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government employees---the bureaucracy.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
I am a 'NOBULL NEWSLETTER' reader and after being silent for a couple months, it came out swinging.

"I have, until recently, thought that the debate about "the size of government" was about the what programs government should be responsible for, how much government should be involved in our lives. But recent events have revealed that the size of government means just that: sheer numbers of people necessary to manage the affairs of the nation. The bureaucracy has become too large and it has become unmanageable.

The VA, the EPA, the IRS have become little governments of their own, led by petty tyrants and people with so little integrity that their actions are not taken for the benefit of the American people but for themselves and their co-conspirators. The agencies are so large, with mandates and powers so extensive, that it is no longer possible to maintain adequate oversight. The bureaucrats are so entrenched that they have learned how to "scam" the system. And, because they can only continue to reign within their little fiefdoms if government grows larger and larger and there is less and less oversight, they are overwhelmingly in favor of larger and larger government. That is, they will not act on behalf of the American people, which is their function. Rather they will act on behalf of ever increasing government and will, on their own initiative, take political actions which advantage themselves and whichever party promotes larger government.

While average Americans are being told by pundits to be aware of large voting blocs like unions, Hispanics, African-Americans, single women, etc., we have turned a blind eye to what is perhaps the Democrats most loyal and largest voting bloc: government employees---the bureaucracy. And not only do these life-long government workers vote to keep their jobs but it is also becoming increasingly apparent that they are beginning to use the power of their agencies to eliminate opposition to large government, to increase their bonuses and salaries, and to increase their power to continue to do so.

This is the real danger of Lois Lerner and the IRS. Whether it reaches to the presidency or it does not, it is the story of a life-long bureaucrat with her own agenda. She stopped seeing her job as one in which she worked for all Americans and began seeing her job as one aimed at helping those whose interests conformed with her own. And, it appears, that she was willing to engage in criminal behavior to accomplish those ends.

So, we are in danger. And, as Pogo once said, "we have met the enemy and it is us". The government itself, the size of government, the sheer number of agencies and people, has become the enemy of good governance. Like every large corporation that becomes bogged down by its own bureaucracy, the government of the United States requires a capable CEO to reorganize its departments and render them more efficient and responsive to the needs of its citizens. The CEO needs to clean house and get rid of people who lack the integrity to serve. The CEO needs to put responsible and responsive people with integrity in charge of governments departments and agencies, eliminate duplicate and redundant services and, in short, create a better government.

While we all have been focused on whether Obama is by-passing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, not faithfully executing the laws of the land; while we have focused on whether the judicial branch does too much and the legislative branch does too little, we have completely ignored the bureaucracy. It is the bureaucracy and its illegal political activity which enables subversion of our constitutional form of government. People whose main interest is serving American citizens rather than politicians would not be so easily convinced to take actions which subvert constitutional authorities. Bureaucracies have become too large and are now easily corrupted due to lack of oversight. They are too large to oversee.

America is about to crumble under its own weight. We may have missed our last best chance by not electing Romney in the last election. He is the sort of executive we need in the White House now. We do not need a politician. We do not need an ideologue from either side. We need a better, more efficient, less wasteful, more responsive, more effective government. We have enough laws on the books for now. What we need is to make certain we can and do implement the laws that we currently have. We need to eliminate the waste and fraud. We need to eliminate political corruption. We need more Inspector Generals, people to watch over agencies and maintain discipline, not fewer as is happening under Obama.

The red thread of our currently dysfunctional government is not Barack Obama and his incompetent administration but the huge, cumbersome and unworkable bureaucracy that he uses to accomplish his ends."


Senor Blues
Apr 7, 2014
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Grants Pass
The reason it takes so many people to run the Government is that not all civil servants will work out. I figure that for every two employees they hire one of them will not or can not do the job they are assigned to do. In the 35 years I worked for the Government I only saw 4 fired and one reduced in rank.


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Obama is cheering...

VA hospitals fund solar panels while veterans wait for doctors

Veterans Administration hospitals have spent at least $420 million on solar panels and windmills while vets wait months — or even lay dying — to see a doctor.

The administrators at the Veterans Administration have apparently been busy while old soldiers waited to see a doctor, after all. Serving those who served is not necessarily a priority, but saving the planet is Job 1. Solar panels and windmills can be more important than the touch of a healing hand.

The department early on set up an Office of Green Management Programs designed to “help VA facilities nationwide recognize opportunities to green VA, and to reward innovative ‘green’ practices and efforts by individual facilities and staff within the VA.”

This sometimes means paying more attention to greening the department and saving the polar ice caps than to health care.

At the Phoenix VA Health Care System, where 20 Americans died from incompetence and cover-up, the department spent $20 million putting solar panels on the hospital roofs. That would have been more than enough money to provide the veterans with the health care they deserved.

A whistleblower revealed Tuesday that seven of the patients listed on the Phoenix VA hospitals waiting list are already dead. That same Phoenix facility spent $20 million to build the nation’s largest solar carport.




Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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My best idea for a new political party came years ago:

HALF Government party*

Just imagine if it worked, you could do it all over again.

