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Is this one monkey wrench in waiting ?


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
Sanders' independent status could pose issue in NH primary

If this guy does indeed turn Independent does that fracture the Dems...

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — From his run for mayor of Burlington to numerous campaigns for Congress, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has for more than three decades eschewed traditional party labels in his pursuit of political office, winning election after election as an independent.

New Hampshire officials won't take up a case against Sanders without a complaint, Gardner said. A formal challenge to Sanders' eligibility would likely make its way to the state's Ballot Law Commission, the arbiter of such questions. Former Republican U.S. Rep. Charlie Bass raised the issue of Sanders' eligibility in a recent Washington Post opinion piece.

"In short, Sanders is not a Democrat, has not been elected as a Democrat, has never served as a Democrat and cannot plausibly claim, at least in New Hampshire, to be a Democrat," Bass wrote

In Sanders' 2006 and 2012 elections to the U.S. Senate, he consented to run in the Democratic primary. After getting the most votes in that contest, Sanders then rejected the nomination and ran as an independent in the general election, Winters said.

...and is it possible that Trump could do the same to the Republicans?

Trump's immigration stance dividing GOP in Arizona - again

On Saturday, Trump was scheduled to campaign in Nevada and then in Arizona, a hub of immigrant and drug smuggling where the real estate developer and reality TV star has developed a large following. A rally in Phoenix was first planned at a posh resort that could handle about 1,000 guests, but organizers moved it to the city's convention center.

Sen. Jeff Flake, who with Sen. John McCain sponsored a 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill that stalled when it reached the House, said Trump's views "are coarse, ill-informed and inaccurate, and they are not representative of the Republican Party. As an elected Republican official, I'm disappointed the county party would host a speaker that so damages the party's image."

But A.J. LaFaro, former head of the Maricopa County Republican Party, rejected those views. "With regards to McCain, Flake and the chambers, I don't respect any of those people anyway, so why would I care?" Lafaro said. "They're not representative of my conservative Christian values. I understand that Mr. Trump is saying what a lot of people here in the United States, I would like to think a majority of the people here in the Unites States, are thinking."

On one hand we have a socialist running as a Dem but he really isn't. So if he doesn't get the nomination but continues to capture votes, will he go Independent ?

On the other hand we have a Capitalist that is running as a Republican but he is being rejected by the party elite. So if he doesn't get the nomination but continues to capture votes, will he go Independent ?
Laws vary some by state, but probably all Bernie needs is to register as a Democrat (which he may have already been) and get X number of registered Democrats to sign his petitions to get on the primary ballot.
I don't think you have to be a registered Independent to run as an Independent because Independent is not a party.
"Let's fix this Dump, vote for Trump!!"

"The American Dream is not gone...bring it back, vote for Don"
Laws vary some by state, but probably all Bernie needs is to register as a Democrat (which he may have already been) and get X number of registered Democrats to sign his petitions to get on the primary ballot.
I don't think you have to be a registered Independent to run as an Independent because Independent is not a party.

So... let me get this straight. If Bernie ( or Donald, for that matter ) run for POTUS as a member of a Party and don't get the nomination from said Party, can they just say..."OK, I'm an Independent now." ? Seems to me it's been done but what was involved is what I dunno.

If Bernie runs as an independent, I see Vince Fosters fate in store for him

What are ya sayin' Zona...He is in for a good whackin' ?

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Yes, and here's why.

Clinton has flipped flopped, and lied numerous times. Sanders is an authentic man, pretty much honest.. He can and will put Clinton on an uncomfortable defensive and the media won't be able to protect Clinton. Hillary does not have her husband's ability to rebound and deflect scandals with her charming personality. Its quite the opposite. The libs I know are " Feeling the Burn ".
Yes, and here's why.

Clinton has flipped flopped, and lied numerous times. Sanders is an authentic man, pretty much honest.. He can and will put Clinton on an uncomfortable defensive and the media won't be able to protect Clinton. Hillary does not have her husband's ability to rebound and deflect scandals with her charming personality. Its quite the opposite. The libs I know are " Feeling the Burn ".

I'd be surprised if she debates Bernie in the primary if he can stay in it or any Republicans in the general. She and her staff know that her poll numbers stay up the less she talks and go down the more she talks.
Sanders' independent status could pose issue in NH primary

On one hand we have a socialist running as a Dem but he really isn't. So if he doesn't get the nomination but continues to capture votes, will he go Independent ?

On the other hand we have a Capitalist that is running as a Republican but he is being rejected by the party elite. So if he doesn't get the nomination but continues to capture votes, will he go Independent ?

