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Mayor of Hungarian town cracking down on immigrants


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Apr 20, 2014
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Hungarian mayor threatens migrants in homemade action movie

Bounty hunters chasing immigrants on horses, a 110-mile razor fence and bans on new mosques

video - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/ne...threatens-migrants-homemade-action-movie.html

At first glance, the video looks like a Hollywood thriller. Set to strident, aggressive music, it shows a group of muscular men using motorbikes, helicopters and even horses to race across the countryside in pursuit of human quarry.

When the targets are captured, they are wrestled to the ground and their hands bound as the patrol members, in camouflage clothing, stand menacingly over them.

But the ‘narrator’ whose voice can be heard over these chilling scenes is not a highly-paid movie star. He is, in fact, a provincial politician, and his message is unequivocal: ‘Hungary is a bad choice for migrants.’

Mayor Toroczkai is in charge of a small Hungarian town called Asotthalom, on the border with Serbia

Ordinary people in Asotthalom appeared to be overwhelmingly supportive of their mayor’s stance




When ‘migrants’ demand you change your culture in favor of theirs, they are not ‘migrants’ they are INVADERS.
That's why tibs feels so strongly that America should be the human landfill of the world. Keep that **** away from his country. NIMBY .
They are in crisis mode over there in Europe. I just read an article about Sweden that tells a sad tale indeed.

Guess What Happened to Swedish School That Took the Most Migrants?..............It's now a hellhole.

Winning the Värnhem School Peace Prize for accepting the most number of migrants, the Värnhem School in central Malmö has become a hotbed of criminal activity, replete with drug dealing and ethnic brawls.

To cope with this, the school has now hired security guards and fortified with barbed wire. Unable to fully perform their functions, the teachers now spend their time worrying about traumatized students

On Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily, documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz told the story of his venture into one of the controversial Muslim “no-go zones” in Europe.

“Over the last two years, Sweden has taken in over 350,000 Syrian refugees,” he said. “The reason why I went there was to investigate why Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe. Rape was not unknown, but relatively minor. There were few incidents of rape, let’s say about ten years ago. And rape has absolutely skyrocketed in Europe. So that was the initial impetus on why I went there. Of course, we found out that there was, in fact, a correlation between the immigration and the rape.”

“Let’s define what a ‘no-go area’ means, really, at least in Sweden,” he said. “What’s interesting is, there’s an actual debate out there whether or not these places even exist, right? You go to CNN, the BBC, and you listen to people discuss no-go areas in France, in Belgium, in Sweden, in Germany. And there’s an actual debate whether this is real or the figment of the conservative imagination. I can tell you for a fact they exist. And in Sweden what that means is, and this is what the police tell me, they use the words ‘no-go area.’ They said, in their words, ‘If we’re chasing a suspect, and they cross into this no-go area, we simply stop pursuit.’ And if we want to enter this area, we have to go in with an armed convoy, as if you’re going into like the kill zone in Afghanistan.”

“We cross into it, and I would say not even fifteen, maybe five seconds after we crossed in, five guys approached me and my crew,” he continued. “They said to us, ‘You guys gotta get out of here right now.’ My crew, being Swedish, they turned around and they booked out. I, being stupid, decided I’m going to stay and try to figure this thing out with these guys.”

“Before the words can come out of my mouth, trying to explain what I’m doing there, the five guys jump on top of me. They were punching me, they were choking me, they were kicking me,” Horowitz said.

“Same goes for emergency services,” Horowitz added. “In fact, the emergency services in Sweden sued the government to not go into these areas unless they’re with military transport – literally what they sued. These areas used to have police stations, like every other suburb in Stockholm. They came under such constant attack, it became so dangerous, they moved out their police stations. This is, again, their words – ‘a state within a state.’”


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They are in crisis mode over there in Europe. I just read an article about Sweden that tells a sad tale indeed.

On Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily, documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz told the story of his venture into one of the controversial Muslim “no-go zones” in Europe.

“Over the last two years, Sweden has taken in over 350,000 Syrian refugees,” he said. “The reason why I went there was to investigate why Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe. Rape was not unknown, but relatively minor. There were few incidents of rape, let’s say about ten years ago. And rape has absolutely skyrocketed in Europe. So that was the initial impetus on why I went there. Of course, we found out that there was, in fact, a correlation between the immigration and the rape.”

“Let’s define what a ‘no-go area’ means, really, at least in Sweden,” he said. “What’s interesting is, there’s an actual debate out there whether or not these places even exist, right? You go to CNN, the BBC, and you listen to people discuss no-go areas in France, in Belgium, in Sweden, in Germany. And there’s an actual debate whether this is real or the figment of the conservative imagination. I can tell you for a fact they exist. And in Sweden what that means is, and this is what the police tell me, they use the words ‘no-go area.’ They said, in their words, ‘If we’re chasing a suspect, and they cross into this no-go area, we simply stop pursuit.’ And if we want to enter this area, we have to go in with an armed convoy, as if you’re going into like the kill zone in Afghanistan.”

“We cross into it, and I would say not even fifteen, maybe five seconds after we crossed in, five guys approached me and my crew,” he continued. “They said to us, ‘You guys gotta get out of here right now.’ My crew, being Swedish, they turned around and they booked out. I, being stupid, decided I’m going to stay and try to figure this thing out with these guys.”

“Before the words can come out of my mouth, trying to explain what I’m doing there, the five guys jump on top of me. They were punching me, they were choking me, they were kicking me,” Horowitz said.

