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I'm about ******* done with 'Rona.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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So, I got vaccinated, along with my family, a few months ago because we were planning a vacation to Jamaica and getting fake-vaxxed was/is a requirement to go there. I'd spent WAY too ******* much money on the trip to just eat it (since, you know, Airlines and resorts can pretty much **** YOU for any reason they want, but they NEVER have to lose a ******* dime.)

So, we ended up NOT going to Jamaica because the ******* 'Rona was SOOOOO bad that the U.S. State Dept. advised people not to go because they were unlikely to let you back in. (They'll let ANYONE from the southern border just walk right in. Hell they'll fly you to Florida, but if you're a ******* U.S. citizen... You'll ******* sit in a foreign country until they decide you aren't a health risk to ... I don't know - somebody.

So, anyway, all vaxxed. Planning on going to Mexico in a few weeks. (Mexico, btw doesn't give a flying **** if you have the black plague. They ******* WELCOME any tourism they can get. And as for returning? Well, the U.S. doesn't have a mechanism to **** their own citizens will allowing anyone with a ******* pulse to walk right in, so ... feel free to visit and return from Mexico without ANY LIMITATIONS whatsoever.

But I digress.

My dad slipped and fell on some ice in early December. He got a concussion (no broken bones, thank God) and at the time he had a very slight brain bleed. We were told to keep an eye on him and if anything seemed odd to get him in for another scan. He went home and his Dr. basically said, "Take it easy. You'll have some concussion based issues with memory and balance. Otherwise, you're great."

Fast forward a couple months. My step mother wrote me a couple days ago saying that Dad was getting confused and that when he drove any distance at all he became a bit disoriented. I made arrangements to come visit him this weekend.

I get a text the following day (Weds) that he awoke that morning unable to speak coherently. He had a headache which quickly escalated to excruciating. My stepmother took him to the hospital in Missoula, MT about an hour away and 5 hours later they were doing emergency surgery to drain the massive amount of blood that had filled the left side of his brain cavity and was causing tremendous pressure.

So, I jump in my car, drive the 2 hours to get to Missoula so I can be there when he comes out of surgery. His wife had been there all day and she was exhausted so she went home to take care of their animals and get some sleep. I, of course, stayed in the waiting room.

4 hours later, he's out and in recovery. I get a call from the nurse. She tells me that he'll be going into ICU for the night and it's too late for visitors, but it's quiet in the recovery room so I can stop by for a few minutes and see him. I'm grateful and I got to visit with him for about 15 minutes.

I'm told visiting hours in the ICU start at 9:00 a.m. so I tell Dad that I'll be back in the a.m. The nurse writes down the room number that he'll be in and I take off to stay in my hotel for the night after stopping for a burger and a couple beers.

This morning I get up, shower and head over to the hospital. The stepmother told me she wouldn't be able to get back until after lunch, so she was very happy that I would be there in the morning. I go and get ready to sign in and the lady at the front desk informs me "Now, you know only one person can visit him, right?"

I say, "Ok, 1 person at a time. That's fine." She says, "No. Only one person for the duration of his stay. It has to be the same person throughout. You know, to help stop the spread of the corona virus."

So, I drove better than 4 hours. Sat for another 4 hours in a waiting room, paid for a hotel and dinner so I could see him for about 15 minutes. Now keep in mind, I wasn't contacted by or talked to by any Doctor or nurse other than the nurse who called and asked if I was still in the waiting room and if I'd like to see him for a few minutes before he went up to ICU. (I am very grateful for that, btw).

I explained that My Dad had been vaccinated, as had I and my stepmother. The lady at the front said, "Oh, that doesn't matter."

Because I'm in full on passive aggressive ******* mode now, I ask her "So you're not recommending that people get vaccinated anymore, then." She of course responds, "Oh, yes. we definitely recommend that people get vaccinated." I asked "Why? Clearly getting vaccinated does absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting or apparently spreading the virus so what is the point?"

She could tell by now that I was pissed and was simply attempting to seem polite so she responded "I'm sorry, it's hospital policy. If your father wants to see you, you can be the one person that goes to visit him. But nobody else will be allowed."

