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Global Warming Expedition Stopped In Its Tracks by, you guessed it, Arctic Sea Ice


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Apr 20, 2014
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Global Warming Expedition Stopped In Its Tracks By Arctic Sea Ice

A group of adventurers, sailors, pilots and climate scientists that recently started a journey around the North Pole in an effort to show the lack of ice, has been blocked from further travels by ice.


The Polar Ocean Challenge is taking a two month journey that will see them go from Bristol, Alaska, to Norway, then to Russia through the North East passage, back to Alaska through the North West passage, to Greenland and then ultimately back to Bristol.

Their objective, as laid out by their website, was to demonstrate “that the Arctic sea ice coverage shrinks back so far now in the summer months that sea that was permanently locked up now can allow passage through.”

There has been one small hiccup thus-far though: they are currently stuck in Murmansk, Russia because there is too much ice blocking the North East passage the team said didn’t exist in summer months.

The Polar Ocean Challenge team is not the first global warming expedition to be faced with icy troubles. In 2013, an Antarctic research vessel named Akademik Shokalskiy became trapped in the ice, the problem was so severe that they actually had to rescue the 52 crew members.

In 2015 a Canadian ice breaking ship, the CCGS Amundsen, was forced to reroute and help a number of supply ships that had become trapped by ice.



Reality strikes again!

Lol that's funny. If I was getting millions of dollars in funding I'd be out searching for glaciers in the middle of the Sahara Desert if they wanted me to. Just follow the money and see where it's going. That's all you gotta do to make sense of all this. .
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Lol that's funny. If I was getting millions of dollars in funding I'd be out searching for glaciers in the middle of the Sahara Desert if they wanted me to. Just follow the money and see where it's going. That's all you gotta do to make sense of all this. .

only scientist who disagree with global warm,,,err, climate change are bought. Everyone else is pure.
Oh my God. This is bound to cause more terrorism.
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They will find some way to make it fit their agenda. Have no fear.
Global Temperatures Are Mostly Fake

NOAA claims global temperatures are the hottest ever, based on some rather spectacular junk science. NOAA doesn’t actually have any temperature data over most of the land surface.

They never had any data from most of the southern hemisphere.

And they made up much of their southern hemisphere ocean data.

The US has NOAA’s best data, and almost half it is also fake.

The US has much less hot weather than it used to.

No serious scientist would make claims based on fake data, which is why NOAA does it. Their climate people are propagandists, not scientists.

Maybe we can just remove the "climate change" tag and just be advocates for more efficient use of energy and clean air. But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of people who would argue why polluted air is not an issue.
It's called weather

Climate changes over thousands or tens or thousands of years. Gnat brained humans think only of their lifetime.

Humans are specks of flyshit on the whale of the world. They wash off easily.
Very few, unless you try to redefine "pollution" to include CO2.

The idea is behind burning of fuels and there are other pollutants as a result, plus if you just want to include GH gases, you could also consider methane, nitrous oxide and some others.
You hicks whining about heat want more ice? that's insane


21, I saw your link and can pretty much take it from there...


See the www.msn part?

From that part we get the following:

"Oh dear God! a problem exists and only through continued talking, and by that we mean a LOT of talking can we hope to deal with it. Global Warming is upon us. It's caused by a bunch of complicated "sciency" stuff that you don't need to understand just know that Al Gore drives his car just a little bit less because of it and that it's so important that the Democratic Party is going to talk about it. Ironically all this talking will actually speed up global warming, but sometimes you gotta move backward to move forward.

Ultimately, only Hillary can save us. However she's been pestered for months by scandalous, baseless lies. While shes' been heroically defending herself against these preposterous charges, it's gotten WARMER! So vote now, elect Hillary and let her talk about it."
Now in fairness, had it been a Fox report we'd have gotten something like this...

"The Obama administration wasted more time today pandering to HEAT! That's right, HEAT. While domestic terrorist groups are attacking our police force, while foreign terrorists are plotting to attack us every moment of every day, Obama and Hillary are feverishly plinking ice-cubes in their "appeasement tea". Perhaps the Obama administration plans to simply allow illegal heat immigration? Maybe he wants to have our medical system give free flu shots to the heat wave paid for by hard-working AMERICANS who prefer their thermostats set at 62 degrees, thank you very much.

No, instead the Democrats continue to stump for Clinton. They would have us think that Global Warming is the culprit. Despite the fact that the expedition sent to study so called Global Warming is trapped in ice (no doubt by Islamic Terrorists who intend to use them as some kind of sick pawn while Obama refuses to recognize what's REALLY going on)."
It's called weather

Climate changes over thousands or tens or thousands of years. Gnat brained humans think only of their lifetime.

Humans are specks of flyshit on the whale of the world. They wash off easily.
No no no. 20 years of no warming is weather. A hot summer day is climate change.
The idea is behind burning of fuels and there are other pollutants as a result, plus if you just want to include GH gases, you could also consider methane, nitrous oxide and some others.

Nobody, really, argues about the idea of moving to a "cleaner" energy. People argue about government trying to force people (through subsidies or outright requirements) into using and paying for technology that, at this point, is no proven to be an efficient replacement for fossil fuels. People argue about crippling one economy (the US) while allowing countries like China and India to do whatever they want. It is ALL about the Benjamins and ****-all about the environment.

In fact, in overall "cleanness", I worry about the batteries for electric cars and what happens to used solar cells more than I do the methane, nitrous oxide, etc. that fossil fuels put in the air. How do we dispose of those in a "clean" way? How are they manufactured? If manufactured and/or made from minerals mined in China, you can bet Coolie's sweet, sweet *** that they are not done "cleanly".

According to this site, which supports the Climate Change agenda, the ppm for methane, Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Monoxide, together, are less than 3 ppm? is that, really, a concern?

Since I don't think CO2 is a pollutant or that the three listed above are at a level to be concerned about, I worry more about overdevelopment of certain areas (See NY, CA and Houston) where air pollution can be more significant than the places I choose to live. If the lemmings won't let the US drill for our own oil, I'd rather move to another energy source than fossil fuels to get away from giving billions of dollars to people who hate us.
Global warmists have hijacked the legitimate issue of pollution and conjoined it with a bunch of gibberish.
I don't. I am from the south though. I remember getting a blizzards late in the spring in the 70s and the enviro-whackos saying there was global cooling that would trigger the next ice age.

Climate change has always been going on on earth. And it will continue going on. The question is if the climate change is manmade, and that has never been close to proven.

If they hit us with carbon tax, do you know who will prosper from it? The richest people on the planet, including the Rothschilds and Goldman Sachs of the world. Always follow the money.

It cuts through all the other bull ****. I don't trust one word of what the govt/mainstream media says. They are all controlled by the global elite, more than ever.