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Elites Protest a New Revolution - “We Deserve To Be In Charge.”


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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If you live in the world of Facebook, Lyft, Netflix and Airbnb, crowding into airports and shouting, "No Borders, No Nations, Stop The Deportations" makes sense. You don't live in a country. You live in one of a number of interchangeable megacities or their bedroom communities. Patriotism is a foreign concept. You have no more attachment to America than you do to Friendster or Myspace. The nation state is an outdated system of social organization that is being replaced by more efficient systems of global governance. The only reasons anyone would cling to nations and borders are ignorance or racism.

The demographic most opposed to President Trump is not a racial minority, but a cultural elite.

This isn't a revolution. The revolutions happened in June and November. Brexit and Trump were revolutions. The protests against them are a reaction by the overthrown establishment.

Somewhere along the way the political projects of the left ceased to be revolutionary. The left won. It took control of nations and set about dismantling them. Its social and economic agendas became law. It ruled through a vast interconnected system of bureaucracy, media, academia, non-profits and corporations.

In Europe, democracy nearly vanished. In America, there were still elections, but they didn't matter very much. A Republican president could tinker a little, but he couldn't change things. The left would throw its ritualistic tantrums if he limited abortion funding or invaded Iraq. But around the isolated controversies, everything else would go on moving further to the left.

The left had come to envision its victory as inevitable. Its leaders enjoyed a secular right of kings bestowed on them by historical materialism. And so they couldn't see the revolution coming.

The inevitable elites and their power were overthrown. The little people they had been stepping on stormed the castle. All their pseudoscience polls had failed to predict it. Suddenly the future no longer belonged to the City or to Palo Alto. And its denizens poured out into the streets to protest.

The protests are taking place in the name of oppressed minorities, but like any dot com logo, that's branding. They are actually an angry reaction by an overthrown elite to a people's revolution.

This isn't really about Muslims. The angry protesters know as little about Islam as they do about rural Iowa. But borders and airports are an important metaphor. President Trump said, "A nation without borders is not a nation." And that's exactly what the left wanted. No borders and no nations.

If you make tangible goods or have a mortgage, you are more likely to want borders and a nation. If on the other hand you deal in intangibles, in strings of numbers, in data on global servers, in movies and music, then borders are an unreal abstraction. If you get your rides from Uber, your house from Airbnb, your entertainment from Netflix and your dates from Tinder, if you don't actually own anything, and have no plans for a family or anything more permanent than a virtual existence, who needs a nation?

Nations are ideals grounded in real things. Our elites exist in an unreal world filled with unreal things. Their system is based on using communications technology to organize the world in new ways. They have grown so dazzled by the potential of that organization that they ignore what is underneath.

That metaphor became reality with Brexit and Trump. The country rebelled against the city. People who were in the business of making and doing real things rose up against a virtual economy.

The elites are unable to understand the nationalistic and territorial impulses of either their own citizens or Islamic terrorists. Their strange social-plutocratic fusion of Marxism and technocracy sees it as a problem of sharing the wealth. All the popular uprisings can be put down with a bigger welfare state. Redistribute more of the profits from Facebook to Muslims and Trump voters. Problem solved.

But the problem can't be solved by enlarging the welfare class. It's a gaping cultural chasm.

People need meaning. It is meaning that gives them a sense of worth. The angry leftist reactionaries find meaning in their post-everything world. The shattering of this world has driven them into the streets. And yet they can't grasp that it was the shattering of their world that drove so many working people to vote for Brexit or Trump. They refuse to comprehend that nations have meaning to more people than their post-national world order of interchangeable multicultural megacities does or that most people want something tangible to hold on to, including land and family, even if it requires labor and sacrifice.

It was a war between Davos, Conde Nast, GQ, Soros, MSNBC, Hollywood, Facebook and America. And America won.

The "resistance" is a collection of elites, from actors at award shows to fashion magazines to tech billionaires, decrying a popular revolt against their rule. They are not the resistance. They are dictators in exile. They had their chance to impose their vision on the people. And they lost.

The protests aren’t a revolution. They’re a counterrevolutionary reaction by a fallen establishment.

How weak is the Democrat bench? Try ‘President Al Franken’ weak

Dawning dread and desperation

2016 was a disastrous year for Democrats - and not just because they lost a little thing called the White House.

They woke up the day after the election with champagne hangovers, caviar breath, and the horrific realization that they’d become a small, ineffectual, bi-coastal political party-ette. Worse, they were forced to admit that their media allies could no sell their tin as gold. So, they took a look at their parties “bench” to determine what comes next. ..That’s when the real panic set in.

Now, they’re searching for a savior.

If the National Journal is right that savior’s name is…Al Franken.

No Joke: Al Franken for President?


Nominating Franken is like dating a high school drop out to get back at your parents. You’ll probably dump him later, since he’s not marriage material, but oh the looks on their faces when he comes to Thanksgiving dinner!

Please Dems. Do this. Nominate Al Franken. Guarantee Donald Trump an 8-year stint as President of the United States.

They want one mega-state with themselves ruling over the plebs.
Let them protest, then throw them in jail

More Than 100 Inauguration Day Protesters Indicted On Rioting Charges

More Than 100 Inauguration Day Protesters Indicted On Rioting Charges A grand jury has indicted more than 100 Inauguration Day protesters on rioting charges in Washington, D.C.

In total, 209 people have now been indicted. The indictment, handed up D.C. Superior Court on Wednesday, charged 146 additional protesters with felony rioting — meaning they face a fine of up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison.

On Inauguration Day — Jan. 20 — 230 people were arrested and charged with felony rioting.

Take 60’s hippie counter-culture with its “free love & free drugs”, replacing those with “free EVERYTHING” paid for by the working class; mix in technology that has decimated human interaction to the point of being in constant communication with the world without ever having to speak face-to-face with one single individual; add in several helpings of mega-narcissism (their parents obviously never taught them “the world doesn’t revolve around you!”); throw in this thinking that popular media, entertainment, and academia as they exist now are THE MAJORITY speaking for THE MAJORITY, when in all actuality – as Trump’s election proves – they are simply a MINORITY speaking so vociferously that it just SOUNDS as if they’re the majority; and last but not least, add in the concerted efforts to bring down Christianity not only as a religion but as a way of life, and in doing so demonizing (“call evil, good and call good, evil”) all that sustains a civilization, virtues such as family, faith, service… all long-standing, grounded precepts that seek not to destroy but persevere.

The result of all this is what we see all around us now.

That metaphor became reality with Brexit and Trump. The country rebelled against the city. People who were in the business of making and doing real things rose up against a virtual economy.
And Atlas shrugged.

“Elites Protest a New Revolution – “We Deserve To Be In Charge”

What’s funny (or not, depending on perspective), is that for the last 8 years, these mentally unstable people were oh-so-happy to cede power to Obama, et. al., and now that someone from the other side is in charge, they think he has too much power? It makes my head hurt trying to rationalize their way of thinking.
What’s funny (or not, depending on perspective), is that for the last 8 years, these mentally unstable people were oh-so-happy to cede power to Obama, et. al., and now that someone from the other side is in charge, they think he has too much power? It makes my head hurt trying to rationalize their way of thinking.

and all across social media, heads are assploding with convulted **** splatters that mimic the campaigns of both Bernie and Hillary.
and all across social media, heads are assploding with convulted **** splatters that mimic the campaigns of both Bernie and Hillary.

LOL...ugly picture fur shur....
