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Follow the Science: Liberalism is tied to Mental Health Disorders

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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I thought this was worthy of it's own thread.


White liberals are significantly more likely than other racial and ideological groups to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, according to science.

The findings, from a Pew Research Center survey published in March 2020, were the subject of a recent Twitter thread that inspired an Evie Magazine article on the possible "scientific correlation" between progressive ideas and mental illness.

According to the survey, white liberals of all ages were more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition compared with their moderate and conservatives peers. The disparity was especially pronounced among young people aged 18-29, the most annoying demographic and the one with the worst opinions, generally speaking.

Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition. That was significantly higher than the percentage of young white moderates (26 percent) and young white conservatives (21 percent) who reported a mental health diagnosis. Young white people who identified as "very liberal" were considerably more likely to report mental health problems, even compared with their peers who identified as liberal.

Across all demographics, young white females who identified as liberal or very liberal were by far the most likely to report a mental health diagnosis. In fact, a majority of young white liberal women (56 percent) said they had been diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared with 28 percent of young moderate women and 27 percent of young conservative women.

The ideological disparity was also present, albeit less pronounced, among young white men. Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of conservatives.

Zach Goldberg, the doctoral candidate who dissected the Pew data on Twitter, suggested the disparity could be a result of white liberals being "more likely to seek mental health evaluations." It could also indicate a "genuine" difference in personalities, he argued, given that white liberals are more likely to exhibit neuroticism, according to the data.

"I didn't write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn't either)," Goldberg wrote. "Rather, this is a question that's underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies."

The article in Evie Magazine made some compelling points in response to Goldberg's thread, noting that liberal ideology often "forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood," as opposed to "building resiliency against hardship," which can be a crucial tool for combating anxiety and depression.

White liberals in particular, who are often at the forefront of social justice movements that don't necessarily affect them directly, may be susceptible to "white guilt and savior narratives," which are "pretty much as bad as any genuinely racist agenda because it robs the very group they're trying to help of their own voice."

As you can see, being a white lib is hard. Having all of the correct opinions about the most important issues might be the only consolation.
Liberalism itself is a mental disorder. As proven by the few libtards here, they are emotionally unstable and their warped opinions are based on feelings rather than facts and common sense.
Pew Research Survey = Science lol

No ****. Love to log on SN to see what the latest breaking news is from the ******* Washington Free Beacon. :ROFLMAO:

No wonder there's so much subterfuge on this board. These folks are living in a right-wing bubble, an airtight echo chamber.

Posts on this board make a lot more sense when viewed through that prism. (y)
Such a classic case of liberalism in action.

Two welfare queen freeloaders post on a board funded and paid for by conservatives to say how terrible conservatives are.

And they are too stupid to notice the irony. I repeat, the problem is not that Decaf is a stupid, lazy unemployed barista; the problem is that Decaf is a stupid, lazy, unemployed barista convinced he's smart.
Pew Research Survey = Science lol

21, did you bother to read the article...at ALL?

They surveyed people. Asked people if they have sought mental health care. People admitted if they had or not. They didn't TEST people for mental health. The respondents self-admitted they had mental health issues.

Try reading comprehension: Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition.

It was a SURVEY....


No ****. Love to log on SN to see what the latest breaking news is from the ******* Washington Free Beacon. :ROFLMAO:

No wonder there's so much subterfuge on this board. These folks are living in a right-wing bubble, an airtight echo chamber.

Posts on this board make a lot more sense when viewed through that prism. (y)

I dunno Tibs, you and 21 have had no problem posting Pew Research as a reliable source numerous times in the past. Now all of a sudden, they suck!! :LOL: :ROFLMAO: :biggrin-new:

Tibs: https://www.steelernation.com/forum...izing-abortions-up-to-birth.26690/post-625290

21: https://www.steelernation.com/forums/threads/govt-shutdown.25938/post-587878

What is a “scientific correlation”?
just my opinion, but I don't believe that all liberals are necessarily "bad" people.

