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Hillary at a Catholic charities event?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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How the **** is she even allowed in the door?


The quadrennial affair is a high-society fundraiser supporting Catholic Charities, and tradition holds that attendees arrive in white tie. The candidates typically deliver lighthearted remarks, poking fun at themselves and one another.

She hates Catholics and loves killing babies. The appropriate move is to be disgusted by her and shun her. The Catholic Church is in crisis. The Pope is a Marxist idiot and the faithful are struggling to hold on to their faith.
First, I want to say I am NOT anti Catholic. I live in a heavily Catholic area and grew up Catholic. I know a number of Catholics who are strong Christians. With that said, in my personal experience, most "good" Catholics I know don't know or care much at all about true Christianity. They just want the world to see them as good little Catholics.
I went to Saint Vincent college and we were required to take so many religious classes. I am not very religious let alone catholic. Anyways i took a class called the science of religion and it was taught by a younger priest. He was very down to earth i was shocked. He advocated living with someone before marriage and even sex before marriage. He would also say how the Bible is not meant to be taken literally and it is meant to teach lessons and be a guide on how to live. Of course at the end of each class he would say something like if this stuff gets out of the class room i would be disavowed by the church.
Lotta religious people are Liberals or Socialists. You always hear about the religious right but the religious left is pretty big too.
The Catholic Church is getting big money to import "refugees". Why wouldn't they support the candidate that will continue that fleecing of America? It's all about the money. I
Commie Pope approves.
Charles, thanks for the link. I had to share it on Facebook on the page of a friend of mine, a man who ran for the US Congress in Maine. He's going to run again in the future, I believe. I worked with him for four years in the 1990s. Smart, talented guy. Anyway, I wrote the following to him, and I loved his response. Thought you all would too:

"Dean __________, how does this happen? She and the Left have been exposed through WikiLeaks targeting Catholicism and planning "reform" of the "backward religion" through a Catholic spring. She is pro abortion, indicating recently that she is ok with aborting a baby on the day of birth.

How is she even able to get a seat at this fund raiser?

These are areas where we and organizations can stand up and make a difference, should, and don't. The Al Smith Dinner should have simply said "you're not welcome.""

To which he replied:

"The left is everywhere, Tim. Growing, expansive, subversive in nature - it seeks to squelch everything that defies it, or has defied it.

The Catholic Church has long been an impediment in the lefts global advance - as were our intelligence agencies. Both are being guttered, neutered from the inside out.

I've always said it - leftism is not a political party, it is too a 'religion'. But, it replaces God's mind with mans mind as the center of creation. Its the second oldest religion. As [Whittaker] Chambers said in his account with communism. Letism proposes to take the place of God. - "Ye, shall be as gods" the serpent whispered to Eve. The left is indeed inside the physical Catholic Church too. But, I take faith that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against It.""
First, I want to say I am NOT anti Catholic. I live in a heavily Catholic area and grew up Catholic. I know a number of Catholics who are strong Christians. With that said, in my personal experience, most "good" Catholics I know don't know or care much at all about true Christianity. They just want the world to see them as good little Catholics.
Second of all, I'm not saying **** you. **** you.
Lotta religious people are Liberals or Socialists. You always hear about the religious right but the religious left is pretty big too.

Ah yes the religious left...

Where faith lies in government and the State is their God.

The State...an all encompassing and powerful deity that can fix, solve, cure, bestow, give and create.

Requires faith to believe in this deity the State...in spite of all the data and evidence for not believing in it.

The State creates wealth and destroys it.
So why would this God the State allow there to be poor, and so many to be without?

We don't know, but what we do know is that its something the faithful shall not question. The State is a God who
works in mysterious ways.

Edicts and laws handed down from His Holiness, the Infallable Pope Obama atop his throne from the liberal Vatican...Washington D.C..
The Word of God the Communist Manifesto....written by St. Marx.

This the religion of liberalism claiming to be tolerant, loving, and non-violent cringes at those who do not believe in their religion...and will try to convert you...with or without the use of violence.

Worshippers of the Blessed Mother Nature too.

