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McConnell wants to pick key republican primary candidates - NO!


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2014
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and conservative groups are headed toward a showdown over GOP primaries in 2018.

McConnell has voiced confidence that Republicans will nominate “electable” candidates as they seek to grow their narrow majority during an election cycle in which Democrats will be defending 23 seats to just eight for the GOP.

The majority leader is signaling to conservative groups that he’ll play a big role in determining whom Republicans nominate to take on vulnerable Democrats in states from Florida to Montana.

“We intend to play in primaries if there’s a clear choice between someone who can win in November and someone who can’t,” McConnell said at an April 7 press conference.
from - http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/329403-picking-2018-candidates-pits-mcconnell-vs-gop-groups

Very bad news. Trump needs to put this clown down somehow. McConnell thinks an electable republican is one who acts like a democrat. Also, he knows that it won't take many more conservatives in the Senate to get his *** thrown out as majority leader.

Yeah, let's depend on McConnell's opinion for primary candidates. Here is his genius at work during the presidential election -
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell can't yet bring himself to say that Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, is ready to win the presidency.

"Trump clearly needs to change, in my opinion, to win the general election," McConnell said in an interview with Time Warner Cable News' Geoff Bennett. "What I've said to him both publicly and privately: 'You're a great entertainer. You turn on audiences. You're good before a crowd. You have a lot of Twitter followers."

The senate majority leader continued, "That worked fine for you in the primaries. But now that you are in the general, people are looking for a level of seriousness that is typically conveyed by having a prepared text and Teleprompter and staying on message.'

"So my hope is that he is beginning to pivot and become what I would call a more serious and credible candidate for the highest office in the land," McConnell said.
- http://www.cbsnews.com/news/mitch-mcconnell-trump-clearly-needs-to-change-to-win-general-election/

Yeah, let's listen to McConnell on candidate electability.

Hey Kentucky, quit sending that assclown back to the Senate. BTW, is he a tranny? Looks more like an old lady every year.
I can't blame Mitch much these days, he's winning the party battles that count. Mid-terms are 2 years away and he probably knows more about those seats than anyone.

I say kudos to the majority leader for stalling and pushing aside Obama's nominated judge and saving the seat for judge Gorsuch. And then McConnell used some skill in using the nuclear option to get Gorsuch appointed.

Let the Dems fracture and attack each other, we have party unity.
I can't blame Mitch much these days, he's winning the party battles that count. Mid-terms are 2 years away and he probably knows more about those seats than anyone.

I say kudos to the majority leader for stalling and pushing aside Obama's nominated judge and saving the seat for judge Gorsuch. And then McConnell used some skill in using the nuclear option to get Gorsuch appointed.

Let the Dems fracture and attack each other, we have party unity.
We just disagree on McConnell.
Relax, and smell the roses

Happy 420!

It's all good

Sanders, Perez unity tour is off to a bumpy start

The DNC's unity tour this week, headlined jointly by party Chairman Tom Perez and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, has gotten off to a rocky start.

From the "Come Together and Fight Back" tour's kickoff rally in Maine on Monday, Democrats witnessed that old habits die hard.

When the leader of the Maine Young Democrats asked the crowd what brought them to the rally, the audience erupted in "Bernie" cheers.

The leader followed up by asking, "Maybe you came through because you are curious about the new DNC chairman and the future of Democratic politics?" — and the crowd cut her off with boos.

Things moved downhill quickly from there.

Why isn't Palin wearing a hat? Doesn't she want to be a red-neck elite like the other two?
Relax, and smell the roses

Happy 420!


There is 0.0 percent chance I or and of the independent voters I hang with will vote for a communist... none of us are stupid enough to not know what democratic socialist means.. most white collar dems i know wont vote for him either... he isnt even a democrat... they better hope the nieve young crowd isnt as fickle as they typically are known to be if they tie their horse to that buggy
Mitch is and always has been a RINO fool. He has not figured out yet that the RNC will never again have a majority of congress or consistently elect presidents to office as long as they continue to straddle the fence and try to be DNC-Lite. Mitch you ***** you want to win? Then BE ******* CONSERVATIVE! The USA is still a center right country and always has been.
Now isn't the time to call for ideological purity tests

there are still too many important battles to fight NOW

Washington threatens funding cut to California, other 'sanctuary' areas

The U.S. Department of Justice threatened on Friday to cut off funding to California as well as eight cities and counties across the United States, escalating a Trump administration crackdown on so-called sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.

President Donald Trump has vowed to cut off federal funds to dozens of state and local governments that do not fully cooperate with federal immigration agents, arguing that they are putting public safety at risk when they do not hand over illegal immigrants suspected of crime for possible deportation.

Those threatened include: the state of California; New York City; Chicago; Philadelphia; Clark County, Nevada; New Orleans; Miami Dade County, Florida, and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Cook County, Illinois also received a warning, even though it did not get money from the Justice Department last year.

The jurisdictions until June 30 to provide evidence to the federal government that they are not violating any laws.

This isn't about ideological purity tests. This is about a destructive core of RINOs who are making this republican majority in congress a non-event.
yes it is a purity test - you sound like a Bernie Bro

THIS is the enemy

Socialist ‘Liberation’ Celebrates Earth Day with Attack on Capitalism

Pollution is all capitalism’s fault, according to the socialists at Liberation.