After the past few years I have come to the conclusion that the Dems and Reps are all in cahoots (at least their leadership). They just appear to fight to put up a front to the people.
I'd be surprised if she debates Bernie in the primary if he can stay in it or any Republicans in the general. She and her staff know that her poll numbers stay up the less she talks and go down the more she talks.

Hillary Clinton has been artificially built up for years Ron. She was not a good secretary of state, and did not distinguish herself in the senate. Sanders can quickly paint her as a person who took money from nations who hate us, and at the same time call her out about being wrong on Iraq, voting for war. And then Sanders can say Hillary is part of that 1% club, and is a # secret Republican on many issues. How long can Oprah, Bill Maher, and the like protect Clinton if Sanders is 110% correct and best shares their message? The left's best weapon is the media in my opinion as they set the narrative for low information types.

The damage the " Burn " can do is substantial damage, and I think he's too genuine to be " bought off, or make deals " . While I disagree greatly with Sanders politics, he best fits the narrative the Dem's use against the Republicans. I do agree with you point. The more Hillary says the more her numbers go down.

It would be the sweetest nectar or irony if a genuine Saul Alinsky type in Bernie Sanders sinks the party's unsinkable Titanic.
After the past few years I have come to the conclusion that the Dems and Reps are all in cahoots (at least their leadership). They just appear to fight to put up a front to the people.
That's how the Tea Party came to be, despite Libtard opinions to the contrary. It had nothing to do with FBP, in fact it started while Boosh was President in response to Republicans who stopped acting like Republicans. We go to the effort to give the GOP a majority in both houses of Congress to block Bomma, and Boehner and McConnell go and let Him do whatever He wants anyway.

If 94% of blacks voted for Bomma, is it racist if 94% of whites vote for Trump?
Whatever whitey does is deemed racist these days.

This is off topic but its interesting that college groups can have as many race based groups that they deem necessary, but there cannot be a white group without it being shot down as racist. Not that I'm advocating white groups on campus but just found that hypocrisy to be very interesting.
Seems like your all grasping for straws.

Hillary will be the Democratic nominee and Sanders will not run in the general election after he loses the nomination.
He is the last person that would want to do anything to enhance the possibility of a Republican President.

Trump's immigration stance dividing GOP in Arizona - again

We should be building a fence to seperate Arizona from Mexico...The Don knows

If the Saudis can do it...

Seems like your all grasping for straws.

Hillary will be the Democratic nominee and Sanders will not run in the general election after he loses the nomination.
He is the last person that would want to do anything to enhance the possibility of a Republican President.

Might Hildebeast make him the VP candidate though to bring in the far-left white voters? Does ANYBODY want to be Hildebeast's running mate?
BTW, I heard Limbaugh say "Hildebeast" today so Steeler fan that he is, he might be reading our board.
We should be building a fence to seperate Arizona from Mexico...The Don knows

If the Saudis can do it...


I wish this was national news! In fact Trump if he wants to can air a political commercial now on NBC, CBS, and ABC with this solution and hard data on the boarder.

I think the wall, or ditch dug by one of those large boring machines, combined with drone and tower monitoring would eliminate 99% of the boarder crossers, and severally put the clamps on illegal drugs and contraband.
I wish this was national news! In fact Trump if he wants to can air a political commercial now on NBC, CBS, and ABC with this solution and hard data on the boarder.

I think the wall, or ditch dug by one of those large boring machines, combined with drone and tower monitoring would eliminate 99% of the boarder crossers, and severally put the clamps on illegal drugs and contraband.

The drug cartels have countless tunnels going under the border and directly into many homes in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. Unless they start finding and destroying those tunnels the drug supply will never slow down. A fence would keep out the criminals and ISIS, but it's too little too late. ISIS is already here and so is every Mexican who can run fast.
I wish this was national news! In fact Trump if he wants to can air a political commercial now on NBC, CBS, and ABC with this solution and hard data on the boarder.

I think the wall, or ditch dug by one of those large boring machines, combined with drone and tower monitoring would eliminate 99% of the boarder crossers, and severally put the clamps on illegal drugs and contraband.

I read an article about how our Virginia National Guard is once again being deployed overseas to provide border support for other countries. No word as to which country. I believe National Guard units should be used within the respective state first, the US at large next and then when all else fails other countries. The US has for too long used them for jobs our troops should be doing at least in my opinion. If they are being tasked to put their lives on the line to protect a border, I think it should be ours.
She already has all the far left white voters. Mark Warner of VA will likely be her VP to bring in more centrist and independents.
I don't think so because they correctly see her as being tight with Wall Street and corporations, but then come election day, like the blacks, they'll vote for her because they don't have anywhere else to go. Danger is that the base won't turn out in large numbers because they're not happy with their party's candidate, much like the Republican voters did with Romney.