Got most of this from a YouTube video,
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Second of all, I'm not saying **** you. **** you.

Okay, why so pissed off? I didn't say all Catholics aren't true Christians. As I said, I know a number who absolutely are. Maybe it's the area I live in, but most of the Catholics here,that I know, don't really know the first thing about the Bible. And more than other denominations in this area, they side with the Dems and liberals and support policies that are blatantly anti-Christian. Maybe it's different where you are. Why the "**** you"? I would assume your Catholic? Why would that very slight criticism of your church cause you to respond that way?
Who the **** gets booed at a white-tie charity fundraiser? Donald Trump does, that's who.


Trump draws boos at Catholic charity event | National Catholic Reporter

But things started to go off the rails when Trump called Clinton corrupt. "Hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the Watergate commission. How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate commission?" Trump joked.

And the boos began.

The boos got louder when Trump joked, "Here she is in public, pretending not to hate Catholics." The joke was an apparent reference to one the emails released by Wikileaks.

Watch it for yourself, if you have the stomach for it:

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That set the stage for Hillary to knock it out of the park, like she's done time and again this election.

bmoritz, your gross generalizations of the catholic religion are wrong. I was raised catholic and remained so for 30 years. You need to define "True Christianity" Since their faith invented Christianity and was persecuted for centuries because of it.

That being said. The Catholic Charity dinner is the most entertaining political event you can watch. This isn't a platform, it's not a policy event. It is just pure lampooning, roasting and general good natured fun. Tibs, this isn't a win/loss thing, and these events should never be scored. It's a day off from politics, and a chance to actually get some positive interactions by bringing people together. There was nothing wrong with Clinton or Trump's jokes. You get jeered all the time at roasts for severely rough biting jokes. Trump has experience with this at his own roast, and though some of his jokes missed much like 'the Situation" trying to tell jokes at Trump's roast, he did have some great hits as well. Pardon me was classic!

I will always place humor and understanding over polarizing politics. If you notice, the candidates shook hands in the end. This has been a custom for presidential candidates to come in for a night off, and have a good time. It's a joy to see, and should be a must see for anyone with a true interest in politics.

Thank God for the Catholic church bringing opposing candidates together for a night of laughter, especially after this particularly bitter election cycle.
Because, at the end of the day, Catholics are as full of **** as anyone else.

But no one is as full of **** as Hillary Clinton.

Irish actor Gabriel Byrne says the Catholic Church “is a force for evil".

The Catholic Church colluded with Hitler to enforce his evil. The Catholic Church perpetuated the suffering of innumerable children through their shuffling of pedophile priests. The Catholic Church is not morally superior to any other Christian denomination. Quite the opposite, they illustrate what not to have in a church. Saying penance or whatever to remove a sin? I don't think so. Having your marriage annulled because you have money, with grown children no less? Probably not.
Okay, why so pissed off? I didn't say all Catholics aren't true Christians. As I said, I know a number who absolutely are. Maybe it's the area I live in, but most of the Catholics here,that I know, don't really know the first thing about the Bible. And more than other denominations in this area, they side with the Dems and liberals and support policies that are blatantly anti-Christian. Maybe it's different where you are. Why the "**** you"? I would assume your Catholic? Why would that very slight criticism of your church cause you to respond that way?
I don't know what the issue is. I prefaced it with saying that I'm not saying **** you, so everything after that is covered, right? Sort of like you saying you are not anti-Catholic etc. right before talking **** about Catholics.
The Catholic hate is strong here, so let me issue a group **** you to all of yinz haters.
There are a lot of problems in these forums with uninformed, blind hatred toward groups. That's not the way I live. I don't blame people for my problems. I work hard to make my life better. And helping others is a HUGE part of that. That is what it means to be Christian. Not to spout misdirected hate at groups they don't even understand.

Yea, let's say **** you to one of the most charitable organizations on planet earth. Are they perfect, hell no, but they do a lot more good than harm. And they're doing a hell of a lot more good than you.
I was expecting that evil ***** to burst into flames at any second. I loved Trump's line when he said that Hillary was there pretending that she likes Catholics. Golden...
The Catholic hate is strong here, so let me issue a group **** you to all of yinz haters.