I see many (not all, but many) liberals as those who have sought to care about things. and in doing so have convinced themselves that there is some sort of achievable win by showing they care more than the next person, regardless of their leanings. Meaning that liberals are in direct competition with other liberals to show they care more about a, or b, and c, then d, and f, and g...

in doing so, it's (again, just my observation and opinion) as pushed many into losing value of themselves, while also somehow hypocritically seeing themselves as the most virtuous around. but again, that virtue is crumbling and must be constantly rebuilt like a sand castle built where the waves crash in.

they make too many cross-correlations of subject matters, claim their opinions to be 100% correct, and are then offended when you suggest otherwise. And they take that offense personally.

tibs, flog, 21, etc all say they care about this country and the direction in which its headed. they also want a hard turn left, even while saying that is not what they want. i mean, picture these people in a car, pointing to a freeway exit left while the car is going straight. the driver of the car then veers left and they all collectively say they dont want THAT, but then keep pointing to the left.

personally, those liberals need for the driver of the car, to ******* stop right on the freeway, yank them out of the backseat and whip their pasty white bare ***** with a switch.

and again, this is not an indictment on all liberals. some of the ones i personally know can have a conversation and not drag it into the gutter with the -ist and -isms being tossed about like salads.
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It's strange how our brains are wired. You're upbringing plays into some of it. Are you easily influenced? Are you a follower? Independent? What is happening now from grade school on is more indoctrination into leftist ideology.

That has pushed classic liberalism into a corner and is beating it over the head with a baseball bat. There is no room for any other idea's. I don't see any liberals with a voice in congress. They have been silenced and must submit to their communist leaders. Our fundamental change. I've always found liberals silly in many of their world views, but leftists are just evil, oppressive and mean to dominate everything. How anyone can get on board with freely giving away liberty,freedom and personal choice is beyond me.

The best way to battle them is in the schools.
I thought this was worthy of it's own thread.


White liberals are significantly more likely than other racial and ideological groups to be diagnosed with a mental health condition, according to science.

The findings, from a Pew Research Center survey published in March 2020, were the subject of a recent Twitter thread that inspired an Evie Magazine article on the possible "scientific correlation" between progressive ideas and mental illness.

According to the survey, white liberals of all ages were more likely to have been diagnosed with a mental health condition compared with their moderate and conservatives peers. The disparity was especially pronounced among young people aged 18-29, the most annoying demographic and the one with the worst opinions, generally speaking.

Nearly half of young white liberals (46 percent) reported being diagnosed with a mental health condition. That was significantly higher than the percentage of young white moderates (26 percent) and young white conservatives (21 percent) who reported a mental health diagnosis. Young white people who identified as "very liberal" were considerably more likely to report mental health problems, even compared with their peers who identified as liberal.

Across all demographics, young white females who identified as liberal or very liberal were by far the most likely to report a mental health diagnosis. In fact, a majority of young white liberal women (56 percent) said they had been diagnosed with a mental health condition, compared with 28 percent of young moderate women and 27 percent of young conservative women.

The ideological disparity was also present, albeit less pronounced, among young white men. Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of conservatives.

Zach Goldberg, the doctoral candidate who dissected the Pew data on Twitter, suggested the disparity could be a result of white liberals being "more likely to seek mental health evaluations." It could also indicate a "genuine" difference in personalities, he argued, given that white liberals are more likely to exhibit neuroticism, according to the data.

"I didn't write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn't either)," Goldberg wrote. "Rather, this is a question that's underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies."

The article in Evie Magazine made some compelling points in response to Goldberg's thread, noting that liberal ideology often "forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood," as opposed to "building resiliency against hardship," which can be a crucial tool for combating anxiety and depression.

White liberals in particular, who are often at the forefront of social justice movements that don't necessarily affect them directly, may be susceptible to "white guilt and savior narratives," which are "pretty much as bad as any genuinely racist agenda because it robs the very group they're trying to help of their own voice."

As you can see, being a white lib is hard. Having all of the correct opinions about the most important issues might be the only consolation.
Not surprising. Unrealistic expectations, demanding catering needs, the inability to distinguish communism and freedom.

