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Jesus Chase, that is an ugly ******' beard.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Because some of the people in your life simply may not care enough about you to tell you the truth.
They don't pay him for his disposition.

Salute the nation
I don't see a pic.hmmm 😁
I don't see a pic.hmmm 😁
Because some of the people in your life simply may not care enough about you to tell you the truth.
lol good God. some dudes have no business even attempting to grow out their facial hair..s. my thing has always been, don't grow what you ain't got. if all you can grow is a decent 'stache, then stick to a stache. if you can grow a decent stache, and a decent chin beard, but they don't connect, don't force it, just keep that **** cleaned up/crisp around the edges, and it'll look MUCH better! if your beard is a patchy mess occupying spots on your neck and cheeks, keep that **** shaved clean! looking like you have mange is NOT a good look!

and no, a neck beard is not an actual beard!
lol good God. some dudes have no business even attempting to grow out their facial hair..s. my thing has always been, don't grow what you ain't got. if all you can grow is a decent 'stache, then stick to a stache. if you can grow a decent stache, and a decent chin beard, but they don't connect, don't force it, just keep that **** cleaned up/crisp around the edges, and it'll look MUCH better! if your beard is a patchy mess occupying spots on your neck and cheeks, keep that **** shaved clean! looking like you have mange is NOT a good look!

and no, a neck beard is not an actual beard!
Andrew Luck says hi

I can hardly grow a goatee so I have no input on this topic...

You must be part Chinese.
Hines Ward had a baby face. He was part Korean.

Asians have the toughest time with beards. Some can grow them, most cant.
Native Americans too. Have you ever seen a Redskin, er I mean a Native American with a beard?


Last edited:
You must be part Chinese.
Hines Ward had a baby face. He was part Korean.

Asians have the toughest time with beards. Some can grow them, most cant.
Native Americans too. Have you ever seen a Redskin, er I mean a Native American with a beard?


You actually have made a good point. My mother's great great grandmother was fully Navajo American Indian. And my mom's dad never really had a full beard either. My dad and his side of the fully African-American family - they have great beards.

DNA is a funny thing...
Caption this picture.


"In 3 years I'm gonna have more facial hair than you."
You actually have made a good point. My mother's great great grandmother was fully Navajo American Indian. And my mom's dad never really had a full beard either. My dad and his side of the fully African-American family - they have great beards.

DNA is a funny thing...
Well there you go!
You must be part Chinese.
Hines Ward had a baby face. He was part Korean.

Asians have the toughest time with beards. Some can grow them, most cant.
Native Americans too. Have you ever seen a Redskin, er I mean a Native american with a beard?

Although VERY uncommon, I have but what is even more rare is I've never seen a **** for brains Stewey with a beard either.

American football is one hell of a game requiring team work and sportsmanship. I love american football.

I know you may have wanted humor, same as I.

Salute the nation
Although VERY uncommon, I have but what is even more rare is I've never seen a **** for brains Stewey with a beard either.

American football is one hell of a game requiring team work and sportsmanship. I love american football.

I know you may have wanted humor, same as I.

Salute the nation
What in heavens name are you talking about? Its too early to be drinking!
Someone translate.
You must be part Chinese.
Hines Ward had a baby face. He was part Korean.

Asians have the toughest time with beards. Some can grow them, most cant.
Native Americans too. Have you ever seen a Redskin, er I mean a Native American with a beard?


Lol. Kimmy!
Maybe Jamarr Chase has pseudofolliculitis barbae? I thought you were talking about Chase Claypool's elven whiskers at first.
You actually have made a good point. My mother's great great grandmother was fully Navajo American Indian. And my mom's dad never really had a full beard either. My dad and his side of the fully African-American family - they have great beards.

DNA is a funny thing...
Our Italian grandmothers have no trouble with facial hair!
You must be part Chinese.
Hines Ward had a baby face. He was part Korean.

Asians have the toughest time with beards. Some can grow them, most cant.
Native Americans too. Have you ever seen a Redskin, er I mean a Native American with a beard?


I thought I read something long time ago that NA people frowned upon facial hair, so maybe it was more they didn’t want to have it than not being able to