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Lake interview


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2014
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Lake: 'I did pinch myself'


Legends Series:*Carnell Lake

Not everyone has the chance to come home again, but that happened for Carnell Lake when he was hired as the Steelers defensive backs coach in 2011.*

For the former Steelers safety/cornerback, it was a dream come true.

"I did pinch myself," said Lake. "I was very fortunate to not just come back to an organization that drafted me, but to work with some of the finest minds in coaching. It's not said too much now, but Mike Tomlin will go down as one of the best coaches in the league. His record and tenure in one spot, when you look at what he has done, I am blessed and learning a lot from him. I am lucky."*

Lake also weighed in on a variety of other topics in this exclusive interview:

What was your best on field memory from your playing career?
"That is probably an easy one for me. In the 1990s we were struggling to make a name for ourselves. We were trying to make the playoffs, we were a young team. We were knocking at the door a couple of years. We were really trying to get into the Super Bowl. In 1995 we made it. We beat the Indianapolis Colts to go to Super Bowl XXX. That game, the end of that AFC Championship game, was a big moment for me, our team and the City of Pittsburgh."

What do you remember about that atmosphere at Three Rivers Stadium that day?
"I remember how difficult the game was, and how much we had to fight. It really came down to one play at the end of the game. We had to defend a pass in the end zone to go to the Super Bowl."

That last play, everyone was holding their breath. What was that like for you?
"It's been so many years, but it seems like it was in slow motion. The ball was in the air for so long, it took forever to come down out of the air into the back of the end zone. There were a lot of bodies flying around. You look up and the ball is rolling on the ground. Everyone looked around to see what the referee was calling. It did land in a Colts' players lap, but he wasn't able to hold on to it. We just started running around. There was noise and commotion. It was a wild time after that."*
You made an unselfish move switching positions during your time with the Steelers, going from safety to cornerback. Was that tough?
"I had mixed emotions about it. One, I was upset because we knew we were turning into a good team. It was the start of the 1995 season and we opened against Detroit. Rod Woodson went down with an injury. That was a big letdown for the whole team. He was one of our star players. We felt good as a defense having a player like that. When he went down it took the air out of us. We went another six games before Coach LeBeau came to me on a Sunday night and said we have been trying to fill Rod's shoes and it's not working. He asked me if I would be willing to move to corner. I said, I am not sure, why don't I practice corner for the week and on Friday let's talk about it and see if it's something we still want to do. By Friday, after practicing there for a few days, I felt like I can do this.*

"That Sunday I was playing corner. We played Cleveland. That was my first game at corner. It was non-eventful. I thought this corner stuff isn't so bad. Then we went to Cincinnati and we played against a bunch of Pro Bowl wide receivers and it was a different game. I was taken to task out there. I had a bad game and I was sitting on the bench and Coach (Bill) Cowher came up to me and said corners have to have a short memory. That right there freed me from the levity of it all, the burden of making the change. I thought after that corners are going to get beat occasionally, it comes with the position. I took off after that."**

What was it like to play for Bill Cowher?
"Bill Cowher was a very fun, inspirational coach. For a player, he was one of the best. Guys felt like they could be themselves. There was always a tone of having respect for coaches and teammates, but also we felt like we could develop and have our own sense of personality. For a young team that was a breath of fresh air."

You played for two coaches in Pittsburgh, how did Chuck Noll differ from Bill Cowher?
"Chuck Noll and Bill Cowher are personality wise different. Bill Cowher was more vocal, in your face, engaging. That is the way he led. He was in to coming around and talking to individual players.*

"Chuck Noll was the opposite. He didn't say a whole lot, but when he did the team listened. He had a way of saying very few words but getting the message across. There was a weight to his message. He was also a very good teacher. Some of the techniques I used as a defensive back my whole career I learned from Chuck Noll. Coming in after the draft he pulled me aside and said I want to show you a few things. I have to say I wasn't sure. I knew of Chuck Noll, but I wondered if he really was showing me something I can use. I didn't realize until about the end of training camp that this guy is brilliant. As a linebacker in college trying to adjust to playing defensive back in the pros, those things he taught me helped me to become who I was."*

How much of what Bill Cowher and Chuck Noll taught you do you use today in your coaching?
"From Chuck Noll, knowing what you say matters to players. From Bill Cowher giving you a pick-me-up on the sideline when things aren't going well. Dick LeBeau being supportive on and off the field. Supporting, caring coaching will always be beneficial to a player. Players do listen. They will come back to you and say something you told them and you are like, 'Wow, they were listening.'"

What did it mean to you to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers?
"I played with some of the best players that have ever played the game. I played in a city that has a history of winning. A fan base that is probably the best in the NFL by far, around the world. I couldn't have asked for a better experience."*

What is it about the Steelers that is special?*
"I think for any organization the culture of it starts at the top. The Rooney family have been very supportive. I played 10 years for the Steelers and this is my seventh year coaching. They have always been rock solid in their support of players and coaches. They are very approachable, always in the building. I think that starts it off for everybody. The Rooneys have always picked quality head coaches. Fortunately for the Steelers there has been consistent leadership and there hasn't been a lot of turnover. I think that is a reason the Steelers have been able to win as much as we are. That trickle-down effect, from picking good coaches, to staff and ultimately it comes down to picking good players. The Steelers have always had a knack for finding good talent. You combine all of those things and put it in the pot and what comes out are Super Bowls."*
Interview: Safety Larry Griffin Recalls Greg Lloyd Ramming His Truck Through Concrete (And Hurt Carnell Lake)

First, tell us how you got to become the Director of HR for the Carolina Panthers – what drove you in that direction?