I have a lot of criticism for the church and the Vatican. The people are not the problem the bishops and the Phony Commie Pope are the problem. Joseph Ratzinger still breathes so Bogolio can't be Pope. I respect the catholic traditions and history though. Pro-abortion politicians should be excommunicated though.
I have a lot of criticism for the church and the Vatican. The people are not the problem the bishops and the Phony Commie Pope are the problem. Joseph Ratzinger still breathes so Bogolio can't be Pope. I respect the catholic traditions and history though. Pro-abortion politicians should be excommunicated though.

The ugliest of the Catholic church's problems predates the current Pope.
I guess dialogue isn't an option when discussing what harmful things the Catholic Church has done over the centuries. An ancestor of mine was burned at the stake for questioning the very things that still mark the CC as a religion that doesn't walk the walk. Pardoning sins for a price and priests living lavishly and holding themselves above others.
I guess dialogue isn't an option when discussing what harmful things the Catholic Church has done over the centuries. An ancestor of mine was burned at the stake for questioning the very things that still mark the CC as a religion that doesn't walk the walk. Pardoning sins for a price and priests living lavishly and holding themselves above others.
Your bullshit isn't dialog.
Read all about the Catholic Churches so called collusion with the Nazis.

In the 1930s, Catholics constituted a third of the population of Germany and "Political Catholicism" was a major force in the interwar Weimar Republic. Prior to 1933, Catholic leaders denounced Nazi doctrines while Catholic regions generally did not vote Nazi. Though hostility between the Nazi Party and the Catholic Church was real, the Nazi Party first developed in largely Catholic Munich, where many Catholics, lay and clerical, offered enthusiastic support.[3] This early [minority] affinity lessened after 1923. By 1925, Nazism had embarked on a different path following its reconstitution in 1920 taking a decidedly anti-Catholic-anti-Christian identity.[4] In early 1931, the German Bishops issued an edict excommunicating all Nazi leadership and banned Catholics from membership. The ban was conditionally modified in the Spring of 1933 under pressure to address State law requiring all Civil Servants and Trade Union workers be members of the Nazi Party, while retaining condemnation of core Nazi ideology.[5] In early 1933, following Nazi successes in the 1932 elections, lay Catholic monarchist Franz von Papen, and acting Chancellor and Presidential advisor, General Kurt von Schleicher, assisted Adolf Hitler's appointment as Reich Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg. In March, amidst the intimidating atmosphere of Nazi terror tactics and negotiation[6] following the Reichstag Fire Decree[7] the lay Catholic Centre Party, (led by prelate Ludwig Kaas), on condition demand of a written commitment the President's veto power be retained,[8] the allied BNVP and the monarchists DNVP voted for the Enabling Act. The Center Party's attitude had become crucial since the act could not be passed by the Nazi and DNVP coalition alone. It marked the transition in Adolf Hitler's reign from democratic to dictatorial power.[9] By June 1933 the only institutions not under Nazi domination were the military and the churches.[10] The Reichskonkordat treaty of July 1933, signed between Germany and the Holy See, pledged to respect the autonomy of the Catholic Church, but required clerics to refrain from politics. Hitler welcomed the treaty, though he routinely violated it in the Nazi struggle with the churches.[11] When president Hindenberg died in August 1934, the Nazis claimed jurisdiction over all levels of government and a referendum confirmed Hitler as sole Führer (leader) of Germany. A Nazi program known as Gleichschaltung sought control of all collective and social activity and interfered with Catholic schooling, youth groups, workers and cultural groups. The church insisted on its loyalty to the nation, but resisted regimentation and oppression of church organizations and contraventions of doctrine such as the sterilization law of 1933.

