Now we have to wonder if Barry can find an even bigger 'race baiter' to fill that job...
Holder Has Enough Evidence To Charge Officer With Hate Crime
FERGUSON, Missouri (WNB) - Sources say Atty. General Eric Holder believes he has enough evidence to charge police officer Darren Wilson with a hate crime in the killing of unarmed, aspiring rapper Michael Brown.
"Medical evidence indicates officer Wilson likely provoked the incident by hitting Brown in the hand or fist with his eye socket. The attack appears to have been totally unprovoked, and was likely perpetuated by the color of Brown's name - that's a hate crime," said a source in Holder's office.
Additional evidence indicates Wilson continued to stalk the unarmed youth even though there were reports at the time of a white suspect possibly speeding less than 20 miles away. "He was determined to get this Brown guy, no matter what."
More on this story as it develops.
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Does Rev. Al have a law license ?