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Regular Member
Apr 22, 2014
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Just like Kmart this organization thinks it's brand is to big to fail, and where is Kmart now.

I honestly don't believe we will rebuild at least not under Art ll. He is either not engaged enough with this team or he just plain doesn't care about winning just putting money in the bank. Then you have Tomlin. Tomlin is to damn arrogant to see or to admit his flaws, he is to stubborn to change and feels that he has a life time job because the steelers do not fire head coaches.

When I first got into management 35 years ago I got the best advice any young new manager could get and I passed that advice down to many people I trained to become managers, most became successful by following it and I wish I could get it to Tomlin.

"Every manager does something very well even if that something is just ******* off. The secret to becoming good at your job is to find what others in your field are good at and develop your brand off of it. forget all the bad and improve on the good".

Until we get another Rooney running things, the GM and every coach on this team replaced; we will continue to wallow in our contempt. I am truly afraid that we will actually become the Browns and that we will live in our own house of sadness until being bottom dwellers becomes our brand and we become Kmart.
Just like Kmart this organization thinks it's brand is to big to fail, and where is Kmart now.

I honestly don't believe we will rebuild at least not under Art ll. He is either not engaged enough with this team or he just plain doesn't care about winning just putting money in the bank. Then you have Tomlin. Tomlin is to damn arrogant to see or to admit his flaws, he is to stubborn to change and feels that he has a life time job because the steelers do not fire head coaches.

When I first got into management 35 years ago I got the best advice any young new manager could get and I passed that advice down to many people I trained to become managers, most became successful by following it and I wish I could get it to Tomlin.

"Every manager does something very well even if that something is just ******* off. The secret to becoming good at your job is to find what others in your field are good at and develop your brand off of it. forget all the bad and improve on the good".

Until we get another Rooney running things, the GM and every coach on this team replaced; we will continue to wallow in our contempt. I am truly afraid that we will actually become the Browns and that we will live in our own house of sadness until being bottom dwellers becomes our brand and we become Kmart.
My point I’ve been saying around here for quite some time.

Rooney is content with the brand. From a corporation/retail/merchandise and “legacy” perspective the Steelers are established.

Depends how much of an impact the wins/losses affects the team with the new generation of fans. If the brand still sells, then this organization from a football perspective is bottom dweller
And yes being a manager you find your employees strengths and have them utilize that. You put employees in unfamiliar territory of course you want them to grow, expand their skills, but hesitancy is usually the outcome and hesitancy is prone to bad incidents
the sad thing is I think that there are a few people on this very site that would do a better job than Art ll, the GM or any of the coaches we have.
In all my years of working I can say with great confidence that only about 1% of managers are good at their jobs.
Focus on the good (or what you do well) and not on the bad. I could go into that deeper but it is something, as Warriors42 heard from a manager, that I have heard from many personal development and leadership gurus.
As long as Steeler fans spend coin on the brand things will not change.

It’s time for tough love if you really want things to change.

1) If none of us were to buy any “brand” merchandise and went the next step and returned every gift we received involving the “brand” a message would be sent...one that can’t be ignored. As fans of this brand your only voting is with your dollars and time.

2) As a statement to the “brand” how about no fans enter Heinz field for the next prime time game until halftime? A message would
be sent...it’s not like you’d even miss any Steeler football because we don’t show up til the 4th quarter anyways.

All the bitching and moaning and arm chair gm **** in the world won’t change a damn thing (even on a message board as bad *** as this one)

We have 2 votes, dollars and time, and as long as we invest ours in the “brand” nothing changes because the economic model remains intact.
I’m in if anyone wants to me some signs
They need something that's for damn sure. I have been a steelers fan for over fifty years and this is honestly the first time that I lack the faith that we will fix things.

VERY true words, thanks warriors42, 50+ years here as well. I haven't given up yet but am very concerned about Art Duece. I also know how patient the Ronneys have displayed to make major moves so I'm holding out that the change is building, Coach Tolin's contract will run out and he will not be brought back.

I know, I know....... that seems an eternity away but I feel that will be the best case to happen.

Salute the nation
I haven't bought any merch or been to a game since 2010 (because I hate Goodell and what this league turned into)....doesn't seem to be helping.
hate to say it, but the fans have to speak louder by not going to games to get real change. A few 3-13 seasons could help in that dept, but Steeler games and the brand are legendary. Until the pocketbook is hit, seats are empty and there is lack of interest, it will be business as usual.
Rooney is content with the brand.
That is likely. What is more likely is his content with the franchise's value, which has risen from the paltry $820M he inherited it to the $3.4B as it stands today - a tidy 4-bagger. To all investors, Arty will remain a fixture at the helm as long as he is above room temperature. In that rarefied air, 'fan discontent' is moot as long as the TV revs flow and to a lesser extent, regalia sells. The head coach? HCMT ticks all the currently relevant boxes.

Mods, please merge this thread with the 'who you want to be head coach' thread so I can make the obvious quip - 'Martha Stewart'. N' make Snoop the GM.
Everything about this current version of the brand and Rog’s shield has really made me embrace college football to a level where Saturday is the only can’t miss product anymore...never thought I’d get there

A far more enjoyable game
I have said this several times. how in the hell does the owner not intervene when it comes to the oline and protecting your 39 year old franchise QB. that alone tells me he has no clue.
It was ART2 who said FIX the running game.

I wonder how he feels about the results?

We are now worse off on both sides of the ball when it comes to the run game.
VERY true words, thanks warriors42, 50+ years here as well. I haven't given up yet but am very concerned about Art Duece. I also know how patient the Ronneys have displayed to make major moves so I'm holding out that the change is building, Coach Tolin's contract will run out and he will not be brought back.

I know, I know....... that seems an eternity away but I feel that will be the best case to happen.

Salute the nation
I don’t know anything about these Ronney’s you speak of