I wanted to vent my entire ******* annoyance on the poor woman, but it's not her ******* fault the world is completely ******* moronically stupid. I WANTED to ask her who the ONE nurse is that can see him, understanding, as your realize, that OBVIOUSLY they can't allow TWO NURSES to go into his room. And then I wanted to ask, "So when he is moved from ICU to a standard room, I assume his ONE nurse will be moved to that floor as well, yes?"

I realize I'm venting now, but I'm so ******* annoyed. See, I know the rule is bullshit, and if you were paying attention YOU know the rule is bullshit. They let ME come see him last night in the recovery room. If only ONE person can see him for the duration of his visit, clearly that meant that I had ALREADY been the ONE person. But the nurse in the recovery room has a soul and realized that it was the human thing to do to let me see my dad.

I just wish she'd have told me then that I wouldn't be able to visit him the following day so I wouldn't have wasted money and time off from work to do nothing but come talk to the ******* front desk lady.
******* stupidity at its finest! None of this makes any sense at all. I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through this bud. unbelievable.
So, I got vaccinated, along with my family, a few months ago because we were planning a vacation to Jamaica and getting fake-vaxxed was/is a requirement to go there. I'd spent WAY too ******* much money on the trip to just eat it (since, you know, Airlines and resorts can pretty much **** YOU for any reason they want, but they NEVER have to lose a ******* dime.)

So, we ended up NOT going to Jamaica because the ******* 'Rona was SOOOOO bad that the U.S. State Dept. advised people not to go because they were unlikely to let you back in. (They'll let ANYONE from the southern border just walk right in. Hell they'll fly you to Florida, but if you're a ******* U.S. citizen... You'll ******* sit in a foreign country until they decide you aren't a health risk to ... I don't know - somebody.

So, anyway, all vaxxed. Planning on going to Mexico in a few weeks. (Mexico, btw doesn't give a flying **** if you have the black plague. They ******* WELCOME any tourism they can get. And as for returning? Well, the U.S. doesn't have a mechanism to **** their own citizens will allowing anyone with a ******* pulse to walk right in, so ... feel free to visit and return from Mexico without ANY LIMITATIONS whatsoever.

But I digress.

My dad slipped and fell on some ice in early December. He got a concussion (no broken bones, thank God) and at the time he had a very slight brain bleed. We were told to keep an eye on him and if anything seemed odd to get him in for another scan. He went home and his Dr. basically said, "Take it easy. You'll have some concussion based issues with memory and balance. Otherwise, you're great."

Fast forward a couple months. My step mother wrote me a couple days ago saying that Dad was getting confused and that when he drove any distance at all he became a bit disoriented. I made arrangements to come visit him this weekend.

I get a text the following day (Weds) that he awoke that morning unable to speak coherently. He had a headache which quickly escalated to excruciating. My stepmother took him to the hospital in Missoula, MT about an hour away and 5 hours later they were doing emergency surgery to drain the massive amount of blood that had filled the left side of his brain cavity and was causing tremendous pressure.

So, I jump in my car, drive the 2 hours to get to Missoula so I can be there when he comes out of surgery. His wife had been there all day and she was exhausted so she went home to take care of their animals and get some sleep. I, of course, stayed in the waiting room.

4 hours later, he's out and in recovery. I get a call from the nurse. She tells me that he'll be going into ICU for the night and it's too late for visitors, but it's quiet in the recovery room so I can stop by for a few minutes and see him. I'm grateful and I got to visit with him for about 15 minutes.

I'm told visiting hours in the ICU start at 9:00 a.m. so I tell Dad that I'll be back in the a.m. The nurse writes down the room number that he'll be in and I take off to stay in my hotel for the night after stopping for a burger and a couple beers.

This morning I get up, shower and head over to the hospital. The stepmother told me she wouldn't be able to get back until after lunch, so she was very happy that I would be there in the morning. I go and get ready to sign in and the lady at the front desk informs me "Now, you know only one person can visit him, right?"

