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Four sheriff's deputies (not one) hid during Florida school shooting


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Jul 6, 2016
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Four sheriff’s deputies hid during Florida school shooting
By Ruth Brown February 23, 2018

Four armed officers and years of warnings did nothing to stop Nikolas Cruz from massacring 17 people at a high school.

Not one but four sheriff’s deputies hid behind cars instead of storming Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS in Parkland, Fla., during Wednesday’s school shooting, police claimed Friday — as newly released records revealed the Broward County Sheriff’s Office had received at least 18 calls about the troubled teen over the past decade.

Sources from Coral Springs, Fla., Police Department tell CNN that when its officers arrived on the scene Wednesday, they were shocked to find three Broward County Sheriff’s deputies behind their cars with weapons drawn.

The school’s armed resource officer, Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson, was also outside. He resigned on Thursday after his failure to act was publicly revealed.


If it was only one, he might be a coward. But there are four of them. It could be a distraction to release the pressure on Trump in Russian gate case.
If it was only one, he might be a coward. But there are four of them. It could be a distraction to release the pressure on Trump in Russian gate case.

well I heard all four of them voted Trump. *******
If it was only one, he might be a coward. But there are four of them. It could be a distraction to release the pressure on Trump in Russian gate case.

"If" your aunt had balls she would be your uncle. No Russians influences me in saying that. I've also never voted for a democrat ever. Which has been overrun with leftist commie pinkos who call themselves progressives.... This wagon will never hitch to that ride ever.
"If" your aunt had balls she would be your uncle. No Russians influences me in saying that. I've also never voted for a democrat ever. Which has been overrun with leftist commie pinkos who call themselves progressives.... This wagon will never hitch to that ride ever.

But you will vote for candidates in a party overrun with racists and fascists?
But you will vote for candidates in a party overrun with racists and fascists?
That's ******* nonsense in your own little warped mind. Your little party are the pioneers and keepers of keeping people down and in their place.You're the biggest group of racists the world has ever known.You sell fraud and fools gold. Just vote for us then **** off. You guys do nothing to bring people out of a bad situation through hard work. You just throw scraps from the table and call it caring. Nothing ever changes. You're just a bunch of divisive power hungry commie turds who take class warfare and race to a whole new level.It's repulsive.The same song gets played over and over this last 50+ years and while degrading and weakening American culture, the American family unit and belief in something higher and greater than ones self in the universe.

Nope under no circumstance could I ever vote for a democrat as they are now. Kennedy was the last decent one of that lot and by today's standards he would be a conservative.
Name one...................

ElfTard is famous for these no-name accusations, saying there are racists on the board (but won't name them), racists and fascists in the Republican party (but won't name them).

Meanwhile in Libtard World....




The FBI Was Warned About A School Shooting Threat From A YouTube User Named Nikolas Cruz In September
In September, a YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz left a comment on a video stating, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." The video's creator alerted both the FBI and YouTube.

Originally posted on February 15, 2018, at 1:24 a.m.
Updated on February 15, 2018


The FBI and that four Sheriff's deputies reacted in similar way.
But you will vote for candidates in a party overrun with racists and fascists?

thankfully, the last party ran by racists and fascists had their corrupt administration and rule ended triumphantly in 2016.