Hitler's ideologues Goebbels, Himmler, Rosenberg and Bormann hoped to de-Christianize Germany, or at least distort its theology to their point of view.[12][13] The government moved to close all Catholic institutions which were not strictly religious. Catholic schools were shut by 1939, the Catholic press by 1941.[14][15] Clergy, women and men religious, and lay leaders were targeted. During the course of Hitler's rule, thousands were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or "immorality".[16] Germany's senior cleric, Cardinal Bertram, developed an ineffectual protest system, leaving broader Catholic resistance to individual conscience. By 1937 the church hierarchy, which initially sought dètente, was highly disillusioned. Pius XI issued the Mit brennender Sorge encyclical. It condemned racism, accused the Nazis of violations of the Concordat and "fundamental hostility" to the church.[16] The state responded by renewing its crackdown and propaganda against Catholics.[14] Despite violence against Catholic Poland, some German priests offered prayers for the German cause at the outbreak of war. Nevertheless, security chief Reinhard Heydrich soon orchestrated an intensification of restrictions on church activities. Expropriation of monasteries, convents and church properties surged from 1941. Bishop August von Galen's ensuing 1941 denunciation of Nazi euthanasia and defence of human rights roused rare popular dissent. The German bishops denounced Nazi policy towards the church in pastoral letters, calling it "unjust oppression".[17][18]

Pius XII, former nuncio to Germany, became Pope on the eve of war. His legacy is contested. As Vatican Secretary of State, he advocated Détente via the Reich Concordat, hoping it would build trust and respect within Hitler's government, and assisted in drafting the anti-Nazi Mit brennender Sorge. His first encyclical, Summi Pontificatus, called the invasion of Poland an "hour of darkness". He affirmed the policy of Vatican neutrality, but maintained links to the German Resistance. Controversy surrounding his reluctance to speak publicly in explicit terms about Nazi crimes continues.[19] He used diplomacy to aid war victims, lobbied for peace, shared intelligence with the Allies, and employed Vatican Radio and other media to speak out against atrocities like race murders. In Mystici corporis Christi (1943) he denounced the murder of the handicapped. A denunciation from German bishops of the murder of the "innocent and defenceless", including "people of a foreign race or descent", followed.[20] While Nazi antisemitism embraced modern pseudo-scientific racial principles, ancient antipathies between Christianity and Judaism contributed to European antisemitism. Under Pius XII, the church rescued many thousands of Jews by issuing false documents, lobbying Axis officials, hiding them in monasteries, convents, schools and elsewhere; including the Vatican and Castel Gandolfo.

In regions of Poland, Slovenia and Austria annexed by Nazi Germany, Nazi persecution of the Church was at its harshest. In Germany and its conquests, Catholic responses to Nazism varied. The papal nuncio in Berlin, Cesare Orsenigo, was timid in protesting Nazi crimes and had sympathies with Italian Fascism. German priests in general were closely watched and often denounced, imprisoned or executed, such as German priest-philosopher, Alfred Delp. From 1940, the Nazis gathered priest-dissidents in dedicated clergy barracks at Dachau, where (95%) of its 2,720 inmates were Catholic (mostly Poles, and 411 Germans), 1034 died there. In Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany, the Nazis attempted to eradicate the church and over 1800 Polish Catholic clergy died in concentration camps; most notably, Saint Maximilian Kolbe. Influential members of the German Resistance included Jesuits of the Kreisau Circle and laymen such as July plotters Klaus von Stauffenberg, Jakob Kaiser and Bernhard Letterhaus, whose faith inspired resistance.[21] Elsewhere, vigorous resistance from bishops such as Johannes de Jong and Jules-Géraud Saliège, papal diplomats such as Angelo Rotta, and nuns such as Margit Slachta, can be contrasted with the apathy of others and the outright collaboration of Catholic politicians such as Slovakia's Msgr Jozef Tiso and fanatical Croat nationalists. From within the Vatican, Msgr Hugh O'Flaherty coordinated the rescue of thousands of Allied POWs, and civilians, including Jews. A rogue Austrian bishop, Alois Hudal, of the college for German priests in Rome, was an informant for Nazi intelligence. After the war, he and Msgr Krunoslav Draganovic of the Croatian College assisted the so-called "ratlines" facilitating fugitive Nazis to flee Europe.
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