I say, "Ok, 1 person at a time. That's fine." She says, "No. Only one person for the duration of his stay. It has to be the same person throughout. You know, to help stop the spread of the corona virus."

So, I drove better than 4 hours. Sat for another 4 hours in a waiting room, paid for a hotel and dinner so I could see him for about 15 minutes. Now keep in mind, I wasn't contacted by or talked to by any Doctor or nurse other than the nurse who called and asked if I was still in the waiting room and if I'd like to see him for a few minutes before he went up to ICU. (I am very grateful for that, btw).

I explained that My Dad had been vaccinated, as had I and my stepmother. The lady at the front said, "Oh, that doesn't matter."

Because I'm in full on passive aggressive ******* mode now, I ask her "So you're not recommending that people get vaccinated anymore, then." She of course responds, "Oh, yes. we definitely recommend that people get vaccinated." I asked "Why? Clearly getting vaccinated does absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting or apparently spreading the virus so what is the point?"

She could tell by now that I was pissed and was simply attempting to seem polite so she responded "I'm sorry, it's hospital policy. If your father wants to see you, you can be the one person that goes to visit him. But nobody else will be allowed."

I wanted to vent my entire ******* annoyance on the poor woman, but it's not her ******* fault the world is completely ******* moronically stupid. I WANTED to ask her who the ONE nurse is that can see him, understanding, as your realize, that OBVIOUSLY they can't allow TWO NURSES to go into his room. And then I wanted to ask, "So when he is moved from ICU to a standard room, I assume his ONE nurse will be moved to that floor as well, yes?"

I realize I'm venting now, but I'm so ******* annoyed. See, I know the rule is bullshit, and if you were paying attention YOU know the rule is bullshit. They let ME come see him last night in the recovery room. If only ONE person can see him for the duration of his visit, clearly that meant that I had ALREADY been the ONE person. But the nurse in the recovery room has a soul and realized that it was the human thing to do to let me see my dad.

I just wish she'd have told me then that I wouldn't be able to visit him the following day so I wouldn't have wasted money and time off from work to do nothing but come talk to the ******* front desk lady.
Oh gosh I feel your pain… my mom had a bad fall… she got her vax and a short time afterwards had a massive seizure and has been weird ever since… she went from an active 71 year old to a crumpled barely able to walk mess in a matter of months… the doctors continue to blame it on depression from my dads death… but its clearly something off in her brain…

She fell a few weeks back and ended up in the hospital… they failed to rotate her so she got a massive bed sore… she was transferred to a rehab clinic then mckeesport hospital then presby….

At presby they specifically called and told me she could have two designated visitors for her entire time there… that was a very tough choice

Yesterday im over there for a meeting and find out that when they transferred her from one floor to another floor, the visitation policy was different… two can visit at a time but there is no limit on how many different visitors she could have… they could have told me that a week ago…

Also why in the world are there different policies per floor? Seems arbitrary
Hope your dad's okay, wig. Rooting for you.

I don't know how many who post here watch Greg Gutfeld on Fox but he said about five weeks ago that government is NEVER going to end the 'Rona panic so it's up to the people to do so. He and Scott Adams (Dilbert author) decided that the 'Rona curse would end February 1, 2022.

Time we do something. All of us - every one - needs to tell the government the 'Rona panic is over. Done. No more lockdowns are mask orders or business closures. We are DONE, DONE, DONE with the bullshit.

'Rona dies January 31, 2022 and we go back to living our lives February 1, 2022.
Hope your dad's okay, wig. Rooting for you.

I don't know how many who post here watch Greg Gutfeld on Fox but he said about five weeks ago that government is NEVER going to end the 'Rona panic so it's up to the people to do so. He and Scott Adams (Dilbert author) decided that the 'Rona curse would end February 1, 2022.

Time we do something. All of us - every one - needs to tell the government the 'Rona panic is over. Done. No more lockdowns are mask orders or business closures. We are DONE, DONE, DONE with the bullshit.

