with the CCP, the fact that the data gathered by Konnech software was stored in China, and that such data included private information for thousands of poll workers and millions of voters, including driver's license numbers, DOB, addresses, social security numbers, occupations, children, etc.

In January 2021, Phillips said that the cyber analyst he had been working with encountered an “oddity in some of the URLs” which Konnech’s “PollChief” software application used to gather personally-identifying information about poll workers. Using Binary Edge, a software product companies use to identify and assess the risk of cyber breaches, “We began to look at where these URLs resolve to. We found that most of them resolve to one I.P. address and that I.P. address — the URL resolved in China,” Phillips said. “What we also learned in our review, resolved into this same URL in China, meaning that the application itself was residing in China." ... This database “stored the personally identifying information of over a million Americans,” he emphasized. Engelbrecht and Phillips decided that “this was a major national security risk” and immediately took the information to the FBI. ... “They engaged us in the operation, they were communicating with us on a regular basis. They were communicating with Catherine regarding communications with the target and this went on for approximately 15 months.” Phillips and Engelbrecht noted that the field office they worked with for those 15 months was “legitimate” and not “political law enforcement.” ...

Engelbrecht and Phillips knew that what Konnech was doing was illegal and contacted the FBI, sharing their findings. So the FBI got right on it and issued warrants against a CCP front operation that was illegally gathering and storing private data for American poll workers and judges, right? RIGHT? Yeah, not so much.

In April 2022, Engelbrecht received a call from one of the FBI agents, who informed her that the FBI’s “Washington D.C. headquarters” was now involved in the investigation. Engelbrecht described how everything changed after this call, “There was no more goodwill, there was no more let's work together, the script had been flipped, and now we were the target,” she said. The D.C. office was now trying “to figure out how you guys broke the law to find all of this.” Engelbrecht added, “which of course we didn't, but that was kind of their Modus Operandi, they were going to try to pin something on us, and today you can pick your headlines about how the FBI has done this time and again.” Phillips remarked, “The problem is they know about this, and they chose to do nothing. They chose to investigate it, and in the end, they chose to blame us, but this is China. These are Chinese operatives in the United States; these are Chinese citizens who are programming this.”

Konnech then sued Phillips and Engelbrecht for defamation. The Federal judge handling the civil trial ordered the two to divulge the source for their information about the operations of the Chinese spy front, was overtly hostile to their protests that they had been working with the FBI for more than a year, and found them in contempt when they refused to disclose their sources.

So two Americans publish data obtained in large part from public sources and their own research, a trial judge orders them to reveal how they got the information and who helped them, they refuse and the judge orders them sent to jail for contempt. Unbelievable.

Thankfully, the Court of Appeal reversed that inane decision and chastised the trial judge for basically every ruling he made on the case, pointing out there was no need for a temporary restraining order, no need for a demand for disclosure of information before discovery had even commenced, and certainly no possible justification for jailing the two for refusing to provide information about their sources.

On October 4, 2022, Eugene Yu, the CEO of Konnech, was arrested by the Los Angeles District Attorney's office for storing the data of American election workers on servers in China. Accessing that data is illegal; storing the data on Chinese serves is illegal. The damn case is open-and-shut. Yu was arrested without his phone as he heading to an airport in Michigan, where he resided.

The DA on the case pointed to substantial evidence that Yu knew Konnech was illegally accessing private data about millions of Americans, including tens of thousands of poll workers and poll judges, and illegally storing that information in China (contrary to Yu's claim to the contrary). The execrable George Gascon idiotically (or maybe not, if he is on China's payroll) dismissed the charges on November 9, 2022 - 36 days after the charges were filed and Yu arrested at the airport. Gascon could provide no cogent reason for the dismissal, over the objection of the people who prosecute such crimes for a living. Yeah, no reason to believe Gascon is a communist agent intent on destroying America, nope, none at all.
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