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I like you am sick of the corruption...GO TRUMP! CLEAN IT UP!


Oct 26, 2014
Reaction score
Who knew a 9 iron could replace a broom? That's the genius of Trump that the media and everyone who isn't delusional doesn't get, right Trumptards?

Trump has spent 36 million of the taxpayers dollars on golfing alone so far, and over 100 million sending his kids to make businesss deals for themselves....My.....my.....what contortions one has to perform to remain a Trumptard.

That's over 136 million in less than 3 months, Obama spent 85 million in 8 years on public golf courses and family vacations that didn't benefit he or his family financially.

Can one of you Trumptards find a way to justify this? I mean without accusing me of working for George Soros or calling me childish names?

Can you define the corruption that you claim to hate so much for me?


Trump spends his ninth weekend in a row at a Trump-branded property

Tax dollars fund these visits, putting Treasury expenditures straight into the president’s pockets.

This weekend, President Trump spent time at the Virginia golf course belonging to the Trump Organization, marking the ninth weekend in a row he’s spent at a property from which he personally profits. According to the press pool, the president has Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mick Mulvaney, his Office of Management and Budget director, in tow.

Trump visited the same golf course last weekend, promising his trip would involve “meetings.” He was photographed wearing golf attire and watching golf on television.
For each of these trips, the Secret Service pays Trump’s own company for expenses related to their visits. CNN found, for example, that the protective agency has already spent tens of thousands of dollars on golf cart rentals alone at Mar-A-Lago, Trump’s beloved Florida property.

The president has failed to divest from the companies that own and/or brand the Virginia golf course, Mar-A-Lago, and other properties, so tax dollars spent at these properties go right into the president’s own pockets. In lieu of divesting, he has placed his adult sons Eric and Donald Jr. in operational charge of the company, and he retains his ownership role. Eric Trump told Forbes that while he and dad “talk a lot” to each other, they have a “pact” not to discuss the Trump family business—other than the financial reports about the company’s earnings he hands over to his father.

The Trumps haven’t been shy about using the president’s trips to promote the properties. Don Jr. pointedly promoted the golf course last weekend when President Trump was paying a visit.
In making these visits, President Trump also stands in breach of a key campaign promise he made when he would “rarely leave the White House” because there would be so much work to be done.

Trump routinely criticized President Obama for playing golf as president and vowed that if elected, he would be so busy working for the American people that he would not “have time to play golf.”
The Government Accountability Office announced last week it would investigate the mounting costs of the president’s trip to his properties. The investigation also highlights concerns over security protocol followed at these properties, which are open to the public.

That's why he doubled the fees at Mar-a- Lago, that's why Melania stays at Trump Tower. Not because the kid had to finish school, that's B.S. he could have finished up in D.C. He's making a killing with the split secret service detail and all the associated staff.


You'll admit you've been conned one day Trumptards, but as with all slow learners we just have to be patient.
Jesus H.Christ. Will the whining ever end.

Let's see the balance sheet of how much he saves country before we fire him. Lol.
Waaaaa...waaaaaa...waaaaa...waaaaa... Highly entertaining. Facebook is even more fun watching them cry in groups. We should set up cry zones around the country with cases of Kleenex. So soft,sweet and very very weak. I think they all missed out on good spankings .
I'll bet Obama never played golf on company time.

Nah, didn't happen.

That's why he doubled the fees at Mar-a- Lago, that's why Melania stays at Trump Tower. Not because the kid had to finish school, that's B.S. he could have finished up in D.C. He's making a killing with the split secret service detail and all the associated staff.


You'll admit you've been conned one day Trumptards, but as with all slow learners we just have to be patient.

now you are telling us what he should do as a parent? you are weird.
Elfie got a screw loose. And:

"C'mon, cry for me baby! Cry!"

I know Sean Hannity must have been beside himself when he saw the exorbitant amounts of the beloved taxpayer's money being spent on keeping Trump's wife and kid in NYC just so the boy doesn't have to switch schools.... not to mention what's being spent so Trump can golf at his own club every weekend. All for a guy that's supposedly a billionaire. I know it sure bothered him everytime Obama took a **** and used a little more toilet paper than he actually needed for that last " make sure I got it all " wipe. You know... because the taxpayers were paying for that **** paper he was wasting and Sean is all about watching out for the taxpayers.