'Rona dies January 31, 2022 and we go back to living our lives February 1, 2022.
Crap, our job just announced that we all have to go to the N95 type masks. I really wish that I didn't have to go back after my rona attack.
Crap, our job just announced that we all have to go to the N95 type masks. I really wish that I didn't have to go back after my rona attack.
Was that the new warden's call? I'd be pissed.
Hope your dad's okay, wig. Rooting for you.

I don't know how many who post here watch Greg Gutfeld on Fox but he said about five weeks ago that government is NEVER going to end the 'Rona panic so it's up to the people to do so. He and Scott Adams (Dilbert author) decided that the 'Rona curse would end February 1, 2022.

Time we do something. All of us - every one - needs to tell the government the 'Rona panic is over. Done. No more lockdowns are mask orders or business closures. We are DONE, DONE, DONE with the bullshit.

'Rona dies January 31, 2022 and we go back to living our lives February 1, 2022.
Who knew Denmark would be the pioneer in ending this bullshit hoax? Personally I've been done with it for a loooooong time. Pretty much the only thing I did since the start was wear a stupid ******* mask when I absolutely had to in order to buy things etc... Remember this Xiden gem: "You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations." Stupid lying ****.

Denmark to End Most COVID Restrictions and 'Welcome the Life We Knew Before'​


Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced on January 26 Denmark would be throwing out most of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions it placed, including mask mandates.
Restrictions currently in place are for the public to wear masks on public transportations, in restaurants, in shops, and people entering healthcare facilities and retirement homes, according to the Associated Press. However, following the February 1 change of restrictions, masks will only be required in hospitals, healthcare facilities and homes for the elderly.
"We say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome the life we knew before," Frederiksen said. "As of Feb. 1, Denmark will be open."
Sorry to hear what you're going through, wig. Would make me absolutely livid too. Was incensed just reading it. And sorry to hear that as well DJ. Ghouls, every last one of them mandating this crap. I know they have to follow orders, so I mean the ghouls calling the shots.

Best wishes for your dad, your stepmom and you.
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Was that the new warden's call? I'd be pissed.
The state department of Corrections, who is afraid of going against the CDC. I am pretty sure she is also aware of the stupidity of it all.
My dad had a stroke in October. Thankfully it was a minor one. Having eldery parents is stressfull
Yes it is..what makes it worse is when you have 4 other siblings and they leave all the burden on you.
Jizzer's job just announced 9 more people died this week and 17 more are battling for their lives.

How about the other 24 right on the cusp to make it an even fiddy?
Sorry for the insanity you're enduring, Wig and hope your Dad does well and recovers.

If my sister in law, that lives in Missoula is any indication, that town is a bastion of liberal madness, pretty as it is.
Missoula Montana a liberal haven? Actually I just read they've voted overwhelmingly Demonrat the last 5 elections. Heaven help us.
Jizzer's job just announced 9 more people died this week and 17 more are battling for their lives.

I think jizzer's place of employment is responsible for the last 3 'Rona waves. The next one will be dubbed "Jizzercron50." Tests for that variation are going to be $50.

No ******* way jizzer gets THAT test.
So, I got vaccinated, along with my family, a few months ago because we were planning a vacation to Jamaica and getting fake-vaxxed was/is a requirement to go there. I'd spent WAY too ******* much money on the trip to just eat it (since, you know, Airlines and resorts can pretty much **** YOU for any reason they want, but they NEVER have to lose a ******* dime.)

So, we ended up NOT going to Jamaica because the ******* 'Rona was SOOOOO bad that the U.S. State Dept. advised people not to go because they were unlikely to let you back in. (They'll let ANYONE from the southern border just walk right in. Hell they'll fly you to Florida, but if you're a ******* U.S. citizen... You'll ******* sit in a foreign country until they decide you aren't a health risk to ... I don't know - somebody.

So, anyway, all vaxxed. Planning on going to Mexico in a few weeks. (Mexico, btw doesn't give a flying **** if you have the black plague. They ******* WELCOME any tourism they can get. And as for returning? Well, the U.S. doesn't have a mechanism to **** their own citizens will allowing anyone with a ******* pulse to walk right in, so ... feel free to visit and return from Mexico without ANY LIMITATIONS whatsoever.

