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I like turtles...


Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
This is going to be my official response whenever anyone tries to start a conversation about trump for the next three years... this is out of hand...

last month a Trump supporter acquaintance of mine nearly came to blows with me while I was driving cause I wouldn't agree with all of Trumps policies and cause i called him immature... on the flip side, in the last week ive had three seperate people at different times go apeshit on me because, while i agree Trump is immature and has gotten little accomplished, i wouldn't agree that he was:
1. Hitler reincarnated
2. A POS who is the worse president ever..
and today #3 that he is the most evil man in the country hands down...

This country is nuts right now... i say its early and he hasn't really done much yet and one side is screaming im attacking him and the other is saying im defending him... like freedom to have an opinion people... if yinze all want to go off the deep rail on this guy fine, but please leave me out of it.. frothing at the mouth and acting all rabid isnt sexy... (end rant)
This is going to be my official response whenever anyone tries to start a conversation about trump for the next three years... this is out of hand...

last month a Trump supporter acquaintance of mine nearly came to blows with me while I was driving cause I wouldn't agree with all of Trumps policies and cause i called him immature... on the flip side, in the last week ive had three seperate people at different times go apeshit on me because, while i agree Trump is immature and has gotten little accomplished, i wouldn't agree that he was:
1. Hitler reincarnated
2. A POS who is the worse president ever..
and today #3 that he is the most evil man in the country hands down...

This country is nuts right now... i say its early and he hasn't really done much yet and one side is screaming im attacking him and the other is saying im defending him... like freedom to have an opinion people... if yinze all want to go off the deep rail on this guy fine, but please leave me out of it.. frothing at the mouth and acting all rabid isnt sexy... (end rant)

via Imgflip Meme Generator
I have one hard and fast rule in life. The complete refusal to discuss politics in my personal life with anyone at any time. It is an exercise in futility and a sure fire way to wreck a relationship, possibly forever. My typical response when someone I know tries to engage me in a political debate is something to the effect of, "I don't really care either way". It's simple and ends the conversation immediately because it appears that I'm completely disinterested in the topic. Hell, half our family is typically not on speaking terms mostly because of stupid political feuds. It just seems more intelligent to me to avoid it all together.
I have one hard and fast rule in life. The complete refusal to discuss politics in my personal life with anyone at any time. It is an exercise in futility and a sure fire way to wreck a relationship, possibly forever. My typical response when someone I know tries to engage me in a political debate is something to the effect of, "I don't really care either way". It's simple and ends the conversation immediately because it appears that I'm completely disinterested in the topic. Hell, half our family is typically not on speaking terms mostly because of stupid political feuds. It just seems more intelligent to me to avoid it all together.

i'm trying to employ this now. My brother is so far left that he makes Elfie look as if he's CONservative. He's book smart, but has little desire to accept ideas that are not his own or do not support his opinion. He's right, all the time. If you disagree, then you're either racist, or sexist, or -phobic, or get tagged with any other -ism that can be erroneously handed down. He lectured Tim on racism and called Tim a racist. He lectured a girl I knew from high school about abortions, suggesting that there's never anything wrong and nothing ever goes bad. She'd had an abortion, so she has first-hand experience. Nevermind that. She's ignorant to what happens.

so, I don't talk to him. at all. unless i have to.
i'm trying to employ this now. My brother is so far left that he makes Elfie look as if he's CONservative. He's book smart, but has little desire to accept ideas that are not his own or do not support his opinion. He's right, all the time. If you disagree, then you're either racist, or sexist, or -phobic, or get tagged with any other -ism that can be erroneously handed down. He lectured Tim on racism and called Tim a racist. He lectured a girl I knew from high school about abortions, suggesting that there's never anything wrong and nothing ever goes bad. She'd had an abortion, so she has first-hand experience. Nevermind that. She's ignorant to what happens.

so, I don't talk to him. at all. unless i have to.

