1. Look around the internet. Personally, I don't rely on just one article to help me frame my opinions.
2. And if you are in an accident while speeding, you "could" be found contributorily negligent.
3. It's common when bringing a suit where you allege multiple factors culminated in one event, to sue more than one entity in that suit. The allegations against each are different.
4. BAC - as you say, may have proven nothing; or everything. Failure to take it signifies to some that the driver may have had something to hide.
Let me say this again. These are questions/issues the trucker and his company will have to address during the phases of the suit where they answer the Complaint, and most likely during depositions. They will most likely be brought up at trial. As such, I pointed them out. You don't agree. OK, fair enough. But, any lawyer worth their salt is bringing those questions up and any lawyer on the other side is preparing his client to answer them.
Who doesn't go over the speed limit will not be a valid answer to give - It makes the driver look like a jerk.
Likening hitting a human being to hitting a deer will not be a valid answer - It makes the driver look like a jerk.
Of course, if the driver's goal is to look like a jerk in front of a jury/judge, and thereby lose the part of the trial that is inherently biased by likability ...