But I digress.

My dad slipped and fell on some ice in early December. He got a concussion (no broken bones, thank God) and at the time he had a very slight brain bleed. We were told to keep an eye on him and if anything seemed odd to get him in for another scan. He went home and his Dr. basically said, "Take it easy. You'll have some concussion based issues with memory and balance. Otherwise, you're great."

Fast forward a couple months. My step mother wrote me a couple days ago saying that Dad was getting confused and that when he drove any distance at all he became a bit disoriented. I made arrangements to come visit him this weekend.

I get a text the following day (Weds) that he awoke that morning unable to speak coherently. He had a headache which quickly escalated to excruciating. My stepmother took him to the hospital in Missoula, MT about an hour away and 5 hours later they were doing emergency surgery to drain the massive amount of blood that had filled the left side of his brain cavity and was causing tremendous pressure.

So, I jump in my car, drive the 2 hours to get to Missoula so I can be there when he comes out of surgery. His wife had been there all day and she was exhausted so she went home to take care of their animals and get some sleep. I, of course, stayed in the waiting room.

4 hours later, he's out and in recovery. I get a call from the nurse. She tells me that he'll be going into ICU for the night and it's too late for visitors, but it's quiet in the recovery room so I can stop by for a few minutes and see him. I'm grateful and I got to visit with him for about 15 minutes.

I'm told visiting hours in the ICU start at 9:00 a.m. so I tell Dad that I'll be back in the a.m. The nurse writes down the room number that he'll be in and I take off to stay in my hotel for the night after stopping for a burger and a couple beers.

This morning I get up, shower and head over to the hospital. The stepmother told me she wouldn't be able to get back until after lunch, so she was very happy that I would be there in the morning. I go and get ready to sign in and the lady at the front desk informs me "Now, you know only one person can visit him, right?"

I say, "Ok, 1 person at a time. That's fine." She says, "No. Only one person for the duration of his stay. It has to be the same person throughout. You know, to help stop the spread of the corona virus."

So, I drove better than 4 hours. Sat for another 4 hours in a waiting room, paid for a hotel and dinner so I could see him for about 15 minutes. Now keep in mind, I wasn't contacted by or talked to by any Doctor or nurse other than the nurse who called and asked if I was still in the waiting room and if I'd like to see him for a few minutes before he went up to ICU. (I am very grateful for that, btw).

I explained that My Dad had been vaccinated, as had I and my stepmother. The lady at the front said, "Oh, that doesn't matter."

Because I'm in full on passive aggressive ******* mode now, I ask her "So you're not recommending that people get vaccinated anymore, then." She of course responds, "Oh, yes. we definitely recommend that people get vaccinated." I asked "Why? Clearly getting vaccinated does absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting or apparently spreading the virus so what is the point?"

She could tell by now that I was pissed and was simply attempting to seem polite so she responded "I'm sorry, it's hospital policy. If your father wants to see you, you can be the one person that goes to visit him. But nobody else will be allowed."

I wanted to vent my entire ******* annoyance on the poor woman, but it's not her ******* fault the world is completely ******* moronically stupid. I WANTED to ask her who the ONE nurse is that can see him, understanding, as your realize, that OBVIOUSLY they can't allow TWO NURSES to go into his room. And then I wanted to ask, "So when he is moved from ICU to a standard room, I assume his ONE nurse will be moved to that floor as well, yes?"

I realize I'm venting now, but I'm so ******* annoyed. See, I know the rule is bullshit, and if you were paying attention YOU know the rule is bullshit. They let ME come see him last night in the recovery room. If only ONE person can see him for the duration of his visit, clearly that meant that I had ALREADY been the ONE person. But the nurse in the recovery room has a soul and realized that it was the human thing to do to let me see my dad.

I just wish she'd have told me then that I wouldn't be able to visit him the following day so I wouldn't have wasted money and time off from work to do nothing but come talk to the ******* front desk lady.
Others have said what needs to be said, and what I would have as well. Best wishes for you and your fam man.

