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Just another elite Liberal shaming the Right....

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Maybe this should be a sticky thread where daily we post links to articles and videos of elitists and Liberals calling the Right fascists and deplorables.

Here we go again...

Leaked video shows Google co-founder Sergey Brin comparing Trump voters to 'fascists' as he vows to thwart rise of populism in the aftermath of the 2016 Presidential Election

Leaked video from a Google conference held in the wake of the 2016 Presidential Election shows the company's co-founder comparing Trump voters to 'fascists'.

The footage, obtained by Breitbart, also shows the company's executives vowing to halt the rise of populism and urging employees to console one another after the election result.

The damaging video pours further doubt onto Google's claims of political impartiality just a few days after it was accused of trying to boost Latino voter turnout to help Hillary Clinton.

Google co-founder Sergey Brin can be seen on stage in front of hundreds of employees saying he was 'deeply offended' by Trump's election and that it 'conflicts with many of Google's values.'

VIDEO HERE: https://www.facebook.com/Breitbart/videos/298378050754414/

At one point during the conference, Brin talks about the typical mentality of Trump voters.

He argues that those with 'routine jobs' were more likely to vote for Trump than those with 'non-routine' jobs - and said 'boredom' might explain the President's popularity.

'There's actually a lot of historical precedent for boredom being a huge factor in vote choice,' Brin told the crowd.

'And actually in building extremism. We've done a lot of work on extremism that shows a high correlation with boredom.'

'Data suggests that boredom led to the rise of fascism and communism. It sort of sneaks up sometimes, really bad things.'

'History teaches us that there are periods of populism, of nationalism that rise up, and that's all the reason we need to be in the arena,' Walker says.

He also notes that the company is figuring out the ways how to respond to the populism tide 'before the world comes into this environment of tribalism that's self-destructive in the long-term.'

Earlier this week, Fox News obtained an internal email from a former head of multicultural marketing at Google detailing the company's efforts to turn out Latino voters for the presidential election.

Google has also been accused of burying Conservative news outlets search results by the President himself.

'Google search results for 'Trump News' shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake New Media,' Trump said.

'In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent.'

Trump added that 'they are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!'


I urge you to watch the video. It's full of Liberal tears. And a whole lot of hate.
It's full of Liberal tears.


Let me see if I can explain this in a manner you can understand:

Google operates as a gateway for information. The very strident views their leadership holds with respect to Trump voters, i.e., Republicans, affects the way Google employees design their search algorithms to favor their views (leftist) and disfavor, indeed on occasion hide, competing views (conservative).

I can tell you from experience that this "shading" of information by the Google search engines is taking place. In 2010, I could go to Google images, and search for "United States GDP growth by month," and the most recent GDP data would appear. Beginning in 2014 and thereafter, when I go to Google images and search for "United States GDP growth by month," here is what I get as the first response:


Why the @#$% would the first reply have data about growth rate that stops in 2014?? Okay, so maybe I need to identify a time frame (though I did not have to do so previously, as the search engine correctly interpreted my request as seeking the most recent GNP growth for the United States. So I request, "United States monthly GNP growth 2015-2018" and here is the first image presented:


All right, all right, all right ... better results since ... WHAT THE @#$%ING @#$%??? The first result shows CHINA'S growth rate??

So Google is ******* with the results on search engines. Anybody who doubts that is ignorant, blind, or both.

So this is not "hurt feelings," Tibs. It's the type of **** that Orwell wrote about 70 years ago - controlling information to control the population.

Get it?
Let me see if I can explain this in a manner you can understand:

Google operates as a gateway for information. The very strident views their leadership holds with respect to Trump voters, i.e., Republicans, affects the way Google employees design their search algorithms to favor their views (leftist) and disfavor, indeed on occasion hide, competing views (conservative).