New Emails Reveal Obama, Clintons Led Cover Up of Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

UN Peacekeepers caused the epidemic, which affected almost a million people
By Michael Sainato • 03/31/17 12:00pm

In October 2010, United Nations Peacekeepers from Nepal infected Haiti’s most significant river system with cholera, inciting the first cholera outbreak in the country in over a century. So far, the epidemic has taken over 10,000 lives, and some estimate that the disease has infected up to 800,000 people. Those who caused the outbreak—and covered it up—have not assumed assumed responsibility, including the United Nations and several government agencies under the Obama administration, such as Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Slate’s Jonathan Katz reports, “Nepal hadn’t invaded Haiti on its own: Its troops were part of a multinational force created by the Security Council, specifically at the behest of the George W. Bush administration in 2004. For the 13 years since, it has remained in Haiti largely to carry out U.S. policy—at a discount.”

President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, ducked questions about the outbreak in her confirmation hearing, as did Obama’s UN ambassadors during his presidency. The United Nations formally apologized and proposed a plan to curb the outbreak. However, its members—including the United States—refuse to provide the necessary funding for the plan.

New emails obtained from the Center for Disease Control reveal that they suspected the origin of the outbreak was UN Peacekeepers before news of the outbreak was even reported in the press. In the emails, officials exercise damage control to prevent backlash in Haiti toward the UN presence, citing concerns from the National Security Council, which was chaired by Obama at the time. The National Security Council spokesperson refused to respond to Katz’s request for comment and the State Department refused to disclose when or how they became aware of the outbreak’s origin. It would take six years for the United Nations to finally admit they were responsible.

The cholera outbreak occurred less than a year after Haiti was devastated by a massive earthquake that killed over 100,000 people. The United States was already deeply involved in Haiti and funding an important election in the country, which the United States has been criticized for repeatedly. In 2011, Hillary Clinton flew to Haiti as secretary of state and insisted that the current president of Haiti step down in favor of the U.S. backed candidate, Michel Martelly. Bill Clinton was selected to serve as Haiti’s special envoy for the United Nations, and his chief of staff was initially selected to serve as Martelly’s prime minister.

Katz cited that officials at the Center for Disease Control intentionally cast doubt as to the origin of the outbreak and refused to conduct any investigation to confirm its source. Meanwhile, UN soldiers destroyed evidence before other scientists could investigate it. The State Department, under the control of Hillary Clinton, told Katz, “U.S. government has not taken a position on the validity of the underlying claims in this particular case.”

In 2011, victims and families petitioning the United Nations to fight the epidemic were ignored. Federal judges in the United States threw out a lawsuit against the United Nations over the organization’s absolute immunity from legal process, as stipulated by a 1947 treaty. The United Nation’s inaction was cited by a New York University professor who Katz interviewed as legal advice coming from the State Department.

The United States’ poor response to this epidemic—not to mention the controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation—have earned the Clintons a poor reputation among Haitians, including the population of roughly 200,000 Haitian born immigrants in the South Florida area who predominantly support Democrats. Though many misleading claims have circulated about the Clintons‘ involvement in Haiti, the foreign policy that Hillary Clinton championed during her tenure as secretary of state, in which she viewed reconstruction as a business opportunity, contributed to Haiti’s problems. Millions of dollars in relief funds went to international non-government organizations and international contractors instead of Haitian citizens, Haitian contractors and Haitian government. The relief effort exploited the disaster by divvying up funds among corporations. In October 2016, ABC News reported that an Old Navy factory that the Clintons brought to Haiti fell short of its promise of jobs, became riddled with labor abuse, and the firm that helped fund the project “became a Clinton Foundation donor and its owner invested in a startup company owned by Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff.” A separate investigation by ABC News found that top Clinton Foundation officials prioritized offers of relief assistance based on who was friends of Bill Clinton’s.

“Hillary Clinton once hoped that Haiti would be the shining jewel of her foreign policy,” wrote Jonathan Katz for Politico in 2015. “But far from transforming this poorest of countries, many of the Clintons’ grandest plans and promises remain little more than small pilot projects—a new set of basketball hoops and a model elementary school here, a functioning factory there—that have done little to alter radically the trajectory of the country. Visiting some of their projects over the course of an April research trip affirmed as much about their tenuousness as about the limited benefits they’ve provided. Many of the most notable investments the Clintons helped launch, such as the new Marriott in the capital, have primarily benefited wealthy foreigners and island’s ruling elite, who needed little help to begin with.”

New Emails Reveal Obama, Clintons Led Cover Up of Cholera Outbreak in Haiti

UN Peacekeepers caused the epidemic, which affected almost a million people
By Michael Sainato • 03/31/17 12:00pm

In October 2010, United Nations Peacekeepers from Nepal infected Haiti’s most significant river system with cholera, inciting the first cholera outbreak in the country in over a century. So far, the epidemic has taken over 10,000 lives, and some estimate that the disease has infected up to 800,000 people. Those who caused the outbreak—and covered it up—have not assumed assumed responsibility, including the United Nations and several government agencies under the Obama administration, such as Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Slate’s Jonathan Katz reports, “Nepal hadn’t invaded Haiti on its own: Its troops were part of a multinational force created by the Security Council, specifically at the behest of the George W. Bush administration in 2004. For the 13 years since, it has remained in Haiti largely to carry out U.S. policy—at a discount.”