When I left the Steelers I went to work for Duke Energy in Charlotte, North Carolina. I wanted to be in corporate. I started in government affairs and then moved to the services department. Something then hit me – why not HR? I had my degree in Labor Relations. I told my boss – the VP of Government Affairs that. He talked with the head of the department and I moved there and had been at Duke for seventeen years.

I was ready for a change though when I got an email from the NFLPA about a job opening at the Panthers. I submitted my resume and got selected for the job.

How has your experience as a former player helped you in that role?

The big thing was that as a former player I know the business and atmosphere of football. And I knew HR – I was trained well by Duke.

I work mostly with the business die but I work with players on development trainings – and their benefits. I work strictly with the active players,

So you had an interesting road to Pittsburgh – going through a couple of teams first. Tell us how that occurred?

I was drafted by the Oilers in 1986 – in the eighth round. I thought I played well in training camp and I thought I would make the team. I was the 199th pick on the draft – the first defensive player they chose that year.

I recall I had some hamstring issues but I played well. I had a big interception versus the Saints my last preseason game. I remember coming to the sidelines and players slapping me on the helmet and saying I made the team. Few rookies made teams then – the draft went twelve rounds. I felt comfortable with my play though. But Glanville decided to go with veteran players. That rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t understand the business then. Experience means a lot to organizations – I understand that more now.

After I was cut I went back to Chapel Hill. But Houston called me back about three-to-four games into the season when their safety got hurt. I played special teams but when the guy got healthy it was see you later again.

I was convinced I wouldn’t play again. I had good size and speed – but it was a different business. I decided to go into corporate then and started pursuing it.

But that clearly wasn’t the end of it.

My agent called me – Miami wanted to sign me. So I went to camp with them but the same thing happened. They went with veteran players. Don Shula said they needed to go with the Blackwood brothers.

So I decided I was done. I played well in Houston and Miami but they both went with veteran guys. I understand – they wanted guys who understood the game. Who might not have the physical skills I had but who could play well because of their knowledge of the game.

So I got some interviews – one with IBM – I was looking to find a corporate job. Then the Steelers called me – Tony Dungy called. I told him I was done playing – that I was tired of being cut despite playing well. He stayed on the phone with me for twenty-to-thirty minutes to convince me to play. He assured me that I would be given a chance. He told me that if I went to play for them then, he’d guarantee I’d get an opportunity to stick around. It was a strike year – it was an opportunity for them to evaluate guys. When the other guys came back, I’d be evaluated on my play.

So I gave it a shot. I went in and played well. I played the same as I did in Miami and Houston – I played well and Dungy recognized that. My first game I had an interception so he saw that right away I could make plays. I was smart and had good ball skills.

Even though it was a strike year, did anyone help mentor you as a new guy in Pittsburgh?

I felt confident in my skills – we were all young players at the time. Woodruff was one of the only vets there then. Woodson and Hall were in their rookie years. Everett was still there and Sanchez was there from the USFL.

Hall was from the ACC, we knew each other from college. So that made me feel more comfortable. Woodruff was a leader – and Donnie Shell was there too. He mentored me at safety – to see the scheme – what the offense was trying to do to us. I played a bit of cornerback and safety so Shell and Woodruff both helped me the most.

So – tell us a story that you remember most from your time in Pittsburgh?

Oh – one that comes to mind! Greg Lloyd and the rest of us used to go to Bobby Dells in Latrobe – it was a local hangout – for wings and beer, though there wasn’t much drinking during camp.

Well, curfew was 11:00 and it took about five minutes to get back from Dells. So we stayed close to the last minute and jumped into Greg’s truck – he had one of those big Dually trucks. Lake jump into the back and I was in the front seat. We had seven minutes to get back. We pull out – and the parking lot there had a bunch of concrete barriers – I guess for safety. Well Greg’s speeding back, weaving in and out of the barriers. Carnell was in the back and we were both yelling “Don’t do it! when we smashed into one of the barriers. My head hit the roof and Carnell landed in the front seat. All we had to do was take the regular way back and we would have made it on time.

Well, we get out of the truck and Carnell is limping and I’m holding my head. We were afraid to tell coach but we ended up having to and told the trainer who had to work on Carnell’s leg a bit. I just remember Greg when we got back kicking the truck and yelling “To hell with this f’in truck!”

Tell me a bit about how you and the team adjusted to Noll’s departure and a new coach in Cowher coming in.

A player can’t control who comes and goes. Guys loved Chuck Noll up to his death – he was one of the best coaches ever in the game. I have a lot of respect for him – we all did.

When Cowher came in – he took what was there – the tradition and way it was built – and ran with it. He kept the Steelers tradition with what Chuck and the Rooneys built. He didn’t need to make many changes – no matter what you’ll still have success due to the way the organization is run. So that’s what he did. He was a player’s coach. I used to laugh and joke with Bill. He was a N.C. State guy and I was a North Carolina guy so we used to have side bets on games. He was just a little more personable than Chuck.

Tell me a bit about how you handled the stress of making a roster?

At some point you just have to feel comfortable with yourself. I was confident in myself. Noll always said “You play football and let us make the decisions.” That’s what I did. I focused on playing football – I never let the pressure get to me. You can only control your play and how you will perform. I focused on that. I felt like I fit in with the guys. We all knew the rules. My role was the nickel safety, to make plays on the ball and play some strong safety. I could make plays – I enjoyed my role.

So any advice for guys entering the game today?

Work hard – during the offseason also. Be humble. Like Chuck said – control what you can control – let the decisions take care of themselves. Be humble – it’s a wonderful opportunity. Don’t take it for granted. Respect the game and the opportunity you are given.
Great reads and thank you for sharing.............

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