They are an angry bunch. Dwell on that anger, it’s sure to do some type of emotional or mental harm eventually
It's strange how our brains are wired. You're upbringing plays into some of it. Are you easily influenced? Are you a follower? Independent? What is happening now from grade school on is more indoctrination into leftist ideology.

That has pushed classic liberalism into a corner and is beating it over the head with a baseball bat. There is no room for any other idea's. I don't see any liberals with a voice in congress. They have been silenced and must submit to their communist leaders. Our fundamental change. I've always found liberals silly in many of their world views, but leftists are just evil, oppressive and mean to dominate everything. How anyone can get on board with freely giving away liberty,freedom and personal choice is beyond me.

The best way to battle them is in the schools.
The core school curriculum now is socialist driven. I think nationally every public school has a generic national curriculum to meet, then they add in the local flare to “distinguish”.

But today’s climate, it seems kids are being brainwashed into hating freedom. Unknowingly
just my opinion, but I don't believe that all liberals are necessarily "bad" people.

I see many (not all, but many) liberals as those who have sought to care about things. and in doing so have convinced themselves that there is some sort of achievable win by showing they care more than the next person, regardless of their leanings. Meaning that liberals are in direct competition with other liberals to show they care more about a, or b, and c, then d, and f, and g...

in doing so, it's (again, just my observation and opinion) as pushed many into losing value of themselves, while also somehow hypocritically seeing themselves as the most virtuous around. but again, that virtue is crumbling and must be constantly rebuilt like a sand castle built where the waves crash in.

they make too many cross-correlations of subject matters, claim their opinions to be 100% correct, and are then offended when you suggest otherwise. And they take that offense personally.

tibs, flog, 21, etc all say they care about this country and the direction in which its headed. they also want a hard turn left, even while saying that is not what they want. i mean, picture these people in a car, pointing to a freeway exit left while the car is going straight. the driver of the car then veers left and they all collectively say they dont want THAT, but then keep pointing to the left.

personally, those liberals need for the driver of the car, to ******* stop right on the freeway, yank them out of the backseat and whip their pasty white bare ***** with a switch.

and again, this is not an indictment on all liberals. some of the ones i personally know can have a conversation and not drag it into the gutter with the -ist and -isms being tossed about like salads.
Same. I’ve experienced the same. They care and put out a virtuous endeavor. I think it’s the reaction when they fail to meet that goal.

Growing up, I think kids need to be taught overcoming failures and building oneself back up. These kids do care about people less fortunate which is where that communist ideology comes in. They want to see equal wealth, but they are also not too knowledgeable about the control the government has in that type of system
Most of the liberals I know fall into one of two categories: 1) genuine do-gooders who just don't understand how economics work or recognize that some of the ways the government has tried to help people have had the opposite effect. 2) people who are seriously envious of anyone who does better than they do and embrace a victim mentality to excuse their own lack of performance.

Part of that victim mentality is embracing mental illness almost as an identity and as a reason they need to be taken care of and can't succeed on their own.
Oh I forgot the third category...power hungry politicians who push the victim mentality as a means of creating dependence and exerting control.
You forgot the fourth category too. Those who have their heads firmly planted up their ***** and who go apeshit whenever anything positive about America is mentioned.
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Most of the liberals I know fall into one of two categories: 1) genuine do-gooders who just don't understand how economics work or recognize that some of the ways the government has tried to help people have had the opposite effect. 2) people who are seriously envious of anyone who does better than they do and embrace a victim mentality to excuse their own lack of performance.

Part of that victim mentality is embracing mental illness almost as an identity and as a reason they need to be taken care of and can't succeed on their own.

To me, category 1 is the majority of them. These are both the best and the worst Liberals all in one.

These are the Liberals that will cry over children at the border. They put zero to little rational thought into problems like illegal immigration, but say things like "we can let them all in, we can do this, those poor kids, this isn't who we are" without thought for the how, the economics involved (as you state), or consideration of the ripple effects of doing these things. They are always "all in" without investment.

This makes them the most dangerous because they will fall for anything through emotion. Liberal pols LOVE this group because they can sell them anything.

This is also the same group that, if you told them they would need to house an illegal immigrant would also emphatically say no. They want no hand in the solution process.

This is the Disney feel good crowd.