Omg. I feel bad for him and you.
I have family and friends on each side of the spectrum...from my close friend who told me she hopes Trump gets shot...and she was not joking...to my brother in law who thinks every stupid *** thing Trump does is some highly calculated stroke of genius. I thought the Bush years were bad, this is 10 times worse. Nobody thinks critically or without bias anymore. You have to be either all one way or all the other or people act like you're either evil or stupid.

I don't discuss politics with friends and family anymore. Just with internet friends.
I have one hard and fast rule in life. The complete refusal to discuss politics in my personal life with anyone at any time. It is an exercise in futility and a sure fire way to wreck a relationship, possibly forever. My typical response when someone I know tries to engage me in a political debate is something to the effect of, "I don't really care either way". It's simple and ends the conversation immediately because it appears that I'm completely disinterested in the topic. Hell, half our family is typically not on speaking terms mostly because of stupid political feuds. It just seems more intelligent to me to avoid it all together.

Well said. Sad state of affairs, but well said.
I don't argue. I was with a crazy *** attorney who loved to argue both at work and at home. It sucked, big league, and burned me out. Now I just state my opinion, which is pretty much always factual. If I don't agree with someone (like the merry little band of libtart **** ups here) I just dismiss what they say as being factually incorrect and I move on. I like it.
I have family and friends on each side of the spectrum...from my close friend who told me she hopes Trump gets shot...and she was not joking...to my brother in law who thinks every stupid *** thing Trump does is some highly calculated stroke of genius. I thought the Bush years were bad, this is 10 times worse. Nobody thinks critically or without bias anymore. You have to be either all one way or all the other or people act like you're either evil or stupid.

I don't discuss politics with friends and family anymore. Just with internet friends.

Man, I feel ya. This country is just about over the cliff man. No way we ever get back to a nation of compromise and working together. Hell, if we were invaded by China, half this country would side with China because America DESERVED it. Sounds ridiculous, but then, so does 98% of the stuff spouted by both major parties and their followers.
I don't argue. I was with a crazy *** attorney who loved to argue both at work and at home. It sucked, big league, and burned me out. Now I just state my opinion, which is pretty much always factual. If I don't agree with someone (like the merry little band of libtart **** ups here) I just dismiss what they say as being factually incorrect and I move on. I like it.

Mostly I don't engage people with Liberal views any more. They're not going to change my mind and I'm not going to change theirs. Ain't nobody got time for that. Heck, I created a custom Friends list on FB for my political posts so that 1) I don't drive away relatives who aren't interested and 2) so I don't have to argue with people all day. Libtard Friends and Relatives got moved to Acquaintance status just so I don't see their insults and world is ending crap as much. Open their profile and where it says Friends, click the drop down and Add To Another List.

I am not a Trump supporter either but I do hate the Neo-Socialist left. I get it from both sides as well when I don't have a 100% love or hate reaction. I still say I am glad we have Trump rather than The Hildebeast because if I have to work at getting somebody closer to small government and Constitutional limits I prefer to start center right than hardcore authoritarian left.
Good news everyone!

Democrats Are in Deep Trouble

Losing the governor of West Virginia to a party switch is just the latest sign.

If the Democrats and Republicans were engaged in a real war – what they're all doing now is just political combat of the messiest kind – West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice's defection to the GOP after just a few months in office might be a signal it's time to sue for peace.

"Today, I will tell you, with lots of prayers and lots of thinking, I can't help you anymore being a Democrat governor," Justice said last week at a rally with President Donald Trump in Huntington. "So tomorrow, I will be changing my registration to Republican."

With Justice, the number of Republican governors is up to 34, the highest in history. The number of states where the GOP has control of the governorship and the state legislature is up to 26, including Nebraska where the legislature, while unicameral and officially non-partisan, is dominated by registered Republicans. By comparison there are just six states – California, Oregon, Rhode Island, Delaware, Hawaii and Connecticut – where the Democrats are in charge (and the clock is running on a few of those).

