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Gigantic, morbidly obese, festering, filthy looking, trail leaving slug.......

Rod Farva

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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60 miles NE of the 'Burgh

Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse
That is another guy who needs a good old fashioned *** stomping. His fat commie *** just sits in a mansion spewing nonsense.
I would postulate that he was taught incorrectly.
That is another guy who needs a good old fashioned *** stomping. His fat commie *** just sits in a mansion spewing nonsense.
please be specific.
Which of his nine homes is he sitting in?

Michael Moore’s tweet on Sunday afternoon, in which he said that “snipers were cowards,” has earned the filmmaker heaps of negative attention from Twitter users.

But a man who has every right to be irate at Moore responded with confident class on Monday morning.

Sgt. Nick Irving, author of the book The Reaper, served as a sniper with the Army’s Third Ranger Battalion. His skill earned him the nickname “The Reaper” among his peers, NYPost reports.

In an interview with Fox and Friends on Monday morning, he wisely noted how we should all react to Moore’s attempt to be inflammatory:
“Well, I don’t think he deserves the breath that I’m about to give, but I’ll just say, Michael Moore, he wasn’t there in Afghanistan and the last time I checked, he’s never shot anybody with a scoped rifle. So I don’t think he deserves the breath that comes out of me right now for that statement.”

When asked if Moore should be thanking soldiers instead of slamming them, Irving took the high road:
“I don’t really care what he gives me, a thank you or not. A lot of good guys and a lot of my friends died, you know, for his right of freedom of speech. So I’m not really worried about what he has to say.”

As of now, Moore hasn’t responded to Irving’s feedback.

Michael Moore ✔ @MMFlint
My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse

If right wingers were the way he thought of them, he would have been snipes ten times over by now...
That is another guy who needs a good old fashioned *** stomping. His fat commie *** just sits in a mansion spewing nonsense.

View attachment 1074

Hard to believe that a woman would divorce this Hollywood hunk! However, Michael Moore and Kathleen Glynn will soon be no more. And their divorce is as ugly as Oprah with no makeup.

View attachment 1075
Wonder what country his uncle was invading when he got killed?

I suspect his uncle might not be too proud of his nephews tweet.
I absolutely 100% support fatties right to speak his mind. I also would *hate* to see him get his face stomped by a few military guys. I bet he has some armed guards to prevent that from happening. #ohtheirony.
**** him. Why is he still allowed to live?
I like the fact that American Sniper is exposing the Hollywood left for what it is - ugly, vicious, deceitful, and anti-American.

These guys are basically the Islamists beheading Americans on video, and showing what is really going on with their ideology.

Keep up the stupid comments, Moore and Rogen. Knock yourself out.
Here's the thing....the backpedaling by those two (and anyone else who says stupid ****) doesn't make it better. It exposes them more as cowards and shows more of their true colors. MM should have stood by his statement.....I would respect him more for doing that (not that I respect him now, but you know what I mean). He feels that strongly? Then OWN it.
I have a great idea for a new reality show.........Have M. Moore and Seth Rogen spend one week participating at Navy SEAL training.
My suspicion is that it would be a short series.
I would postulate that he was taught incorrectly.

Exactly.....got to thinking about that yesterday. I figure he has to be fairly close to my age and I don't remember much discourse at home or school regarding snipers at all, let alone any philosophical discussion about their merits. Maybe those happened at his house due to his uncle's ill fate (should that turn out to even be true, I'd love someone to fact check that ****) but I doubt it.

I have a great idea for a new reality show.........Have M. Moore and Seth Rogen spend one week participating at Navy SEAL training.
My suspicion is that it would be a short series.

Short and so very, very fulfilling and instructive. Neither of their fat ***** would be alive after a day.
I'd like him to test his theory for a "fair fight" in war. Go to Afghanistan, Iraq or what have you and try to fight fair. Actually, I strongly encourage him to prove everyone wrong that it can be done. That fat piece of lard needs to back his **** up for once. It's easy to put out a statement of his beliefs. Anyone can do that. Why doesn't he back up the **** he spews? Step away from Dunkin Donuts and lead by example.
I have a great idea for a new reality show.........Have M. Moore and Seth Rogen spend one week participating at Navy SEAL training.
My suspicion is that it would be a short series.

They may last an hour at most. If they stuck them in the cold ocean from the get go maybe 10 minutes.
They may last an hour at most. If they stuck them in the cold ocean from the get go maybe 10 minutes.

At his weight and condition, he wouldn't make it from the bus to the barracks.

[video]https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEVr2q0L5UaL0AYrklnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTB0b2 ZrZmU3BHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwMl8x?p=g etting+off+the+bus+at+boot+camp&tnr=21&vid=A080E34167E2F79D92B2A080E34167E2F79D92B2&l=74&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DUN.6 08003795721849425%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dzs LrvlC4uic&sigr=11adf831m&tt=b&tit=Getting+off+the+bus+at+boot+camp&sigt=110fu86im&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch %3Fp%3Dgetting%2Boff%2Bthe%2Bbus%2Bat%2Bboot%2Bcam p%26hsimp%3Dyhs-001%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26ei%3DUTF-8&sigb=13cd4ncgi&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001[/video]
he's highly paid to be purposely divisive.

not any different than O'Reilly, really.
A green beret sniper just broke his foot off in that piece of ****'s ***.


Mr. Moore-
Good afternoon there sweetheart, I hope this finds you alive and well. You can thank our men and women of the armed forces for that, by the way, and that also includes us cowardly snipers. It seems you’ve found time between licking the jelly off your fingers and releasing your grasp of a bear claw to tweet some junk about snipers being cowards.

My buddies and I got a good laugh over the tweet, so I thank you. For a guy worth $50 million dollars, you sure have quite a bit to ***** and cry about. I guess like a moth to flame, you too gravitate towards things that are popular and in the moment — in this case it’s snipers. Too bad for you that your attempt at being relevant via your 70+ year old family experience has failed. It has only made you look dumber than a bag of hammers. Next time you should try something more original than going after snipers for one reason or another…that was so last month.

It’s typical of “men” like you to criticize the intestinal fortitude, focus, discipline and patriotism of a sniper. It must stem from an inferiority complex or something. But hey, it’s okay cupcake. We snipers are thick skinned and the efforts of world class turds such as yourself to portray us in a negative light only makes us laugh. If you and I were in the same room, I’d throw you a smile and gently pat you on the head knowing you’re nothing more than a mouth breathing, Crisco sweating waste of space not even worthy of being in the presence of a sniper. It’s almost funny how people like you preach things like ‘acceptance’ and ‘not passing judgement’ or ‘labeling people’, but then are the first to do so when a person is in some way dissimilar from you.

So tenderfoot, I leave you with this final thought: what if you found yourself in some sort of hostage situation where you were held at knife-point by some crazed person and they were dead set on making an example of you by bleeding you out on Hollywood Blvd in front of the world, and the only way out was with the precision aimed fire of a sniper? Would you want that coward to take the shot? Because knowing how you feel about snipers such as myself and your hatred of firearms, I’d probably drop the mag, roll the bolt and go get a Jack & Coke before helping you out.

Very Respectfully,