Really good overview again. If you watch the 4th quarter pass plays vs. the 1st quarter, the difference is almost inexplicable. 1st quarter, very few open receivers. On the 4th quarter plays, night-and-day; watch how two guys are wide open on most plays. On the back shoulder to Pickens, Heyward is uncovered over the middle. On the game-clincher to Pickens, Robinson is BY HIMSELF on the left sideline.
I am unable to explain what changes from the 1st to the 4th quarter. I just don't know. The review does underscore that Kenny needs to stop happy-footing and deliver some passes on time. The reason for that is likely the terrible pass protection. Watch O'Sullivan's segments for the 49ers, or Eagles, or Bengals and compare how much time their passers have. The Steelers need to improve the protection, right the **** now.