President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, ducked questions about the outbreak in her confirmation hearing, as did Obama’s UN ambassadors during his presidency. The United Nations formally apologized and proposed a plan to curb the outbreak. However, its members—including the United States—refuse to provide the necessary funding for the plan.

New emails obtained from the Center for Disease Control reveal that they suspected the origin of the outbreak was UN Peacekeepers before news of the outbreak was even reported in the press. In the emails, officials exercise damage control to prevent backlash in Haiti toward the UN presence, citing concerns from the National Security Council, which was chaired by Obama at the time. The National Security Council spokesperson refused to respond to Katz’s request for comment and the State Department refused to disclose when or how they became aware of the outbreak’s origin. It would take six years for the United Nations to finally admit they were responsible.

The cholera outbreak occurred less than a year after Haiti was devastated by a massive earthquake that killed over 100,000 people. The United States was already deeply involved in Haiti and funding an important election in the country, which the United States has been criticized for repeatedly. In 2011, Hillary Clinton flew to Haiti as secretary of state and insisted that the current president of Haiti step down in favor of the U.S. backed candidate, Michel Martelly. Bill Clinton was selected to serve as Haiti’s special envoy for the United Nations, and his chief of staff was initially selected to serve as Martelly’s prime minister.

Katz cited that officials at the Center for Disease Control intentionally cast doubt as to the origin of the outbreak and refused to conduct any investigation to confirm its source. Meanwhile, UN soldiers destroyed evidence before other scientists could investigate it. The State Department, under the control of Hillary Clinton, told Katz, “U.S. government has not taken a position on the validity of the underlying claims in this particular case.”

In 2011, victims and families petitioning the United Nations to fight the epidemic were ignored. Federal judges in the United States threw out a lawsuit against the United Nations over the organization’s absolute immunity from legal process, as stipulated by a 1947 treaty. The United Nation’s inaction was cited by a New York University professor who Katz interviewed as legal advice coming from the State Department.

The United States’ poor response to this epidemic—not to mention the controversies surrounding the Clinton Foundation—have earned the Clintons a poor reputation among Haitians, including the population of roughly 200,000 Haitian born immigrants in the South Florida area who predominantly support Democrats. Though many misleading claims have circulated about the Clintons‘ involvement in Haiti, the foreign policy that Hillary Clinton championed during her tenure as secretary of state, in which she viewed reconstruction as a business opportunity, contributed to Haiti’s problems. Millions of dollars in relief funds went to international non-government organizations and international contractors instead of Haitian citizens, Haitian contractors and Haitian government. The relief effort exploited the disaster by divvying up funds among corporations. In October 2016, ABC News reported that an Old Navy factory that the Clintons brought to Haiti fell short of its promise of jobs, became riddled with labor abuse, and the firm that helped fund the project “became a Clinton Foundation donor and its owner invested in a startup company owned by Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff.” A separate investigation by ABC News found that top Clinton Foundation officials prioritized offers of relief assistance based on who was friends of Bill Clinton’s.

“Hillary Clinton once hoped that Haiti would be the shining jewel of her foreign policy,” wrote Jonathan Katz for Politico in 2015. “But far from transforming this poorest of countries, many of the Clintons’ grandest plans and promises remain little more than small pilot projects—a new set of basketball hoops and a model elementary school here, a functioning factory there—that have done little to alter radically the trajectory of the country. Visiting some of their projects over the course of an April research trip affirmed as much about their tenuousness as about the limited benefits they’ve provided. Many of the most notable investments the Clintons helped launch, such as the new Marriott in the capital, have primarily benefited wealthy foreigners and island’s ruling elite, who needed little help to begin with.”


And a post like this kids is how you know even the Trumptards are starting to realize they've been conned. No rebuttals from them, just attempts at distraction.

The cognitive dissonance is far sweeter for me than any liberal tears could ever be for them, and the best is yet to come.
I know Sean Hannity must have been beside himself when he saw the exorbitant amounts of the beloved taxpayer's money being spent on keeping Trump's wife and kid in NYC just so the boy doesn't have to switch schools.... not to mention what's being spent so Trump can golf at his own club every weekend. All for a guy that's supposedly a billionaire. I know it sure bothered him everytime Obama took a **** and used a little more toilet paper than he actually needed for that last " make sure I got it all " wipe. You know... because the taxpayers were paying for that **** paper he was wasting and Sean is all about watching out for the taxpayers.