I can tell you from experience that this "shading" of information by the Google search engines is taking place. In 2010, I could go to Google images, and search for "United States GDP growth by month," and the most recent GDP data would appear. Beginning in 2014 and thereafter, when I go to Google images and search for "United States GDP growth by month," here is what I get as the first response:

Why the @#$% would the first reply have data about growth rate that stops in 2014?? Okay, so maybe I need to identify a time frame (though I did not have to do so previously, as the search engine correctly interpreted my request as seeking the most recent GNP growth for the United States. So I request, "United States monthly GNP growth 2015-2018" and here is the first image presented:

All right, all right, all right ... better results since ... WHAT THE @#$%ING @#$%??? The first result shows CHINA'S growth rate??

So Google is ******* with the results on search engines. Anybody who doubts that is ignorant, blind, or both.

So this is not "hurt feelings," Tibs. It's the type of **** that Orwell wrote about 70 years ago - controlling information to control the population.

Get it?

ST. Kudos to you for explaining things in a way that even a five year old can understand.

Unfortunately, your audience is someone that truly believes the Mueller probe has to do with Russian collusion.
3-2-1...."But he indicted Russians...."

Good luck.
Let me see if I can explain this in a manner you can understand:

Google operates as a gateway for information. The very strident views their leadership holds with respect to Trump voters, i.e., Republicans, affects the way Google employees design their search algorithms to favor their views (leftist) and disfavor, indeed on occasion hide, competing views (conservative).

I can tell you from experience that this "shading" of information by the Google search engines is taking place. In 2010, I could go to Google images, and search for "United States GDP growth by month," and the most recent GDP data would appear. Beginning in 2014 and thereafter, when I go to Google images and search for "United States GDP growth by month," here is what I get as the first response:


Why the @#$% would the first reply have data about growth rate that stops in 2014?? Okay, so maybe I need to identify a time frame (though I did not have to do so previously, as the search engine correctly interpreted my request as seeking the most recent GNP growth for the United States. So I request, "United States monthly GNP growth 2015-2018" and here is the first image presented:


All right, all right, all right ... better results since ... WHAT THE @#$%ING @#$%??? The first result shows CHINA'S growth rate??

So Google is ******* with the results on search engines. Anybody who doubts that is ignorant, blind, or both.

So this is not "hurt feelings," Tibs. It's the type of **** that Orwell wrote about 70 years ago - controlling information to control the population.

Get it?

Here is the sad part...I think Tibs gets it. But he can't admit it nor will he. He simply won't.

As you point out at length, but simply wrapped up is, Google is the arbiter of internet search and information results. They are today's Encyclopedia. The answer to all things we looked up as kids. Unlike a written book that sits on a shelf, they can by the minute determine "what" the answer is. They are Liberals. They are in bed with Liberals - quite literally. And they determine the answers to our searches.

It's KGB Pravda x10 personified and exemplified and exacerbated to the point of "holy ****."

It's a wrong of epic proportions.

Tibs' response - because he has none of merit - is snowflakes.

Liberals are empty, unobjective, often violent, irrational beings (not souls).
So commies are controlling information and censoring stuff?....gasp shocking. Oh I'm a fascist now like antifa golly gee Beav. That search engine sure has grown too big for its britches. You can throw in LeftistBook and *******. I think they're in need of some regulation they love so much and a nice break up.

And **** google. Bunch of goons
Here is the sad part...I think Tibs gets it. But he can't admit it nor will he. He simply won't.

Like a browns fan who obviously knows his team sucks but remains loyal to them because the browns are his team ...Tibs knows liberalism sucks yet will remain loyal to it, and defend it because that's his team.

Thats OK in sports, but Tibs needs to know this isn't a game.
I had a "Catholic" guy try to drill me on abortion tonight. He's like, what if your daughter was raped and got pregnant, and I said, she doesn't get to kill the baby - she's Catholic, and he went loco. The liberal shaming doesn't work. There is no shame in conservative positions. There is always shame in liberal positions.