For me, after doing this myself, reading this before from others, and now you. Can we not all agree with are our own self help circle! In all seriousness, I have leaned on this place, you tards more so than most in the last three years for sooooo many things and I’ve never met any of you. Lol.

But as crazy and nutty as this place is, I find help and reasoning.

Best wishes wig for you and your fam.
Yes it is..what makes it worse is when you have 4 other siblings and they leave all the burden on you.
Well, do know that a lot of people out there share your particular pain in that!
In all seriousness, I have leaned on this place, you tards more so than most in the last three years for sooooo many things and I’ve never met any of you. Lol.

But as crazy and nutty as this place is, I find help and reasoning.

This is a great place to vent, listen to and lean on one another - no doubt. Love it and the people here. And it doesn't matter to me if I've never met any of you, you know what a person is all about in any shape or form after just a little while of knowing how they think, feel and treat people IMO. Hell, some of the jackasses here I'd give the shirt off my back to if they needed it. There's been a whole lot of leaning and coping (for me at least) getting away from the MSM and simply enjoying nature. Nothing compares to it IMO. That and a lot of comedy. There's nothing like a good hearty laugh, one after the other. And of course music.

I've had it easy compared to a lot of you so I'm not gonna sit here & try to preach or anything. That's just what helps me (& the occasional booze chug-a-lug). What some of you (and good people across this country) have had to deal with is unimaginable to me. How you're chugging along and moving forward is inspiring and the MSM should be running with those inspirational stories to "help" people. Not the **** these monsters have been doing and what they continue to do, especially after seeing the toll it's taken on people.
So, I got vaccinated, along with my family, a few months ago because we were planning a vacation to Jamaica and getting fake-vaxxed was/is a requirement to go there. I'd spent WAY too ******* much money on the trip to just eat it (since, you know, Airlines and resorts can pretty much **** YOU for any reason they want, but they NEVER have to lose a ******* dime.)

So, we ended up NOT going to Jamaica because the ******* 'Rona was SOOOOO bad that the U.S. State Dept. advised people not to go because they were unlikely to let you back in. (They'll let ANYONE from the southern border just walk right in. Hell they'll fly you to Florida, but if you're a ******* U.S. citizen... You'll ******* sit in a foreign country until they decide you aren't a health risk to ... I don't know - somebody.

So, anyway, all vaxxed. Planning on going to Mexico in a few weeks. (Mexico, btw doesn't give a flying **** if you have the black plague. They ******* WELCOME any tourism they can get. And as for returning? Well, the U.S. doesn't have a mechanism to **** their own citizens will allowing anyone with a ******* pulse to walk right in, so ... feel free to visit and return from Mexico without ANY LIMITATIONS whatsoever.

But I digress.

My dad slipped and fell on some ice in early December. He got a concussion (no broken bones, thank God) and at the time he had a very slight brain bleed. We were told to keep an eye on him and if anything seemed odd to get him in for another scan. He went home and his Dr. basically said, "Take it easy. You'll have some concussion based issues with memory and balance. Otherwise, you're great."

Fast forward a couple months. My step mother wrote me a couple days ago saying that Dad was getting confused and that when he drove any distance at all he became a bit disoriented. I made arrangements to come visit him this weekend.

I get a text the following day (Weds) that he awoke that morning unable to speak coherently. He had a headache which quickly escalated to excruciating. My stepmother took him to the hospital in Missoula, MT about an hour away and 5 hours later they were doing emergency surgery to drain the massive amount of blood that had filled the left side of his brain cavity and was causing tremendous pressure.

So, I jump in my car, drive the 2 hours to get to Missoula so I can be there when he comes out of surgery. His wife had been there all day and she was exhausted so she went home to take care of their animals and get some sleep. I, of course, stayed in the waiting room.

4 hours later, he's out and in recovery. I get a call from the nurse. She tells me that he'll be going into ICU for the night and it's too late for visitors, but it's quiet in the recovery room so I can stop by for a few minutes and see him. I'm grateful and I got to visit with him for about 15 minutes.