There are lots of reasons the partisan division has become so lopsided in favor of the GOP. The Democrats and their friends in the government departments of elite universities and on the editorial desk at the New York Times will say it's because the legislative district maps are drawn unfairly, because the votes of non-whites are suppressed in the South and in rural areas, and just about any other excuse they can think of to suggest the Republicans are cheating.

In truth, the voters just aren't buying any more what the Democrats have to sell.

The realignment GOP strategists have anticipated since 1980 is at hand. All the Republicans have to do to become the permanent majority is to deliver on what they promised, continue to grow their vote, and prove the disparate wings of the party can work together to get things done.


Isn't it glorious?

'Progressives' and corporates continue to slug it out in the bitter loser DNC mud, the Bernie legacy!

Now their 'new wave' hates Jews, more votes for us

The Democrats Who Want to Be President Back Away from Israel

The shift to the left by Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York demonstrates the power of a party base that is abandoning the Jewish state.

Both were once rock-solid supporters of Israel. But both have other priorities these days — they are thinking about running for president in 2020. Their problem is that no one who plans to compete in future Democratic primaries can ignore the growing power of their party’s left wing, which has grown increasingly hostile to Israel.

The influence of the far left is the only thing that might explain why Booker and Gillibrand are presenting themselves to their party’s base as less than fully supportive of Israel. The context for this development is a sea change in the Democratic party that has been taking shape over the past two decades. Where once the Democrats were the lockstep pro-Israel party and Republicans were divided about backing Israel, the parties’ positions are now reversed. Republicans today are nearly unanimous in their enthusiastic support for the Jewish state, and they oppose all measures that endanger its security. Now it is the Democrats who are split, with polls showing that those who identify with the party are far less likely to back Israel than Republicans are.

The left-wing grass roots of the Democratic party are increasingly hostile to Israel, something that became clear in 2012 when the delegates at the Democratic National Convention revolted against their leadership’s efforts to include in the party platform a recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The delegates booed loudly and rejected the measure in a voice vote while the convention chairman ignored the crowd and declared that the measure had passed. The spectacle was a benchmark moment.

In 2016, Democrats growing split over Israel was evident in the Clinton and Sanders campaigns. The candidates disagreed over Israel’s right of self-defense and over support for Palestinian ambitions — one of the few areas where they differed substantively. The Clinton forces were able to quash any potential revolt over the issue, but the presence on the platform committee of Sanders delegates such as Representative Keith Ellison and Cornel West — prominent supporters of anti-Israel measures — was a harbinger of the growing animosity toward Israel.

Loyalty to Obama might explain if not excuse why Booker and Gillibrand abandoned their past promises to be tough on Iran, but they have no compelling excuse about their recent departures from pro-Israel positions.

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and then there's the Marxists

Maryland city mulling over idea to let illegal immigrants vote

A D.C. suburb in Maryland is considering a plan that would give undocumented immigrants the right to vote

The city, which is home of the University of Maryland’s main campus and nearly 30,000 residents, is weighing approval of the new measure to let noncitizens cast ballots for mayor and City Council, The Baltimore Sun reported

I am not a Trump supporter either but I do hate the Neo-Socialist left. I get it from both sides as well when I don't have a 100% love or hate reaction. I still say I am glad we have Trump rather than The Hildebeast because if I have to work at getting somebody closer to small government and Constitutional limits I prefer to start center right than hardcore authoritarian left.

Trump wasn't my first choice among the Republicans, neither were Romney or McCain, but he is still far better than the alternative.

The realignment GOP strategists have anticipated since 1980 is at hand. All the Republicans have to do to become the permanent majority is to deliver on what they promised, continue to grow their vote, and prove the disparate wings of the party can work together to get things done.

Pffft, like that'll happen. :rolleyes:
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I would have voted for Brittany Spears over Hitlery.
I would have voted for Brittany Spears over Hitlery.

I would have voted for Randy Spears over Hildebeast (90's porn actor).