“Earth Day then vs. now: Capitalism is still killing us,” Liberation staff headlined a piece on April 20 — just two days before marking Earth Day 2017.

They complained that “today” “the effects of climate change are subtle,” and there are many other reasons for “urgency.” The villain was, of course, capitalism — the socialists’ ideological nemesis.

“As our banner says ‘Climate change is the symptom, capitalism is the disease and socialism is the cure.’ The inherent need for capitalism to constantly seek new markets and expand production and profits is at its core in complete contradiction to a sustainable world,” Liberation continued.

The timing of such claims couldn’t be more absurd as socialist Venezuela suffers massive unemployment, inflation and food shortages, and teems with desperate people literally dying of starvation. The situation is so bad some people there are trying to overthrow their regime. Those are the horrors of socialism.

This isn't about ideological purity tests. This is about a destructive core of RINOs who are making this republican majority in congress a non-event.

McConnell doesn't want any ideological purity tests. He wants RINO's.
It's YEARS away - we WON the war, but plenty of battles remain - now is not the time to fracture the party and go on internal witch hunts - that's ******* stupid.

If you're bored with winning, I can't help you.
It's YEARS away - we WON the war, but plenty of battles remain - now is not the time to fracture the party and go on internal witch hunts - that's ******* stupid.

If you're bored with winning, I can't help you.

How is putting more big government tax and spend types who just happen to have "R" after their names winning? You think having more Paul Ryan types is going to accomplish anything?
WINNING is all that matters now - and keeping the Dems out of power for the next 20 years

Let them keep up the infighting.

"Bernie blames Hillary for election loss"

"Progressives Say We're Proud Of Not Voting For Hillary!"

"Bernie demands that Democrats accept 100% of his platform"
WINNING is all that matters now - and keeping the Dems out of power for the next 20 years

Let them keep up the infighting.

"Bernie blames Hillary for election loss"

"Progressives Say We're Proud Of Not Voting For Hillary!"

"Bernie demands that Democrats accept 100% of his platform"


Please explain how RINOs with little policy differentiation from the Democrats is good for the country. Supporting those that want to grow the debt and size of government by 15% instead of 20% simply because they are part of the Republican party is nonsensical. Its like fighting over who owns a burning house instead of putting out the fire first.

Please explain how RINOs with little policy differentiation from the Democrats is good for the country.

that's complete bullshit

You think there is no difference between Trump and Hillary?

Conservatism is DEAD!

All the old polices and arguments of the past are DEAD...it's a new world and nothing from the last 20 years applies

Let them keep infighting while we wrap up the legislation to keep them all fighting for scraps for the next decade

Ellison: Obama deserves blame for Democratic losses

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) said former President Obama is partially to blame for the Democrats’ poor showing at the polls in 2016.

Ellison, now the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, blamed Obama for ignoring party politics while he was in office, which he said had put the president’s legacy at risk.

Let them keep infighting while we wrap up the legislation to keep them all fighting for scraps for the next decade

Ellison: Obama deserves blame for Democratic losses

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) said former President Obama is partially to blame for the Democrats’ poor showing at the polls in 2016.

Ellison, now the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, blamed Obama for ignoring party politics while he was in office, which he said had put the president’s legacy at risk.

What legislation? Love to hear about it.
What legislation? Love to hear about it.

Trump Takes Aim at Wall Street’s Favorite Financial Regulation

President Donald Trump ordered the Treasury Department on Friday to examine two controversial powers given to financial regulators in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, including a bailout authority widely favored by the biggest banks. One of the memos Trump signed Friday takes aim at the “Orderly liquidation authority” or OLA, which authorizes the federal government to take over and wind down a failing financial firm. It instructs Treasury to examine whether OLA encourages excessive risk-taking or exposes taxpayers to liability. It also orders Treasury not to use OLAA while the review is underway.

OLA has been a target of conservative critics for years, largely because it permits federal regulators to attempt to deal with a failing financial firm outside of ordinary bankruptcy procedures.



Trump Starts Taking Steps to Dismantle Obama-Era Financial Regulations

Trump Rolls Back $60 Billion More in Regulatory Savings

Hoping to spur economic growth, President Donald Trump embarked Friday on new steps to dismantle some of the tax and financial regulations established by former President Barack Obama. Trump signed an executive order to review any major tax regulations set last year by his predecessor, as well as two memos to potentially revamp or eliminate fundamental elements of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reforms passed in the wake of the Great Recession.

"This is really the beginning of a whole new way of life that this country hasn't seen in really many, many years," the president said before signing the measures during his first visit to the Department of the Treasury.



Trump’s Executive Order on Climate Addresses at Least $14 Billion in Regulation

President Trump signed a landmark executive order (EO) largely curtailing the climate change initiatives of President Obama. According to American Action Forum (AAF) research, this order addresses $14.6 billion in past rulemakings and more than one million paperwork burden hours.

Designed to promote domestic energy, “with particular attention to oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy resources,” the order directs federal agencies to “suspend, revise, or rescind” past regulations, mainly from EPA and the Department of Interior. The order also states that these efforts may work in conjunction with EO 13,771, which established a regulatory budget in the United States.


I am starting to think that you don't understand what legislation means.