I'm told visiting hours in the ICU start at 9:00 a.m. so I tell Dad that I'll be back in the a.m. The nurse writes down the room number that he'll be in and I take off to stay in my hotel for the night after stopping for a burger and a couple beers.

This morning I get up, shower and head over to the hospital. The stepmother told me she wouldn't be able to get back until after lunch, so she was very happy that I would be there in the morning. I go and get ready to sign in and the lady at the front desk informs me "Now, you know only one person can visit him, right?"

I say, "Ok, 1 person at a time. That's fine." She says, "No. Only one person for the duration of his stay. It has to be the same person throughout. You know, to help stop the spread of the corona virus."

So, I drove better than 4 hours. Sat for another 4 hours in a waiting room, paid for a hotel and dinner so I could see him for about 15 minutes. Now keep in mind, I wasn't contacted by or talked to by any Doctor or nurse other than the nurse who called and asked if I was still in the waiting room and if I'd like to see him for a few minutes before he went up to ICU. (I am very grateful for that, btw).

I explained that My Dad had been vaccinated, as had I and my stepmother. The lady at the front said, "Oh, that doesn't matter."

Because I'm in full on passive aggressive ******* mode now, I ask her "So you're not recommending that people get vaccinated anymore, then." She of course responds, "Oh, yes. we definitely recommend that people get vaccinated." I asked "Why? Clearly getting vaccinated does absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting or apparently spreading the virus so what is the point?"

She could tell by now that I was pissed and was simply attempting to seem polite so she responded "I'm sorry, it's hospital policy. If your father wants to see you, you can be the one person that goes to visit him. But nobody else will be allowed."

I wanted to vent my entire ******* annoyance on the poor woman, but it's not her ******* fault the world is completely ******* moronically stupid. I WANTED to ask her who the ONE nurse is that can see him, understanding, as your realize, that OBVIOUSLY they can't allow TWO NURSES to go into his room. And then I wanted to ask, "So when he is moved from ICU to a standard room, I assume his ONE nurse will be moved to that floor as well, yes?"

I realize I'm venting now, but I'm so ******* annoyed. See, I know the rule is bullshit, and if you were paying attention YOU know the rule is bullshit. They let ME come see him last night in the recovery room. If only ONE person can see him for the duration of his visit, clearly that meant that I had ALREADY been the ONE person. But the nurse in the recovery room has a soul and realized that it was the human thing to do to let me see my dad.

I just wish she'd have told me then that I wouldn't be able to visit him the following day so I wouldn't have wasted money and time off from work to do nothing but come talk to the ******* front desk lady.
Sorry to hear you have to go through this wig. My best to your Dad,Stepmom.

I went through this in June,when my perfectly healthy 32 year old son had a heart attack. Then he needed life saving heart surgery. Almost 3 weeks in hospital. They gave this bullshit to us too. You can imagine the extra stress put on the situation when they told us one person for the duration. All his siblings. Myself. My ex. His partner. She’s been with him for 5 years. I think they felt bad for us. They made it so long as we only designated one person per day. So we shared visits. But like you the ICU was a different story. One person only. After a 9 hour surgery obviously mom and dad wanted to just see him. They wouldn’t let us. Of course it’s all about what’s best for the patient. But when you actually go through this,it’s not easy.
Oh my god Steelmann, that's a damn nightmare. Unreal man, so sorry to hear that. Hope your son is okay now.
Oh my god Steelmann, that's a damn nightmare. Unreal man, so sorry to hear that. Hope your son is okay now.
Steel.......it was a hell of a 3 week stretch. How parents do this with sick children or cope through the tragedies you hear about. Well. I just don’t know. We were basket cases. He is doing great. Of course things had to change for him,but he takes it very seriously. He was the type that hiked up mountains,skiing every week,biking 50 miles for fun.
Now he hikes and skies,but they don’t want him biking long distance. And of course we worry all the time. But he has to live his life. Medication for life,stricter diet. The big one is also fluid intake. He can’t drink fluids nonstop after his activities. Only so many liters a day suggested. But I tell you.....we are very thankful.