“Same goes for emergency services,” Horowitz added. “In fact, the emergency services in Sweden sued the government to not go into these areas unless they’re with military transport – literally what they sued. These areas used to have police stations, like every other suburb in Stockholm. They came under such constant attack, it became so dangerous, they moved out their police stations. This is, again, their words – ‘a state within a state.’”


To borrow from Dennis Prager "being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry".

No matter how damaging liberal ideas and policies turn out, their intentions were good and that's all that matters.
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To borrow from Dennis Prager "being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry".

No matter how damaging liberal ideas and policies turn out, their intentions were good and that's all that matters.

Oh, I think it goes further than that Stew. Ann Coulter wrote a Op-ed about our foreign policy that is very telling as to all the organizations that are out to destroy America.

The only thing that stands between America and oblivion is a total immigration moratorium. We are well past the point of quick fixes -- as Judge Robart's delusional ruling proves.

The judiciary, both political parties, the media, Hollywood, corporate America and approximately 1 million lobbying groups are all working frantically to bring the hardest cases to our shores. Left-wing traitors, who used to honeymoon in Cuba and fight with peasant revolutionaries in Peru, toil away, late into the night, to ensure that genocidal Rwandans can move to America and immediately start collecting food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security.

No matter how clearly laws are written, government bureaucrats connive to import people from countries that a majority of Americans would not want to visit, much less become. Federal judges issue lunatic rulings to ensure that there will never be a pause in the transformation of America.

Congress could write laws requiring immigrants to pay taxes, learn English, forgo welfare and have good moral character. It could write laws giving the president authority to exclude aliens in the public interest.

Except it already has. Those laws were swept away by INS officials, federal judges and Democratic administrations -- under ferocious pressure from America-hating, left-wing groups.

The country will not be safe until the following outfits are out of business:

The ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project; the National Immigration Forum; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild; the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; the Office of Migration and Refugee Services; the American Immigration Law Foundation; the American Immigration Lawyers Association; the Border Information and Outreach Service; Atlas: DIY; the Catholic Legal Immigration Network; the Clearinghouse for Immigrant Education; the Farmworker Justice Fund; Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the International Center for Migration, Ethnicity and Citizenship; the Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force; the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service; the National Association for Bilingual Education; the National Clearinghouse on Agricultural Guest Worker Issues; the National Coalition for Dignity and Amnesty for Undocumented Immigrants; the National Coalition for Haitian Rights; the National Council of La Raza; and the National Farm Worker Ministry.

And that's only a small fraction of the anti-American immigration groups assiduously dragging the Third World to our shores -- while you were busy working.

Oh, I think it goes further than that Stew. Ann Coulter wrote a Op-ed about our foreign policy that is very telling as to all the organizations that are out to destroy America.


Ahhhhh yes.....Ann Coulter that lighthouse of CONservative "thought" and just plain 'ol kookery.

The judiciary, both political parties, the media, Hollywood, corporate America and approximately 1 million lobbying groups are all working frantically to bring the hardest cases to our shores. Left-wing traitors, who used to honeymoon in Cuba and fight with peasant revolutionaries in Peru, toil away, late into the night, to ensure that genocidal Rwandans can move to America and immediately start collecting food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security.

WHAT???? Does this crazy meth head not know that most of those people are dead and the rest are in nursing homes. What alternative reality is she a member of?.........Oh yeah one in which Canada fights in Vietnam....never mind.

If she can blame them then I guess I can blame living white people now for murdering Native Americans.

But thanks to this genius on the right we now know that the National Clearinghouse on Agricultural Guest Worker Issues is out to destroy America, and we can all avoid drinking strawberry smoothies in protest...I mean if you're a patriot, of course.
Orban: Hungary Will Welcome ‘European Refugees’ Fleeing Multicultural West

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban says his country will open its arms to west Europeans fleeing mass immigration and “the lords of globalist politics”.

“We shall let in true refugees”, Mr Orban told a cheering audience: “Germans, Dutch, French and Italians, terrified politicians and journalists who here in Hungary want to find the Europe they have lost in their homelands.”.

Globalist politicians, Mr Orban contended, are seeking to “sweep away a democracy of debate and replace it with a democracy of [political] correctness”, where “true power, decisions and influence [are] not held by elected governments, but [by] unelected global networks, media gurus and international organisations.”



Better be careful. Germany might just give citizenship to all of their new "friends" and then ship them to Hungary as "Germans" seeking refuge.
Paris will soon be one big no-go zone.

French police flees from hordes of rioting migrants in Paris



It's a scene right out of TWD -The Herd is attacking!

Funny how we DID NOT SEE THIS ON ABC, NBC, or CBS, ehh? I guess it really didn't happen. I mean, those oh-so trustworthy news sources would not simply ignore this event because it does not fit some narrative.


I also liked this contribution on the comments section for the link:

OK - maybe one more gets it

Austria’s Foreign Minister backs Trump’s wall

Austria’s Foreign Minister, Sebastian Kurz, has said he understands why Trump is planning to build a wall between the US and Mexico.

He told an Austrian Press Agency: “So far every American President has tried to regulate migration to the US, and every other country in the world is also trying to control migration and not to allow it to continue uncontrolled.”

He added that he hoped those who had been in favour of open borders and mass illegal immigration during the migrant crisis now understood that it had been a mistake.