And that's what is very telling about Trump and his wealth(when will we see his returns?); he is obviously not as wealthy as he claims evidenced by the fact that all his actions seem to mimic a poverty stricken shoplifter at Wal-Mart who suddenly realizes the power has gone out and he can now stuff his pockets without worries.

The nepotism to put his kids in position to enrich his company and their interests, as evidenced in one case by his son in law Jared Kushner signing a deal (bribe) with a Chinese company owned by the Chinese government where they purchased a building from Kushner far over market value, a property Kushner couldn't dump to save his life.

None of that will even phase the Trumptards as their only reason for voting Trump was their racism. That's why they obsess over the border wall while Trump ***** on the constitution and robs us blind.

It's not rust belt jobs or any other such nonsense , the data doesn't support that argument...it's racism.
Hilliary lost. Get over it.

Even better, destroying Obama's legacy

Getting the job done!

Trump methodically undoing Obama policies

President Donald Trump is steadily plugging away at a major piece of his agenda: Undoing Obama.

From abortion to energy to climate change and personal investments, Trump is keeping his promises in methodically overturning regulations and policies adopted when Barack Obama was president.

http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89a...ing Obama/id-c4fa9fa659394514aa645a7cfd3c31ed
Even better, destroying Obama's legacy

Getting the job done!

Trump methodically undoing Obama policies

President Donald Trump is steadily plugging away at a major piece of his agenda: Undoing Obama.

From abortion to energy to climate change and personal investments, Trump is keeping his promises in methodically overturning regulations and policies adopted when Barack Obama was president.

http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89a...ing Obama/id-c4fa9fa659394514aa645a7cfd3c31ed

Anything to avoid the elephant in the room huh?
Repealing Obamacare should be important

Rand Paul ‘Very Optimistic’ About Repealing Obamacare After Golfing with Trump

President Donald Trump golfed with Sen. Rand Paul this afternoon, together with White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.

“We had a great day with the president. Played some golf, and we talked and we talked about a little bit of health care,” Paul told reporters after the game. “I continue to be very optimistic that we are getting closer and closer to an agreement on repealing Obamacare.”

How many jobs have been created by the visiting folks going to the golf clubs? How many tips? How many people have generated income that they have released into the economy?

Perhaps the folks who work at those golf clubs are taking that extra income, saving it up so they can send their kids to college so they can make a higher wage and pay more taxes.

It's possible those kids who go to college will one day earn degrees that will help them develop technologies and processes that will help clean the rivers and streams that are having more stuff dumped into them by the coal industry. This may create more jobs as well as plants to treat the water and take care of the river/stream's ecosystem.

Rather than choke down industry as much as humanly possible, wouldn't it make more sense to create more industries that focus on fixing the issues that our own industrial output can potentially cause? This would produce jobs on both fronts and advance science in new ways. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe that's something Trump and his team is already considering, maybe not.
Rather than choke down industry as much as humanly possible, wouldn't it make more sense to create more industries that focus on fixing the issues that our own industrial output can potentially cause? This would produce jobs on both fronts and advance science in new ways. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe that's something Trump and his team is already considering, maybe not.
Well no, because then people wouldn't be dependent on government and have no reason to vote for Democrats.
You have so much anger Ron. ;-)
How many jobs have been created by the visiting folks going to the golf clubs? How many tips? How many people have generated income that they have released into the economy?

Perhaps the folks who work at those golf clubs are taking that extra income, saving it up so they can send their kids to college so they can make a higher wage and pay more taxes.

It's possible those kids who go to college will one day earn degrees that will help them develop technologies and processes that will help clean the rivers and streams that are having more stuff dumped into them by the coal industry. This may create more jobs as well as plants to treat the water and take care of the river/stream's ecosystem.

Rather than choke down industry as much as humanly possible, wouldn't it make more sense to create more industries that focus on fixing the issues that our own industrial output can potentially cause? This would produce jobs on both fronts and advance science in new ways. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe that's something Trump and his team is already considering, maybe not.

So you're a socialist?

You want taxpayer money to go in tips and extra hours etc. to staff at Trumps properties so they can improve their lives and the economy(sorry that's just ludicrous)? And here I thought you were a CONservative Wig ...my...my..... any port in a storm I guess.

Then you want to poison the water and air and spend money afterwards in the hope that technology can save us? That's a hell of a gamble just to try to sustain the unsustainable, it's as delusional as the idea that coal jobs are coming back when renewable energy is kicking the snot out of every other energy sector at this point. And do you really want to gamble with your families future health like that? I mean really.....?

I will give you credit for trying to come up with a justification for Trump's corruption though, far better than the CONservative fisherman here who just wave a red herring in our faces thinking that will make it go away.