Their government, Our government and most governments are handcuffing their citizens from taking control of their lives and country.
Countrymen of all nations need to band together to reclaim their civilization from the uncivilized. The problem is, our governments would label us as terrorists, nationalists(as if that was a bad thing) supremists and come down with the full weight of the law/military to bring us down.
Don't you think we have the power to straighten this schit out in rapid fashion? Of course we do. But, we know we would be locked away, stripped of everything and we ain't in a place and time to risk all that...yet.
No. there is a not so hidden agenda behind all these migrants scattering across the western hemisphere and wherever else a civil people flourish. One World Government! That's it. Mix up the populations. Cause division. Keep the people stupid. Erase the history of the peoples' country.
Erasing history does more to destabilize a nation than anything else. We were all taught our history. It gives us a foundation and identity and pride. More and more young people today aren't being taught. They don't know where they come from, where they're at or where they're going.
And if you have no past, you don't know what you're losing or what you've lost, you won't fight for it because you don't know you have anything to fight for. You have nothing. Nothing but today.
And that's the goal. One All Ruling Government.