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GOP insiders: Pence would beat Clinton


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Right now, Donald Trump is the only Republican in the United States whom Hillary Clinton can defeat. Trump is the best candidate on the ballot for Democrats in 2016,' said a North Carolina Republican.


And the last polling on Kasich vs Clinton.


CP Average 4/10 - 5/1 -- -- 48.4 41.0 Kasich +7.4

CNN/ORC 4/28 - 5/1 890 RV 3.5 51 44 Kasich +7

IBD/TIPP 4/22 - 4/28 814 RV 3.5 45 41 Kasich +4

USA Today/Suffolk 4/20 - 4/24 1000 LV 3.0 46 41 Kasich +5

FOX News 4/11 - 4/13 1021 RV 3.0 49 40 Kasich +9

NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/10 - 4/14 1000 RV 3.1 51 39 Kasich +12

All General Election: Kasich vs. Clinton Polling Data
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hahahahaha, still trying?

That Kasick dog won't hunt!


BLACK VOTE FOR TRUMP SURGES – More Than Double In Ten Days! (Rasmussen Poll)

Trump ahead 43% to 41% over Hillary among likely voters.

Support for Trump among Black Likely Voters has surged from 9% to 24% in the last ten days.

Black Likely Voters for TRUMP @Rasmussen_Poll

Oct 3 - 9%
Oct 6 - 12%
Oct 7 - 13%
Oct 10 - 14%
Oct 11 - 19%
Oct 12 - 19%
Oct 13 - 24%


Trump won't win the black vote. Not even close. I'd wager a few mortgage payments.
He doesn't have to win it, he just has to get a chunk of it.
If he can just bump it up to 15% in the swing states it'll be yuge.

While that would be nice, he needs to reverse his negativity rating if possible and win back the women who were likely Trump voters but recently abandoned him after the " grab then by the " P()$$Y comment.

I do not think he can repair that statement.

The black vote will be lower turnout. If I can pick one group for Trump to improve its the unmarried women area....withotu them Romney wins.
You're right Tibs. If she truly thought Pence was a threat, he'd be dead.
You're right Tibs. If she truly thought Pence was a threat, he'd be dead.
Nah, it's just way too late in the game for that type of swap. If we were in the middle of the summer, and Pence made a move then, maybe I'd agree with this. But his anti-abortion stance - among others - would speak only to the core, which is not nearly enough to swing the election. But as weak of a candidate as Hillary is, he'd at least stand a chance, unlike Trump.
All asinine. Trump is who has Clinton running scared. Not the Kasich clown from Brown Town.

Pence wasn't even running so what is the point in polling that? Pence will make a fine VP.
Some of these Podesta e-mails coming out are doing some damage too. The Christian right is not happy with Hillary to begin with but the rhetoric from the Hillary camp will sway some of the women that Trump needs to win back over.

It’s no secret that progressive elites despise religion, but it’s still striking to see their contempt expressed so bluntly as in the leaked email chains that include Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

The emails show that in 2011 Mr. Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri, who is now a senior Clinton campaign official, received a note from their Center for American Progress colleague John Halpin. Mr. Halpin notes a media report that our News Corp. superiors, Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch and CEO Robert Thomson, raise their kids Catholic. Mr. Halpin observes that many leading conservatives are Catholic and opines that they “must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations.”

Ms. Palmieri responds, “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelicals.”

This is a window into the intolerant secular soul of the Democratic establishment and perhaps explains why it has done so little to accommodate requests for religious liberty from the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Clinton advisers would also rather force the church to accept their teachings. In 2012 activist Sandy Newman emailed Mr. Podesta to say there “needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship.” As if people are forced to believe at the point of a gun. Mr. Podesta responds with an update on what he’s been doing to prepare “for a moment like this.”

This disdain for people of faith helps explain today’s political polarization and why so many people are willing to support a blunt, avenging force like Donald Trump. Religious Americans know that much of the political establishment detests them.

Imagine the media bonfire if emails surfaced from the Trump campaign with similar comments about Islam, but the anti-Catholic emails have received little media attention. To the progressives who dominate American culture and politics, anti-Christian views are the most socially acceptable form of bigotry.
As I mentioned before, the absentee ballots are already being prepared and many are already sent. There CAN BE NO REPUBLICAN NOMINEE CHANGE.

You can't even change the "write in" Candidate. (Most people don't know that.) The truth is, there are "official" write in candidates who can be on the ballot and anyone else you "Write In" is simply a complete waste of time.

For example, 99% of the country could actually "write in" say, Paul Ryan and he could not become the President because he is not currently on the ballot as an official or write in candidate.

The Republicans cannot remove Trump as their party candidate. It is utterly impossible at this point.
So the GOP insider wizards of smart who got us into this ****** up mess are the people we should now listen to? **** them.
So the GOP insider wizards of smart who got us into this ****** up mess are the people we should now listen to? **** them.


Those same braintrusters who said we needed "moderates who were electable" because the Neo-Socialists in the MSM liked them and abandoned the conservative identity and principals of the GOP. **** them indeed.

Those same braintrusters who said we needed "moderates who were electable" because the Neo-Socialists in the MSM liked them and abandoned the conservative identity and principals of the GOP. **** them indeed.

How did being moderate work out for McCain and Romney?
With Trump we get a candidate who appeals to black and Hispanic voters and the establishment tries to destroy him because he might win.
Exactly! 15/20% would be great!

How can anybody not know this?

Coach wouldn't know a poll if it smacked him between the eyes


Kasich wouldn't get 20% of Ohio

Ohio NBC/WSJ Poll: Trump 42%, Clinton 41%


What about the other battleground states that you left out?. To beat Clinton you only need to be average with a more favorable rating than Trump
How did being moderate work out for McCain and Romney?
With Trump we get a candidate who appeals to black and Hispanic voters and the establishment tries to destroy him because he might win.

With the media loving him more, and McCain and Romey scared to vet him, he won.
What about the other battleground states that you left out?. To beat Clinton you only need to be average with a more favorable rating than Trump

Polls don't vote, everybody lies to pollsters

Is this your first election? I bet it is.

October 15, 2012

Poll: Romney surges ahead of Obama in the dozen swing states

Mitt Romney has opened a 5-percentage-point lead over President Obama in the 12 battleground states that are critical to determining the outcome of the 2012 election, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll released Monday.

Here's the deal - if more R's get out to vote, Trump will win.

Hillary isn’t going to reach nearly the voter turnout level that Obama did, fantasy numbers don't count.
Here's the deal - if more R's get out to vote, Trump will win.

Hillary isn’t going to reach nearly the voter turnout level that Obama did, fantasy numbers don't count.

That is the upside. Trump is drawing huge crowds and had more people vote for him during the process than either McCain or Romney.

My fear is his recent comments from his own voice have killed his support among women, who make up roughly 51% of the voting population
That is the upside. Trump is drawing huge crowds and had more people vote for him during the process than either McCain or Romney.

More votes than any republican in history.