*Elect me and I'll get rid of half the government employees.
The selection process will be simple: Jump in line if you are willing to have a government job for 20% less than you are now making. Anyone not in line can enjoy getting on with their life's work. If that doesn't clear out 50%, we do it again!
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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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The problem is that there is a culture of retribution, control, deception and accountability. This is how this idiot operates and it won't change under him.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
The problem is that there is a culture of retribution, control, deception and accountability. This is how this idiot operates and it won't change under him.

I don't know that it will change for anybody real soon, the deck is stacked against any attempt to reform the system and the unions own the contracts for everyone.... including mgmt. Oh and don't forget the Democrat politicians...them too.

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
My best idea for a new political party came years ago:

HALF Government party*

Just imagine if it worked, you could do it all over again.

*Elect me and I'll get rid of half the government employees.
The selection process will be simple: Jump in line if you are willing to have a government job for 20% less than you are now making. Anyone not in line can enjoy getting on with their life's work. If that doesn't clear out 50%, we do it again!
I own two franchises of a well-known national company. I had to get a part-time job to make ends meet. Been a real struggle for the past 6 years.
My company's franchises in the D.C. area and Pacific Northwest are doing great. Ain't no recession if you're in a company town where the company is the government.
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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2014
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I am a 'NOBULL NEWSLETTER' reader and after being silent for a couple months, it came out swinging.

"I have, until recently, thought that the debate about "the size of government" was about the what programs government should be responsible for, how much government should be involved in our lives. But recent events have revealed that the size of government means just that: sheer numbers of people necessary to manage the affairs of the nation. The bureaucracy has become too large and it has become unmanageable.

The VA, the EPA, the IRS have become little governments of their own, led by petty tyrants and people with so little integrity that their actions are not taken for the benefit of the American people but for themselves and their co-conspirators. The agencies are so large, with mandates and powers so extensive, that it is no longer possible to maintain adequate oversight. The bureaucrats are so entrenched that they have learned how to "scam" the system. And, because they can only continue to reign within their little fiefdoms if government grows larger and larger and there is less and less oversight, they are overwhelmingly in favor of larger and larger government. That is, they will not act on behalf of the American people, which is their function. Rather they will act on behalf of ever increasing government and will, on their own initiative, take political actions which advantage themselves and whichever party promotes larger government.

While average Americans are being told by pundits to be aware of large voting blocs like unions, Hispanics, African-Americans, single women, etc., we have turned a blind eye to what is perhaps the Democrats most loyal and largest voting bloc: government employees---the bureaucracy. And not only do these life-long government workers vote to keep their jobs but it is also becoming increasingly apparent that they are beginning to use the power of their agencies to eliminate opposition to large government, to increase their bonuses and salaries, and to increase their power to continue to do so.

This is the real danger of Lois Lerner and the IRS. Whether it reaches to the presidency or it does not, it is the story of a life-long bureaucrat with her own agenda. She stopped seeing her job as one in which she worked for all Americans and began seeing her job as one aimed at helping those whose interests conformed with her own. And, it appears, that she was willing to engage in criminal behavior to accomplish those ends.

So, we are in danger. And, as Pogo once said, "we have met the enemy and it is us". The government itself, the size of government, the sheer number of agencies and people, has become the enemy of good governance. Like every large corporation that becomes bogged down by its own bureaucracy, the government of the United States requires a capable CEO to reorganize its departments and render them more efficient and responsive to the needs of its citizens. The CEO needs to clean house and get rid of people who lack the integrity to serve. The CEO needs to put responsible and responsive people with integrity in charge of governments departments and agencies, eliminate duplicate and redundant services and, in short, create a better government.

While we all have been focused on whether Obama is by-passing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, not faithfully executing the laws of the land; while we have focused on whether the judicial branch does too much and the legislative branch does too little, we have completely ignored the bureaucracy. It is the bureaucracy and its illegal political activity which enables subversion of our constitutional form of government. People whose main interest is serving American citizens rather than politicians would not be so easily convinced to take actions which subvert constitutional authorities. Bureaucracies have become too large and are now easily corrupted due to lack of oversight. They are too large to oversee.

America is about to crumble under its own weight. We may have missed our last best chance by not electing Romney in the last election. He is the sort of executive we need in the White House now. We do not need a politician. We do not need an ideologue from either side. We need a better, more efficient, less wasteful, more responsive, more effective government. We have enough laws on the books for now. What we need is to make certain we can and do implement the laws that we currently have. We need to eliminate the waste and fraud. We need to eliminate political corruption. We need more Inspector Generals, people to watch over agencies and maintain discipline, not fewer as is happening under Obama.

The red thread of our currently dysfunctional government is not Barack Obama and his incompetent administration but the huge, cumbersome and unworkable bureaucracy that he uses to accomplish his ends."

And that article only talks of government on the Federal level.. which I agree is where the most waste and corruption occurs, but I find this eye opening...

Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million).
This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.
It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined.

We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers.



Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
And that article only talks of government on the Federal level.. which I agree is where the most waste and corruption occurs, but I find this eye opening...

Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million).
This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960, when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government.
It gets worse. More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined.

We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers.


Con's half Gov't Party would be a good start ah ?